1287 A.D.

231 19 16

Henri mixes his herbs together quietly while his father goes off about something. If Henri paid attention every time his father complained, then Henri would have nothing else to do with his life. Either it was the herbs weren't mixing right, the herbs weren't doing what he wanted them to do, or the king refused to get some sort of herb. Either way, Henri's bored of it.

"Henri, do you hear me? The king wants me to treat his mistress' mysterious illness, but won't buy the herbs I need to make the mysterious remedy! I'm not complaining, since he is my king, but I'd at least like to know what it is that I'm treating. I've never even heard of this mix he's asking me to make. For all I know, it could be some sort of poison," His father complains. Henri nods along, pretending that he's listening. His hand is starting to ache from grinding the herbs together and he fears if he doesn't stop soon, his hand will cramp all day tomorrow.

He sets the mortar down and stretches his hand out. "Henri, my boy, do you mind going and collecting some sage? I know it's far, but the king is being unreasonable," Henri's father asks.

Henri sighs loudly, but agrees to go anyway. As much as he loves going into the forest, the walk is long and his legs are already tired. However, Henri never likes to disappoint his father, so he decides to go anyway.

The woods outside the castle are dense. Most people try their very best to avoid everything about it, but Henri loves it. The smell and the feeling of being surrounded comfort him. Almost as if mother nature is giving him a big hug.

"Excuse me," Someone calls. Henri turns around and sees an apple at his feet. It's ruby red and nothing like Henri's ever seen before. He knows that the royal family gets fruits, spices, and other vegetables imported, but this apple must be the prettiest apple Henri's ever seen.

Henri reaches down and picks the apple up. He dusts it off on the side of his trousers, then looks up to see who the apple belongs to. His breath catches.

Henri's only seen the prince a handful of times. Most of those times have been in passing or stood behind his father as he delivers herbs. He never thought in a million years he'd be stood before his prince casually like this.

Immediately, Henri bows. He doesn't know what else to do besides fall to one knee. "My lord! I'm so very sorry! Here is your apple, My Lord," Henri stammers. He looks down at the prince's feet and holds the apple up to the prince.

"You may stand, Sir, but please don't make a lot of noise! I'm not supposed to be here and I will get in trouble if I'm found. I'm actually skipping my sparring lessons," The prince says. Henri looks up at the boy and stands slowly.

This is the first time that Henri's had the chance to look the prince in the eyes. He stands shorter than Henri by only a little and has blue-blue eyes. The boy's lips are pink and thinner, but Henri doesn't mind. Full lips wouldn't suit him.

"I'm sorry, My Lord. Your apple," Henri holds the shiny red fruit out towards the prince who only shrugs.

"It's for you actually. My father told me that I should shower people in gifts. If I could, I'd give you a basket of exotic fruits," The prince flirts. Henri's taken aback. He looks around quickly before eyeing the apple again. There's no way this is real. The prince would never flirt with Henri.

"I beg your pardon," Henri mutters.

"I've grown smitten for you, Sir. I see you in the halls of the palace and... you don't go unnoticed," The prince reveals. Henri can feel his cheeks flushing pink and wishes he could run and hide. This can't be happening.

"Me, My Lord? I thought... well... I thought you preferred ladies," Henri states. The prince hasn't been married off yet, which is surprising considering his royal status. Félicité, the prince's only sister, is already engaged to a man twice her age.

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