1348 A.D.

164 15 5

Henri's green eyes flick around his surroundings as he walks through the market. With the arrival of the plague washing along the shores of Italy a year ago, Henri tries to make his trips to the market scarce. France isn't far from Italy after all, and one can never be too careful. He has no desire to catch the plague. From what he's heard, it's nasty and kills you slowly and painfully.

People move around him and he's careful not to allow anyone to touch him. He knows that a simple touch can lead to death. He keeps his head down as he collects bread from a local shop.

"You dropped this," Someone calls. Henri stops in his tracks as he hears the voice calling after him. Certain that Henri hasn't dropped anything, he turns with a concerned look upon his brows.

The man that he's staring at is, perhaps, the most handsome man that Henri's ever seen. His hair is brown and feathery. A large black hat sits on top of his head, shielding his face from the sun. However, his skin's warm glow gives away his peasant status. No high-class individual would be caught dead with a glow like that, however, Henri decides that the glow suits the boy.

Finally, Henri's eyes gaze down to the thing in the man's grasp. An apple. Henri is certain that he hadn't picked up an apple today and, surely, hadn't dropped it. Slowly, Henri's eyes make their way up to the man's and they connect for a moment.

"You must be mistaken, the apple is not mine. Perhaps you mistake me for someone else," Henri sighs.

He's about to turn away, physically pushing himself away from the attractive man in front of him. A hand grips his arm tightly and keeps him from turning. A gasp forms itself on Henri's lips. He's been touched. What if this man has the plague? It doesn't matter how attractive he is, Henri won't catch the plague from anyone.

Henri quickly rips his arm from the man's grasp, still stunned by his actions. The people immediately next to Henri shy away from both of them, not wanting to get touched either.

"You dare touch me in the climate of our current world? You could have the plague," Henri hisses. The man in front of him pulls a small frown across his lips.

"I'm sorry. I mean not to offend. I have not the plague. I'm Louis," The man introduces. Henri glances around him hoping to find proof that this must be a joke of some sort. Who is the man to come up and touch him and offer him food like one of the homeless?

"I need not your charity. I can buy my own apple. Good day," Henri replies curtly. He pulls himself away from the man, not wanting to look at him any longer.


Henri glances at the boat that would be taking him to England. It's a small thing, with a sad limp about it. Nevertheless, it is the cheapest boat that would take him to where he needed to go. Even on his own, Henri couldn't manage the price the sailor demanded. So, Henri agreed to split the cost with another.

"Good day, sir. I'll have your bag," The sailor smiles. Henri passes his small luggage to the other man and enters the boat. It rocks under his feet a bit as he stands.

"This is a nice boat. I must thank you for taking me to England. Not many would have agreed with the rumors of the plague," Henri sighs. The sailor shrugs as he sets Henri's bags down.

"Hard times have fallen across my family," The sailor says. "As soon as our other traveler arrives, we should be able to set sail. I'd like to make it to the coast by nightfall."

Henri nods. The sailor makes polite conversation with Henri as they wait. Just as the sun sits above the buildings of the coastal French town, a man runs over to the side of the boat.

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