Chapter 7 - Stay Frosty

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Lance POV

Clunk. The elevator had stopped. My chair started to move across the floor and through a thick set of steel doors. They opened to a brightly lit room and a man with heavy set eyes and pale blue hair. The tips of his eyelashes were covered in snowflakes, mirroring the ends of his long hair.. His purple army jacket was tattered as though a monster had ripped the hems to shreds. The man's eyes were the same icy colour as his hair, he had diamond shaped pupils, which met my own.

"The paladin of Voltron, has arrived." he said in a curious yet frail voice. He pulled out a pair of scissors from one of the many pockets on his long coat and spun my chair around to face a tall mirror. He ran his thin fingers through my hair, inspecting it and spiking it up. "Now this simply won't do." he muttered.

"Who are you?" I asked. He continued to touch my hair as if I had said nothing.

"I am who they call, Frosty." the man said, pulling some weird objects from his coat. "Fitting, as I believe I'm from a cold planet." I looked at him in the mirror, studying his face, trying to figure him out. He didn't seem to blink at all, just staring and fussing with my hair. He finally pulled out the thing he was looking for. Hair clippers.

"I don't think that's necessary, uh, Frosty." I said, giving the clippers a disgusted look.

"You aren't in the position to argue, young paladin. I have orders from the Prince." He started to cut the hair on the sides of my head, leaving it longer on the top. He shaved some lines and triangles into the sides and back. It didn't look so bad. Frosty pulled a pot of something out of an inside pocket of his coat. He scooped some of the contents out with his finger and drew lines on my face. He spread the gold paint into the places where he had cut my hair. He took out some blue paint and drew thin lines next to the gold on my face with a brush.

"All done," he said. And my chair started to move through another set of doors. I got one last glance of Frosty before they closed and I was in a different room.

A woman was sitting on a stool in front of a vanity. Behind her was a curtain and a rack of clothes. She looked up at me when I came in. Her skin was pink and her black hair just brushed the floor when she stood up. I felt the restraints on my hands and ankles lift and I stood up. I would have fought, but her violet eyes willed me not to.

"Lance," she said, her voice was wispy and carefree and kind. "I need you to put this on." she picked up a hanger from the rail and handed it to me. Without looking at the clothes I pulled back the curtain and stepped into the changing room.

There was a small sofa on one side and a large mirror on the other. The room was lit dimly with pink fluorescent lights around the mirror. I hung the hanger on one of the hooks on the wall and took off my clothes. The purple fabric scratched and pulled my skin as I took it off, but the plain black bodysuit was easier.

I took down the hanger and pulled on the clothes. They were the softest thing I had ever worn. The fabric was breathable and lightweight. A cobalt blue cape hung from gold shoulder plates and gold bracers were snug on my forearms. I looked at the navy trousers , there was gold leather wrapped around each leg, still allowing for full movement. My shoes were black combat boots but they had gold and blue laces.

I studied myself in the mirror. I looked like a prince.

Suddenly, the curtain pulled back and the woman appeared again.

"You must leave now." The doors on the other side of the room opened, I stepped through them and I was met with two armed guards. They snarled and escorted me down a corridor with their spears at my throat.

I kept my head down until one of them nudged my side and told me to wake up.

The corridor had opened out onto what looked like an armoury. Weapons lined the walls and people covered in armour milled around nervously, grabbing weapons and trying them out. Racks stood in rows, one had guns, another was loaded with different swords and shields. A barred door lead into the sand covered arena I had just been in. The crowd roared.

The two guards nudged me again with their spears and I walked forward into the armoury. Heads turned to look at me, most went straight back to sharpening their swords or adjusting their helmets but a few lingered and almost spoke.

I cautiously wandered over to the rack of blasters, none of them were for long range, they were only short range. I don't do short range. I hesitated and my hand hovered over a gun until I heard my name being called.

"Lance Mcclain. Your weapon is ready for collection." I whipped my head around. There was a galran guard holding a clipboard and pointing to one of the racks.

"My what?" I said.

"Your weapon, orders from the Prince. Now get a move on, you're on in five minutes!" he left just as the barred doors swung open. A person was being carried in the arms of two others, bleeding from a bad head wound. They were all dressed in the clothes I had been wearing before, I suppose it was the standard dress.

I tore my gaze away and walked over to the rack that the galran had pointed to. A small plaque shone underneath a long sword, reading 'Paladin of Voltron'. I picked the weapon up below the hilt. It had a shimmering gold blade and it's handle shifted from red to blue to purple when I turned it in the light. The sword was perfectly balanced. I could hold it at it's hilt with one finger and it wouldn't sway the other way.

I heard a loud thud and the ground shook. The crowd cheered again.

The loud announcements came through on a speaker just above the barred door. I moved closer so I could hear it.

"And now, for our final event," it said, "Prince Lotor's finest competitor yet, Paladin of Voltron, Pilot of the Red Lion, I give you Lance Mcclain!"

The door opened and guards shoved their spears at me, telling me to go into the arena. I tried to move away but there was nowhere to go behind me. My feet crossed the threshold and stepped onto the sandy floor.




the only thing thats ever stopping me is me *hey*


welcome back to me screaming

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