Chapter 11: A bit of a Wheeze

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Lance POV

I sat, staring at myself in the mirror, my eyes nearly glazed over in thought.

I had been shoved into a large room with a four poster bed inside. It looked like it belonged in an English castle or a mansion in Calabasas with it's purple and gold trimmings and curtains and sheets. The pillows were fluffed and prepped in a blue satin case and they had small golden tassels in each of the corners. The room was inviting, warm and welcoming. A vanity sat by the door, it's black framed mirror glinted in the soft violet light emanating from the ceiling lights.

The door to the room swung open and I turned to it. A female galra with blue hair stood her dark armour and addressed me. "Your presence is required at the feast in less than one varga. I suggest you clean up, Paladin." She left without another word.

I snapped out of my daze and I looked into my own eyes. They were still the same blue that they had been yesterday. My lips were still the same ones that had kissed Keith.

The blue robes and gold plates were still there. Still stained with my assailant's blood, read, thick and sticky to the touch. I felt the weight bearing down upon my shoulders, grasping at my every being.

I felt the courage to stand up and make my way to the bathroom I had seen.

I stepped inside and shed my clothes. New ones were prepped on my bed and I stood under the rainfall shower.

I missed the rain. I missed the way it felt like kisses from space with each droplet on my skin. I missed how I could stay inside all day and drink hot chocolate by the fire with my brothers and sisters. We did that on the castle ship. Hunk made us space hot cocoa and space cookies and we'd all sit on the bridge and watch the stars. There was one time that Keith tripped and spilt his all over my seat and we stayed up all night cleaning it off.

A tear mixed with the water as I lathered shampoo on my scalp and body wash over my arms. The musky aroma was so far from what I was used to. Home felt so far out of reach.

The team probably didn't even know I was gone. What if Keith was still sitting in the restaurant? Wondering what was taking so long. All the spaghetti I never got to eat. Soon enough, Prince Lotor would exploit the chink in Voltron's armour and tear us to shreds. That is, if my absence phases the team at all.

How could I have been so careless? Wandering into a place alone, with one of our known enemies so nearby? God, I was so useless.

The water whisked away the suds and tears and I found myself dressing.

A fresh set of clothes sat on the edge of my bed. Blue and gold, like my stained ones, but they seemed more ornate. Every inch of fabric glittered in the light, shifting into purple and gold at different angles. The shoulder pieces were accented with tiny jewels, reflecting small versions of my face.

As I lifted the robes, a note fell out.

Wear this to dinner, look your best. I expect you to do the same with the paint as you did today, it looked well on you. - Prince Lotor

Usually, a note like this would have made me smile, but I could feel the Prince's slimy intentions oozing off the page.

I reluctantly resumed my dressing. The paint was applied again and I left the room.

I was met with two guards, ready to lead me to the dining chambers. They did not handcuff me as expected, instead they walked one in front and behind. It didn't take long to reach the room and as we approached the doors flew open.

Lotor was sitting at the head of a long table, there was only one other chair on the table, directly across from him. My footsteps echoed as I walked over to the chair and sat down.

Plates and utensils were laid out in front of me, I pulled the napkin onto my lap.

"Welcome, Paladin of Voltron." said the Prince, it sent a shiver down my spine. "Do not get used to this. You will be dining with the others after this."

I nodded slightly. Someone slid a plate of weird food in front of me. Was that space caviar?

"I must explain your situation, Lance." he said, picking up his goblet and taking a sip.

"You're keeping me here until you break apart my team. What more do I need to know?"

"Now, that isn't all of it is it?" he sneered, "Tell me, what do you think i'll do to you?"

"Kill me."

"Paladin, I could never do that." Lotor set down his spork and stood up. He walked over to my seat and towered over me. His strong hand lifted my chin to face him. "I intend to crush your heart and shatter it, but kill you? Please, I would never do that. Unless... well, you don't have the courage for that."

"I assure you I can do whatever it is you are talking about." I spat, keeping my eyes locked on his.

"Prove it then. Tomorrow, you enter the ring of champions and fight. Betray me and your little boyfriend dies."

I pulled my hands from under the table and slid them up to Prince Lotor's throat. I grappled with his throat and pushed him to the wall. He held my wrist and tried to pull me away, but to no avail.

"I'd like to see you fucking try." I said through barred teeth, my hand tightening. "You will die before you even lay a hand on any of my team."

"Guards!" through gasping breaths, the prince managed to get out a word.

The armour cladded guards came rushing in through the doors and aimed their blasters at me. Two of them closed in on me and grasped my shoulders. They put their swords against my throat and I relinquished my hold on the Prince.

He dropped to his knees, heaving and gasping for air. "You will pay for this, Paladin." His voice was more frail and he wheezed with every word. "You dare disrespect your Prince?"

"I dare. I'll do it anytime."

"Send for my generals. I need to give them orders. I have someone they need to kill."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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