Finding out

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You were sitting in your biology class next to your sister Veronica when you felt the urge to vomit. You didn't even ask the teacher before you ran out of class and to the bathroom. You opened the stall door and threw up. "Y/n? Are you all right?" Ronnie asked from behind you. "I don't know I feel sick and just threw up so probably not." You said standing and walking to the sink. "Ok here is a question. Have you and Archie.... you know." She asked as she leaned on the wall. "Yes, we have. OH SHIT NO!" You said as you looked at Ronnie. "Here take this and then we will know." She said handing you a pregnancy test.

"Now we wait." You said setting the test on the sink.
Five minutes later the timer went off. "Ronnie I'm scared." You said with your hand on the test. "Just flip it Y/n you will be fine. You probably just have a bug" she said rubbing your back. You flipped it over and just stared at it. "It's positive." You said quietly. Ronnie hugged you and that's it. She didn't say anything just hugged you. "Ronnie I can't have a baby I'm 17 I have a life ahead of me." You said as you cried. "Hey hey hey you will be fine I promise. Right now we just have to tell Archie." She said as she hugged you tighter.

You had been sick for a few days but didn't think anything of it. Until you realized that your period was late. You started freaking out. So you called Cheryl. "Hey, Cher I might have a problem. I need you to come over." You said it into your phone. "And what might be the problem Y/n dearest?" She asked. "Just get your ass over here." You said. "Ok be there soon." She said as she hung up. You quickly looked through your house for a pregnancy test. You found one under your mother's bathroom sink.

After a while, Cheryl got to your house and you guys sat in the bathroom waiting for the test. "It's been five minutes." You said as Cheryl grabbed your hand. "You will be ok Y/n." She said as you flipped the test. It was positive and you were kinda happy. You always wanted a baby and were excited. The bad news is that you had to tell Reggie and you don't think he will be very happy.

You were 19 when you and Jughead got married and you have been married for three years. You always knew that you were not fertile and it would be rare that you would have kids so when you missed your period you were confused. So you waited a few more days to see if it would come. But it didn't. So you called and made an appointment to see what was wrong.

You got to the hospital and went to wait. "Y/n Jones?" The doctor said from the entryway. "Yes, that's me." You said standing and grabbing your purse. "Follow me Mrs.Jones." She said as you walked to a room. "Ok Y/n why did you make an appointment today?" She asked. "Well, I was told when I was 20 that I probably would never have children. But I've missed my period so I'm confused." You said. "Well, we will take a test just in case." She said. After the test, she came back with a smile on her face. "Well, congrats Mrs.Jones you're pregnant." She said. You felt tears well up in your eyes and the biggest smile appear on your face. This was the best day of your life. Now you had to go home and tell Juggie and your sister Cheryl.

Sweet pea-
You were sitting on the couch with your dad and your twin Archie watching a movie when you felt the need to vomit. You got up and ran to the garbage can and threw up. "Oh my god, Y/n are you ok?" Archie asked running to you your dad not far behind. "Yeah Arch I'm fine." You said wiping your mouth and sitting down against the wall. "Honey are you sure?" Your dad asked. "Yes, dad I'm fine." You muttered as you stood up. "I'm going to Betty's. And don't say no because I'm going." You said standing and putting your shoes on. "Y/n M/n you just threw up you ar...." your dad started but you cut him off by walking out and slamming the door.

You knocked loudly on the Cooper's door. "BETTY OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!" You screamed. After 20 seconds Hal opened the door. "Y/n Andrews it is 11 o'clock at night what do you want." He said annoyed. "I want to talk to Betty." You said pushing past Hal and walking up to Betty's room. "Betty I think I'm pregnant." You said walking in and sitting on her bed. She turned and looked at you from her desk her eyes were wide as she looked at you. "WHAT!?" She screamed. "BETTY SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP!" Her mother yelled. "Sorry, mom." She said. "But what how." She asked standing in front of you. "Well, Sweets and I fucked. And when you fuck you get pregnant!" You said. "Hey calm down we don't even know yet. My mom keeps some in the bathroom come and take one." She said grabbing your hand and leading you to the bathroom.

You took the test and waited. "I don't want to look at it yet so I'm going to bring it home." You said grabbing it and putting it in your pocket. "Ok, I'll see you at school Y/n." She said as you walked out the door. You walked home and walked into the kitchen to see your brother sitting on the counter. "What the hell is in your pocket Y/n?" He asked walking to you and taking the test out of your pocket. "ARCHIE STOP!" You screamed as he looked at it. His face dropped. "You're pregnant?" He asked. "Well yeah, I guess so." You said tears in your eyes. "What the hell is going on? Archie, why do you have a pregnancy test?" He asked. Then he looked at you. "No!" He said grabbing the test and looking at it. "Y/n, who did this to you?" He asked. You didn't say anything. This was the worst thing that has happened to you.

You have been throwing up for a week so you thought you had the flu. Until Toni noticed that you didn't get your period. "Hey, Rose?" She asked calling you by your nickname. "Yes, T?" You responded. "When did you last get your period?" She asked holding your hair and rubbing your back as you hurled again. "Shit." You whispered under your breath. You reached under the sink for a pregnancy test you brought. "Toni you can leave for a second." You said.

"I'm pregnant." You mumbled as you heard the door open. "MOM IM HOME." Your little sister said. Your mother and sister had moved in with you and your husband Fangs. "Moms not home yet Aphrodite." You said. She walked into the bathroom and saw the stick in your hand. "You're pregnant again?" She asked sitting by you. "Yep." You said calmly. "Do you think it will happen again?" She asked looking down. She was talking about your miscarriage. "I hope not babes." You said. Then Toni came in. "APHRODITE WE ARE GOING TO BE AUNTS!" She screamed. Now to tell Fangs.

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