Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

Tyler walked through the doors of Wendy's with two things on his mind. One of them was to get an ice cold frosty. The second was the desire to forget his crush on his brother's fiancé.

The refreshing breeze hit his face as he opened the door and walked inside. He ordered his frosty and noticed the girl to his left, tending to the machinery behind the counter. Her red locks were tied into two braids, held together by blue ribbons tied into bows. Suddenly her eyes met his. She smoothed down her blue and white dress as if it was an invitation for him and him only.

"Order for a frosty?" The girl called out as she placed the cool cup onto the counter.

Tyler approached the fair maiden just as cool and noticed the writing on her name tag. Her name was Wendy.

"Wow, red hair and the name Wendy? Even your clothing, it's like you were meant to work here." Tyler commented as he picked up the order, his fingers grazing by her own before she quickly pulled them away.

"Ha, like I haven't heard that one before." She sarcastically replied yet giving a flirtatious smile in the process.

Tyler's heart fluttered rapidly as he leaned in closer towards her. He felt like they were both in their own little bubble. Possibly because there was only the two of them in the restaurant- and Dave, but no one really cares for Dave. It's alright though, he doesn't really care for anyone else either. You do you, Dave. You do you.

"So how did you get the job here at Wendy's?" Tyler asked as Wendy now had a mischievous look on her face.

"Certain things."

"What kinds of things?"

"It's called a job interview."

It had only been one minute, forty seconds and six nanoseconds since he had met Wendy and he was already going mad. Wendy noticed a little of the drink had spilled due to Tyler's tight grip and scooped the small bit with her finger before licking it off.

That small action was driving him wild.

Tyler resisted his primal urges and instead asked very smoothly "So... What time do you get off work?"

"A few hours, but if you want to wait until my break then maybe I can take you out for dinner instead. Nothing fancy."

"Oh? And where should I wait exactly?" He asked the angel floating in front of him. His heart was beating so fast that he was almost sure it would explode in thirty minutes or less.

"Well, it's pretty empty today, and the bathrooms were just cleaned. Why don't you wait in one of the stalls for a little while?" The angel replied, keeping her cool on the outside but smiling devilishly on the inside. She had a very evil thought on her mind.

Tyler raised an eyebrow at the thought of what she was implying. "Will do," he said in a very suave tone. "I hope to see you there."

With that, he walked to the back of the restaurant and sat in the surprisingly clean bathroom and waited just as he was told. He waited, and waited, and waited.

Wendy was starting to get concerned "He's been in there for almost an hour!" She thought to herself. "He's either really dumb or really dedicated. Maybe I should go check on him."

"Hey Dave! I'm going on break, ok?" She shouted.

"Whatever Wendy," He replied in the most Dave way possible. Dave was part of the service industry yet served no shred of hospitality to anyone, not even to himself. It was quintessential to a Dave service found in a Wendy's.

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