Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

Tyler came back to the Wendy's to see Wendy nearly daily after their encounter. They were infatuated and were lusting after each other immensely. Tyler always came during the slowest hours of the day and Wendy would always meet Tyler in their not-so-secret meeting place.

Dave knew about the couple's shenanigans but he doesn't get paid enough to bother intervening. He doesn't get paid enough to even care about people commenting how he was a burger name from the menu. Dave isn't narcissistic or charismatic, he was just tired of being there.

It was dusk, meaning it was the opposite of sunrise and the day was ending. Tyler entered the store with joy as he took in the air-conditioned air. His sweet Wendy gave a wave but had a weak smile. Tyler was high on love and possibly just plain thick headed as he didn't notice the wavering expression she held.

"Hi Wendy," He smiled charmingly as he took her hand in his to kiss it.

"Tyler we need to talk," Wendy avoided his gaze. She pulled her hand away from him and his heart shattered in tiny bits of sadness from the action.

"What about?" Tyler asked in confusion. "Should we talk about this in private actually?"

It suddenly got hard to breathe. Was his Wendy breaking up with him? After all that they've gone through, the times they spent together in the bathroom. Caressing each other's bodies. 

"No worries, I couldn't care less!" Dave replied from the other side of the restaurant, clearly eavesdropping.

"Okay, so what do you have to tell me?" Tyler redirected his attention to his beloved twin braid of a mascot. He just loved how much of a coincidental advertisement she was.

"I'm pregnant."

Tyler couldn't believe the news he was hearing. His whole world turned upside down and he didn't know how to handle the news. Fear, joy, anger and a pinch of lust churned in his stomach. He was going to be a father!

His Wendy was pregnant!

"Knew it!" Dave shouted, throwing the sanitizer rag onto the ground.

Tyler bit his lip, already knowing how  much he wanted the child. "What do you want to do?"

"I want to have the baby of course."

"Of course, I'll definitely be there to support you, Wendy."

His heart was singing with excitement and love. 

He was going to be a father!

Then the doors burst open as a new person entered the scene. His pancake brown hair gleamed in the sunlight. His coffee-brown eyes observed the scene and he had worn a buttery yellow shirt alongside strawberry red shorts. His maple syrup toned skin gleamed as well.

"The baby is mine!" The man announced. "Wendy and I were the ones who had the sexy times!"

"Denny?" Wendy gasped.

"Denny?" Tyler echoed, furious that a nobody came to steal his girl. His blood was boiling. Another man claiming his child? Not freaking happening.

"Yes it is I! I am taking the baby and will raise it!"

"What about Wendy?" Dave asked.

"I guess she can come too, yeah," Denny replied. 

Tyler strolled over to Denny and lifted him up by the shirt collar. Wendy's child was his. He just knew it. Not this buttery freak's. If it was the last thing he did, he would make sure the pancake freak knew that Wendy's baby was a product of him. A product of the passion made in the bathroom.

 "No, I love Tyler! We broke up a long time ago Denny! It's over! How did you even find out I'm pregnant?"

Suddenly Denny's polished Italian shoes made a connection with Tyler's family jewels. Tyler dropped Denny and clutched his throbbing jewels while laying on the floor. 

Two mascots similar to franchises? How could Tyler ever compete? They seem to be the ultimate power couple. Nothing should have ever come between the two on them!

"I found out from your mother's brother's doctor's son's wife's dog's owner's pet's mailman!"

"Not Pedro! How could he have betrayed me?" Wendy cried, slamming her hand on the counter.

"That's it I'm quitting. I would say screw all of you but you would only enjoy that!" Dave left in a huff and Tyler observed the scene as the tiny bits of sadness from earlier turned even teenier and sadder.

"I already told your parents I was the father! The wedding will be next week!" Denny exclaimed, clapping his hands together. Denny strolled towards Wendy. She was as average as he remembered her to be.  This child was his way out. 

"No!" Tyler cried, all the while still clutching his beautiful family jewels. If there was a beauty contest on jewels Tyler would be the winner.

Soon the couple walked towards the parking lot. Denny got in the car with the pancake on an old concert lanyard as an air-freshener. Wendy followed suit and Tyler ran after them ignoring the pain in his crotch.


"Sorry, my love! If my parents want it, it will have to be so!"

Denny proceeded to start up the car and pull out of his parking spot when Dave ran into the car with his tricycle.

"Hey, watch where you're going! I used all of my paychecks to get this baby!" Dave shouted and proceeded to stand up from his tricycle.

"What are you going to do?" Denny laughed at Dave. "I bet you get a ton of chicks on that stud mobile. Go back to the playground!"

Dave made a fist. Those were fighting words. "You should ask your mom because last night she was riding with me! I've killed a man before!"

Suddenly a terrible smell filled the air, causing Wendy's eyes to water and the urge to throw up and not from the tears or pregnancy. 

"Denny," She gasped. "Did you poop yourself?" 

"What? No! I did not have a fecal incident." Denny's face was turning red in embarrassment as he slammed on the accelerator of the car.

Wendy felt her whole world collapsed as they drove away. With that, they left her beloved Tyler and ex-coworker Dave in the dust.

Tyler couldn't help but feel heartbreak as he watched the two drive away. He felt so alone standing there in the parking lot. His love left him and Dave was already pedaling his way down the sidewalk. 

No one will ever fill the hole in his heart, Wendy is Tyler's one and only true love.

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