Cast as Young Rowena pt.1

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It is a Tuesday afternoon and you had just gotten back from school about two hours ago. You are currently a junior in highschool and an actress, not a famous one but you have been in a few commercials and had played different characters in a few movies, not big roles though. You are doing homework on your computer when you hear your mother shout "Harmony come here please!" from downstairs. "Okay coming mom!" you shouted back throwing your computer gently on your bed. Quickly you leave your bedroom and head downstairs to see what your mother wanted. "What is it mom?"you ask seeing your mother smiling like a maniac. "You got the part. You are going to play young Rowena on Supernatural!". This was the best news you had ever recieved. Supernatural was your favorite show and you had wished for four years that you could be on that show and when you heard that they were having auditions for an actress to play a young version of Rowena, you almost lost your shit. "You will get the script in the mail tomorrow and you have to memorize your lines very fast. I am so happy for you!" your mother said giving you a very tight hug. "Wait, does that mean that I will be acting with Ruth Connell or is she not going to be in the episode?" you asked. Your dream was to meet Ruth and now that you were going to be plaing a younger version of Rowena, you felt like all of your dreams were coming true. "Oh and one more thing, practice your accent. We both know one of the biggest parts of her character is the accent." your mom told you. "You do know that she doen't fake that accent right? She was born in Falkirk Scotland.". You couldn't believe your mother didn't know that. "Well don't we have a little stocker on our hands." she teased you. "I don't stock, I investigate." you said very seriously. "Okay Harmony, we will be going to the Supernatural set in a week until then just focus on school.". After you were done talking to your mother you ran upstairs and moved the computer before jumping on your bed and screaming into your pillow. It was actually happening, you were going to be on Supernatural. Once you had freacked out for about ten minutes you thought about what your mom said. You were going to the set in one week and she told you just to worry about school. How the hell did she excpect to do that. You were going to possibly be meeting Ruth in a week and she wanted you just to stay calm. There is no calm, you are freaking out. At least you will have a script to keep you busy. It normally took you five days to memorize a script but that was when you didn't have school so this might be a little more difficult. The rest of the night you decided that you needed to finish your homework in Algebra 2 and in Anatomy but afterwards you watched the panels of Ruth Connell at the supernatural comic con which you always loved. You were watching the panel from the Chicago comic con 2018 when your mom walked into your room. "Are you excited Harmony?" she asked. "I feel like that was the stupidest question you have ever asked me and you called me one time to help you find your phone." you laughed thinking of the memory. "In my defense, I was tired. Anyway what are you watching?" she asked sitting next to you on the bed. "Just another comic con video. In the first part they were asked what they would do if they switched bodies for a day. Kim Rhodes said that there were many things she would like to do with Ruth's bendy body." you said as you and your mother burst out laughing. "Then Ruth said that if she had Brianna's body she would lock herself up in a closet and play with her boobs becauseat least she would have some." you and your mother once again filled the room with laughter. "What are they talking about now?" your mother asked. "Well Ruth just said something about what Lisa is doing which was supposed to be kept a secret." you explained before unpausing the video. 'Next question' Ruth said trying to cover up the mistake she made. 'This questions for Ruth.' the fan said and almost immedietly she responded 'No don't ask me anythin'. You and your mom laughed. Both of you continued watching as the fan asked if it every got weird to do the spells or incantations when nothing is happening unitl the special effects are added. Ruth responded to that question with 'Girl when I say Abi, you better fucking believe I mean that shit.'. That was the greatest thing she could have said and your mom thought so as well. " I hate to ruin the fun but you still have school tomorrow so you have to go to bed in a few minutes. Try to get some sleep." she said before getting off your bed and exiting your room. You were still so happy that you were finally going to be acting on your favorite show. As you got under the covers of your bed you thought of the events from today and that this morning you thought this was going to be a normal day but it was for from normal. A few minutes after your head hit the pillow, you were asleep surprising because you had thought that you would not have been able to sleep.
"Harmony, sweety wake up you have to get ready for school." your mom said shaking you. "But I don't want to go." you answered half asleep. "Just think of it as this, when you get home from school your script will be here and you can start memorizing, if you want I can run lines with you." she said. Reluctantly, you got out of bed and as soon as your mom exited the room, got changed and ready for school. "Harmony, you're going to be late. The bus leaves in ten minutes." your mother shouted from the kitchen. At this moment you hadjust finished brushing your teeth and were grabbing your computer to put into your backpack. "Coming mom." you shouted. Taking the bus was one of the things you hated the most, everyone kept yelling and thowing things, acting like uncultured swine. As you headed downstairs you remembered the events of yesterday afternoon and hated having to wait a week before going onset to meet the cast and crew of Supernatural. "Mom can't you take me to school today? I hate taking the bus." you begged your mother. "If you can it in two minutes then yes. It's up to you how fast you eat. You have two minutes, your nightmare begins...Now." she said immitating the twins from Hellevator. You ate as fast as you could and finished with 30 seconds left to spare. A feeling of victory spread through your body. "Okay get your shoes on and let's go. Looks like you won this time." she said with a smile on her face. "Thanks mom." you laughed and ran to get your school shoes which were just black combat boots. The countdown has started and you have six days until the best day of your life begins. For right now you had to forget about it and focus on school which you knew would be a challenge but you had to try.
"Harmony there you are. We didn't see you on the bus so we got worried." Seraphina and Blair said. They were twins with blonde hair and blue eyes and they were way taller than you were but so was everyone else. You are five foot three inches with ginger hair, have blue-green eyes that always change colors , and compaired to everyone else are as white as snow. Yes you are very pale. "Sorry, my mom took me today, sometimes the chaosof the bus makes me a wee bit clausterphobic." you said. "Did you just say a wee bit?" Blair said with her eyebrow raised. "Yes, yes I did. Oh by the way my mom got a call and you will never believe what just happened." you said excitedly. The twins were big fans of the show as well and you shared a favorite character however you were still more obsessive about her than they were. "What is it Harmony?" Seraphina almost shouted. "I got a job.I am going to be playing the part of young Rowena Macleod, the tanners daughter. I am going to meet Jared and Jensen and Misha!!". You were still very happy about it, I mean anyone else would be as well. "No way.. You are going to be on Supernatural? That's great but won't everyone at school see you on it? That is a popular show. No one knows that you are an actress.". Blair did have a good point. You hadn't told anyone besides them that you were an actress because you didn't want to be bullied or treated differently and with Supernatural being as popular as it is today, people are bound to recognize you. "I know but this is Rowena. I might meet Ruth Connell. It's worth it. I wish I could bring you two with me but I am not sure I can." you told them. "Don't worry about it. Make sure to call us whenever you are able to." Seraphina said smiling. Before you could say anything else the bell rang meaning you had five minutes before you had to be in your seats for class. "See you later." you said before heading to your first period class.
Every class seemed more boring than the last and it felt like the day would never end. Luckily all you did was take notes and go over homework so you actually paying any attention wouldn't have made a difference. When the day was finally over you basically moved at the speed of light to get all of the things you would need to take home before you went to look for your moms car in the parking lot. On most days it is hard to see her car because she parks all the way in no man's land but today she parked close to the exit. "How was school today Harmony?"she asked as soon as you got into the car. "It was boring all we did was take notes and go over homework. I can't wait until we got to the set.". You are so done with school and you just wished it was time to meet the cast and crew. The drive home was mainly silent except for the radio in the background. As soon as you were home, you saw an envolope on the table. "Is that the script?" you asked running to see what the mysterious envolope was. "Yes. It came this morning a few hours after you started school." your mother said putting her shoes on the shoe rack. Excitedly, you snatched the script and opened it being careful not to rip anything important. As you flipped through it you checked to see who was also going to be in that episode. "Jensen, Jared, Misha, Me, Mark, Samantha, Bobby.." you said as you skimmed through the script."Ruth Connell, Yes!!! I am going to be acting with Ruth Connell.". As much as you tried not to yell, it was impossible. You were just way to happy. "Could you be any louder?" your mother joked. Now you knew who you were going to be acting with but you had no clue what they wanted you to do or what the story line for the episode was going to be so you read through it one more time paying extra attention to what you were suppossed to say and the movements they wanted you to do."Mom, I get to throw someone against the wall. I get to say Abi.". your eyes glowed. "Is that going to be weird since nothing will happen until after the special affects?" she asked as you laughed. "Girl when I say Abi, you better fucking believe I mean that shit." you said quoting the video you watched last night. "Hey you know what I think about cursing." she said giving you the mom stare. "I know but I just had to quote the video. Your the one that asked the same question." you responded. "I know I am just messing with you. You need to memorize the script and do your homework.". Neither of those things were going to take you long. "Okay I only have one homework assignment and the rest of the week will be notes because we took all of our tests yesterday plus I will have my script memorized in an hour. You keep forgeting that I have a photographic memory." you stated as you grabbed your backpack and script before going upstairs to your room. The first thing you worked on was your Latin assignment which was one translation, you could do that in half an hour at the most.
The homework took you fifteen minutes as you planned so you got started on memorizing the script. You read it out loud twice and then silently once more before you felt like you had fully memorized it, even the scenes you were not in just for the fun of it. "Mom, can you run lines with me?" you shouted so your mother could hear you from downstairs. "Yes just give me a second." she replied. Within two minutes she was in your room. " So you finished all of your homework and memorized the script?" she asked. "Aye, how long did you bloody think it was going to take me?" you said in a scottish accent which made your mother laugh."Okay Rowena.". Your mother playfully snatched the script from your hands and gently hit on the top of your head with it. "Oi, stop that." you responded without noticing that you had said it in an accent. "Okay are we going to run lines or not? Afterwards we can have dinner because it's cooking in the oven." she told you as you smiled at the thought of food. "Well then let's get started so we can eat. I don't know why but killing demons always makes me hungry.". The room filled with laughter after you spoke. "After all of the quotes you could have chosen, you pick that one. Okay enough jokes, I don't want the food to burn so let's just read through it." your mother stated plainly. It took a little while to get through it but not too long. You were so happy when you found out that you were going to say Abi and other spells that Rowena uses, and when you were going through the script with your mom, you said it like you meant it, scaring the crap out of your mother in the process. "This is going to be really fun to watch when the episode airs." she said. "Aye." you responded remembering you had to wait a week to go to the set."What's wrong Harmony?" she asked putting her hand on your back. "I have nothing to do for a week. All that's going on in school is note taking and I have already memorized the script. What do I do now?" you asked. "Well you could pack tonight and continue adding things to your back throughout the week making sure you have everything." she suggested. "I was just going to do that tonight. I already know what to pack.". "Well then just rewatch all of the episodes of supernatural with rowena in them. I don't think you have rewatched all of them." your mother said. That is true. You had only seen a handful of them a bunch of times like Regarding Dean, Inside Man, Soul Survivor, and Bad Seed just from the top of your mind. "Okay." you said before following your mother downstairs so you could eat dinner. The kitchen smelled so good. You can tell that dinner is going to be stuffed peppers, your favorite. "Get your plate from the cabinet then get your food." Your mother tells you as she gets a plate and food for herself. After taking your food to the table, you go to the refridgerator and get yourself a soda. "Mum would you like anything?" you ask before you close the door to the fridge. "Can you get me a gingerale please." she said to you. You grabbed the can and walked back to the table. "In six days you will be going to the set of Supernatural." your mother said and you agreed. Before drinking your soda you raised it and said "Slainte" (pronounced slawnche, gaelic for cheers or health) which received a confused look from your mother. "Slawn who now?". The confusion she expressed made you laugh. "Slainte. It's gaelic. It means cheers mom." you couldn't stop laughing. "Since when did you learn to speack gaelic?" she responded. "I have been looking up a few things and I think it's a cool language." you explained to your mother. "Okay well have fun with that.".
You and your mother talked for about half an hour while you ate about school and things like that before the food on your plate was gone. "I'm going to go upstairs and pack. I think that I will get everything ready for next week then after school I will just practice the script, watch supernatural, and draw just as I normally would." you said as you headed upstairs to your room. Packing wasn't going to be that hard. All you had to do was pick seven outfits to wear and pajama's then the rest of it would be extra's. You chose three flannels, two of your supernatural shirts, and two of your nicer shirts. To go along with those you chose five pairs of jeans and two skirts with leggings of course. You had so many pajama's it was a little hard to choose but when you finally did it was your Wayward AF shirt along with other undershirts with designs on them, most of which were supernatural themed with one that said 'American grown with Scottish Roots' and you had six pairs of pajama shorts and one pair of pajama pants. You chose two shorts that were rainbow with skulls on them, a pair of black shorts with the Scottish flag on them, two plain black ones, and a pair of supernatural pajama pants that you bought at Hottopic. Next step was to pack your undergarments and all you did was grab the most comfortable bras and one supernatural sports bra then random underware from your drawer and all different socks. Matching your socks was way to hard for you so you wear miss matched. The only matching socks you had were Supernatural from hottpic, big surprise there. All of your outfits and undergarments were on your bed because you still needed to pick teh suitcase you were going to use. Three choices were available, A big red suitcase, plain black one, and a lime green one. You surprise yourself by only taking 30 seconds to decide upon the red one. You carefully fold every shirt and do the same with the pants including your pajamas then put the shirts stacked on each other on one side of the suitcase and do the same with the pants putting them next to the shirts. All you do with your underware is fold them and put them in the pocket of your suitcase. Now you went to your drawers and got out some of your extra toiletries you keep for travel. You took a body wash, lotion, perfume, deoderant, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, travel toothbrush, hairbrush, a few hair ties, face wash, and a few feminine products just in case, then you put all of those things in a makeup bag that wasn't already filled with makeup. The makeup bag was black with red on it. You took the bag and put it in your suitcase and thought of the other things you would need to pack. There is still a bit of room in the suitcase so you decide to pack the blanket with Rowena on it along with the extra pillow on your bed with a pillowcase that has the supernatural symbols on it. You think you have everything when you close your suitcase but you suddenly remember that you might need a jacket and that it would be a good idea to pack one of the many chargers you have for traveling. Thinking about what jacket to bring, you walk over to your closet and looks at all of your jackets. There are 7 leather jackets of different colors, five hoodies, three raincoats, and four sweaters for you to choose from and only two of them are supernatural. Out of the many jackets you own, you chose the Wayward AF hoodie, your white leather jacket, and a simple team free will sweater. You walk over to your suitcase and put them in it before walking over to a different set of drawers and picking out a spare phone charger and a spare computer charger. After you put those into the suitcase you zip it up and are now almost positive that you are not forgeting anything. You look at the time and see that you have been packing for way longer than you thought you were. When you started packing it was a little after six but now it was after ten. Quickly, you changed into bed clothes and took your computer off charge and put it in your Mega Coven tote bag which had your planer, pencil pouch, and a few notebooks that you carried around to all of your classes.Before you got into bed, you put your phone on charge and turned off the light. You got into bed and snuggled making yourself comfy before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
You were having a wonderful dream about Ruth Connell and meeting her when your alarm clock goes off. As if by instinct, your hand flies up to shut it off hoping for a few more minutes of sleep just so you could continue your lovely dream. "Harmony, I know you did not just ignore your alarm clock." your mother says as she walks into your room. "I am over three hundred years old. Beauty sleep isn't optional." you said still in a stage of sleep. It was obvious when your mother took the covers off of you that she was not going to accept that as an answer. "Why, just why. I was warm, comfy, and dreaming about Ruth Connell." you said acting heart broken. "Get up and get ready Harmony. I am taking you to school today so we need to get out the door in half an hour." she said. You got up and shoved her out before getting ready. Today you were feeling like a supernatural outfit but you wanted to be comfy and warm. You walk over to your closet with the outfit you want to wear in mind. After grabbing your Queen of Hell shirt with Rowena on it, a red flannel to go on top of it, and a pair of jeans, you headed to the bathroom so you could get changed. Just as you enter the bathroom you realize you forgot underware so you go back into your room and quickly grab a pair of underware before going back into the bathroom and changing into the pair of clothes you chose for today. You finished getting dressed, brushing your teeth, and combing your hair before your mother yelled up to you "Are you almost ready?". In your mind that was kind of weird because you had only been in the bathroom for ten minutes and she said that you had half an hour. "I guess I can be." you yelled back at her. Quickly you walked out of the bathroom and got all of your bags together, put your phone in your bag that you carry for classes, then did one last look through of the room. You see your script is on the floor and decide to grab it and put it in the bag because you could work on it during one of your free periods. "Wait, didn't I put this next to my suitcase?" you ask yourself realizing that your suitcase was missing. Even though you were freaking out about the suitcase not being where you left it you decided that you probably did something else with it before you went to bed and went downstairs to see that your mother was completely ready to leave. "We have to go right now. Here is your breakfast. Eat it in the car.". You take the pack of poptarts from your mothers hand and go over to put your combat boots on. Then you follow your mother out the door and into the car. You took out your phone and put your headphones in so you could listen to your music before school starts and ruins your day. "Harmony did you finish breakfast?" your mother asked. You took out one earphone and told her that you were eating. "Wait you are going the wrong way. You were suppossed to turn down that street and drop me off." you said as you realize that this wasn't the way you normally go. "That's because we are not going to the school." she answered. Now everything was even more unusual. Your mother would never let you miss a day of school without a good reason. "Where are we going then?" you asked very curious to what you could possibly be doing. "You'll see. It will be two hours until we get there so just watch something on your phone or anything along those lines.". This was officially the weirdest thing she has ever done but you were not complaining. At least you got out of school for today. You were thinking that she was just going to take you to a mall or something like a girls night out like she did when you were young and had gotten your first role in a movie. As you turned off the music you logged into Netflix and started to watch a few episodes of Supernatural. Season 13 was one of your new favorite seasons but you still really liked season 11 just because Rowena and Amara make a great team. After about two and a half episodes you could feel the car park. "Harmony, before we go to where we are going I need you to deliver this package to that house. Without complaining you did as your mother asked. You took the package and walked up to the front door of the house. It was a very fancy yet refined and beautiful house. You knocked on the door and waited for the person to open the door but no one answered so you knocked again. This time you could hear the door knob turn and the door opened revealing the person who lived there. It was a woman around your height with jeans and a T-shirt on. She was wearing huge sunglasses and dark red lipstick that stuck out with her pale skin tone but her hair didn't seem to match. It was bleach blonde almost completely white looking. "What's your name, where are you from, and what do you what." the woman said in a very thick scottish accent. Just then your realized that this blonde in front of you wasn't even a blonde. It was Ruth Connell. You tried to speak but it was impossible. The words just wouldn't come out of your mouth. Then the world started spinning right before everything went black. When you wake up you were in a place you didn't recognize. There are a few pictures up on the wall of trees and a television set. As you look around the room you see your mother enter saying something but you can't hear her because of the ringing noise in your ears. Following behind her was Ruth, no longer wearing the blonde wig or sunglasses. Even though you are still a little dizzy and can't hear anything, you get up and run to Ruth and give her a hug. The ringing noise starts to go away but your knees decide that they don't want to work. "I'm going down." you said as you fell on your ass. "Maybe you should sit down for a while." Ruth said as she helped you up guiding your to the couch. "So, um I'm a little confuddled." you said as you looked at your mother and then at Ruth. "Con-who now?" the redhead said laughing. "Confuddled, confused. I was suppossed to go to school today and I clearly won't be going and I am not suppossed to be going to set for five days.". Somehow you figured they were up to something. "Actually we are going to set tomorrow. When I found out you were going to be playing the younger version of my character I contacted your mother and we decided not to tell you until three days before.". That was actually a good plan. "Wait, mom did the fact that I told you The Bad Seed was the episode of supernatural I watch the most have anything to do with the blonde wig?". To you it made sense, same disguse in the episode as when you saw her. "No actually I decided to do that myself. Now I am a wee bit surprised you didn't recognize me if that was your most watched episode." Ruth said sitting on the couch next to you. "In my defense it is about 8:30 in the morning and my brain doesn't wake up until 12:00.". The room was filled with laughter. "Okay so you know about me but I don't know that much about you." Ruth said looked at you. "Okay well I am 15, a junior in high school, I take latin as my langauge, I am an only child, I was born in May so I am a Gemini, I have been wanting to act on Supernatural since I started watching it and have loved Rowena from the first scence she was in at the end of Soul Survivor which was season 10 episode 3, I have two friends and they are twins who love supernatural and Rowena as well, um... what else do you want to know?" you asked unsure of what to say. "Latin ye say? That will come in handy and ye have an excellent memory I must say. I can barely remember that far back.". You couldn't believe you were talking to Ruth Connell and you were still in shock from finding out that you would be acting with her. "Could I hear your scottish accent? I am sure you have been practicing.". For some reason you became nervous so you said the first thing that came to your mind. "Just my way of giving you the finger Mr.Winchester.". Of course that was what you said, you loved that episode and that scene was one of your favorites. "That's actually really good. Probably one of the best I have heard so far.". Ruth liked your accent, she actually liked it. "Thank you. Haven't stalked you that much so is there anything you could tell me about yourself." you felt weird for asking but you knew the basics and that was just about it. "That much? Well I was born in Falkirk Scotland but that's something you probably know. Well when I was your age I was made fun of because the outfits I wore were not considered cool but it was all I had. It doesn't bother me that much but my family was very conservative money wise. I was a dancer until I was 24 and I started when I was four because of my cousin. My mum is a teacher and she is very scary, my father is a football couch. That's all I can think of." she said. "Is your hair naturally red?" Ruth asked. "Yes it is natural. It goes well with my very pale skin." you said in response. Compaired to everyone, you were the palest. "Let us compair pale tones." She said holding her arm up to yours. You had the exact same tone as she did. "Wow you are as pale as me."She said with a little laugh. "I think they may have done an excellent job with choosing you.". On the inside, you were fangirling out of control but you didn't show it because you didn't want her to think you were obsessed with her. "How about I show you around my house. After all you will be here for a day." she proposed. "Okay." you simply said. normally you would be talking like crazy but she was your Idol, inspiration, and you were obsessed with her. You got off the couch and followed her around as she pointed out the kitchen, the bathrooms, her room, the room you would be staying in, and the room that your mother would be staying with. "You have a very nice house. I love the pictures you have hanging up." you said pointing to a landscape with a flag in the background which you instantly recognized. "It's from Scotland right?". For some weird reason you felt the need to ask that question. "Aye, how did you know?" she responded a little surprised that you could identify it. "In the background there is the flag of Scotland. I have a lot of things with the flag on it. More of my clothes have the Scottish flag than the american flag.". "Nice, that's how it's suppossed to be." she joked. Your mother was just creeping in the background not really saying anything, just looking at you. "Mom, are you okay? You haven't really said anything." you asked. It was rare for your mother not to talk to you or anoy you in some way shape or form. "Yes, I am just really happy for you." she responded with a smile on her face. You turned to see a clock hanging on the wall showing the time to be 9:00 in the morning.
"Well now you know where your rooms are and any other room that is in my house. I am starting to get a little hungry, what about you?" Ruth asked as you and your mother followed her to the kitchen. "A little. I don't know why but killing demons always makes me hungry." you said in your accent. Everyone around you laughed. "You've got quite the memory don't you?" she said looking at you still laughing. "Aye." you responded. "Well maybe we will have to play a trivia game later. Of course it will be on Rowena quotes and facts, wee things like that. What do you say?". "It's on.".
A little later everyone had eaten a very nice meal and had to decide what to do next. "What do you want to do next?" Ruth asked as she put her dish in the dishwasher. "I don't really know. Whatever you want I guess." Honestly you had no clue what to do and that was new for you. "Well if it's okay with your mother how about we all go to the mall that is right up the street."she suggested. You were never oppossed to going to the mall. "It's fine with me. I must warn you though Harmony does look at things for a while. We can spend two hours in one store without buying anything." your mother told Ruth. "That's completely fine with me. I do the same thing. I get very easily distracted.". You had a lot in common with Ruth which was very funny because you were going to play the younger version of her character. "I will go grab my purse, one second." she said as she disapeared into a different room. "You are being very quiet. Are you okay?" your mother asked as she walked closer to you. "Yes, I am trying to not fangirl. I don't want to seem weird. She is my idol and my inspiration and we are in her house. Last week I thought that I might never get to meet her or even get her autograph, now not only have I met her but I will be acting with her." you babbled to your mother. All of your dreams were coming true and you were still trying to calm down from earlier. "Everything will be fine. Just try to calm down and relax." she said before she was interrupted. "I am not that scary. We all fangirl at times. I fangirl over Misha sometimes." Ruth said surprising you."You do?". "Aye, I mean it's kind of hard not to. If you want we can take a few pictures at the mall. Maybe even call your friends. Sound like fun?" she asked with a smile. "That sounds awesome." you said with a huge grin on your face. The three of you headed out of the house and got into her crimson red car. Of course your mother sat in the front because she didn't believe that you were old enough to sit in shotgun. "Is there any music you would like to listen to? I could hook your phone up to the speakers." Ruth offered. "Um sure but most of it is a form of rock and things in similar genres." you said feeling as if you needed to warn people about your music taste. "What bands do you listen to?" she asked curiously. "Well Evanescence, Within Temptation, Eluveitie, Lacuna Coil, and I have a few instramental celtic music."you responded knowing that you didn't mention nearly as many bands as you listen to. "Isn't Eluveitie Irish folk metal or rock?". "Yes I think they have phrases in gaelic as the background." you said unsure. "That seems very interesting. If you hand me your phone I can put some music on." she said as she extended her arm. You gave her your phone and let her play music that you had downloaded before she started driving. The mall was only five minutes away so before you knew it you were already there. "Here's your phone." she said as she handed it back to you. The three of you got out of the car and walked into the mall immedietly being able to smell the different food at the food court. "Where shall we go first?" she asked as you looked around the huge building. "Well we could go to Hottopic or which ever one looks interesting." you said. Whenever you went to the mall, the first store you went into was Hottopic.
You were in the mall until 1:00 in the afternoon and you had only gone into three stores, Hottopic, Forever21, and build a bear workshop. You and Ruth took pictures in all of the stores you went to and when you were in Hottopic a girl around your age came up to Ruth and asked her for a picture which you thought was cute. "That was an excellent trip to the mall. I had no clue Hottopic and Build a Bear worked together for one of their outfits." you said excited. "It was weird how many people thought you are Harmony's mother. I mean it was a little funny." your mother said. Most of the people thought Ruth was your mother and it made you laugh. "I think it might have something to do with the fact that we are both pale redheads, around the same height, and the same eye color." you said pointing out the similarities between you. "Aye, I think you might be correct. I also think it is safe to say gingers rule." Ruth chuckled. "I agree." you said in response as your mother just stood there laughing. "What.". The joke wasn't that funny so you wondered what your mother was laughing about. "You are way too much alike." she said still laughing. "Great minds think alike." you said at the exact same time as Ruth. The three of you laughed as you went to the car. "By the way, I saw it earlier but I forgot to say something. Love the shirt." she said pointing to your Queen of Hell shirt. "Thank you." you said very politly. "So when we get home I was thinking maybe we could run lines. I think we may have a one scene together at the end of the episode." Ruth said breaking the silence that had formed during the ride back to her house. "That would be a great idea. I have only run lines with my mother so far." you said, the fangirl feeling had returned. You couldn't believe what was happening and how fast it was happening. "How much of it do you have memorized?" she asked looking into the mirror to see you. "I actually have it all memorized. I did that yesterday.". You said quietly as the car pulled up next to the house. "Now that is quite impressive." Ruth replied. All three of you exited the parked vehicle and walked closer to the house. "I have a photographic memory, it comes in handy when I have to learn scripts and in school." you said explaining how you were able to memorize the script in one or two days. "That is really cool. Have you picked a favorite scene yet?" she asked as she unlocked the door. "Um, I like the scene where I get to throw someone onto a wall, I also kind of like the ending mainly because I will be acting with you and I am super excited for that.". Nothing could measure how excited you were to act with Ruth. This was a dream come true. "I can't wait to act with you either. This is going to be really fun, maybe we could pull one over on the boys." she suggested. "That sounds like an awesome plan." you laughed. You had always heard of people pulling pranks on each other. Mainly on Misha but to be the one to pull them over on Jared and Jensen, that was a different story.
     As you walked into her house, you took off your shoes before walking to the couch. " I need to go retreive my script." Ruth said as she walked down the hallway. "So, Harmony, are you excited for tomorrow? You will be flying to the set." Your mother asked. That was the stupidest thing you had ever heard. Of course you were excited. "A wee bit. I am also excited to call the twins and tell them.". Ever since you had arrived you had wanted to call them. The only thing stopping you was the time. There was still an hour until school let out. "I am really happy you are having a good time. Don't be shy I know there is something you want to show her.". How could your mother always tell. Sometimes it was a good thing while other times it is a bad thing. She always knows what's on your mind. "What is it you want to show me?" Ruth asked as she entered the room with her script in hand. " Just one second.I have to get it out of my bag.". You went to the room you were staying in. On the floor next to the bed, you saw your school bag. You opened it up, retrieved your sketch book, and returned to the living room. All eyes were on you and it made you feel self consious. " I have drawn a bunch of things. Mainly a different perspective of Rowena while others are, well you'll see." you said as you opened the sketch bookand showed to Ruth everything you had drawn of her. Most of them were just pencil sketches but some where in watercolor or colored pencil. " These are amazing. You are very talented darlin'. This one has to be my favorite." She said as she pointed to the sketch of Rowena behind shards of glass. "Do you mind if I see this for a second?" she asked. YOu shook your head no and she took the sketch book from you. It took you a moment to figure out what she was doing. Ruth Connell was signing the drawing you made of Rowena. "Harmony, I know this is a bad time but I have to tell you something." your mother said in a very serious tone. This worried you. "Would you like some privacy?" Ruth asked after she finished signing the drawing. "No no, I think you should stay next to her." she said to Ruth. Now you were even more scared. "Harmony, I have been wanting to tell you this for a very long time but I didn't know how. I need to tell you now.". "What is it mother?" you asked in reply. Nothing could have prepared you for what she was about to say. "You are adopted. You were just a little baby at the time. About four weeks old. Sweetie, you were born in Scotland. I never knew your birth parents but I have been trying to figure it out since the day you came home with me, just in case one day you wanted to see them.". Part of you was angry with her while the other half understood. "It's okay mom. I understand you did what you thought was right. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be where I am now. I wouldn't be acting in an episode on Supernatural as my favorite character with my favorite actress who is also my idol. Maybe when I am back home and I am no longer acting on Supernatural, we can look for my birth mother together." you said very calm. You loved your mother but it would be nice to figure out who gave birth to you. "Actually I might know who that is." Ruth said, surprising you. "You might know who my birth mother is?" you asked curiously. She shook her head yes in response. " You were born in Falkirk Scotland on May 26, 2003. Your mother loved you very much but had to give you up. There was no way she could support ye. Ye were such a wee babe, so fragile, so beautiful. As much as it hurt her, she felt she had to do this to give you the life you deserved. Your father left her the day she found out she was pregnant with you. Afraid of commitment that man was. She never stopped thinking about you, tried to find ye a few times,but had no luck. I tried everything I could to find you, they told me that because I had chosen a closed adotion I wasn't going to be able to find you. I have always thought about you my wee lass. I am glad to see your mother has given you the life I never could. A wee bit ironic that the life she has given you has led you back here.". This couldn't be real could it? You were taken here by surprise then told you were adoptedthen told that Ruth Connell, the woman you aspire to be, is your mother. You were happy that you had found your birth mother and even more shocked that it was Ruth. "Wait, this is a lot to take in. How are you possitive I am the child you gave up? I mean my mother said she has been trying to find you and now it is fully revealed? It seems as if it is highly unlikely." you said. You were not angry at anyone. That would be against your nature. All you were trying to do is understand. Even though your mother hadn't given birth to you, it didn't make her any less of a mother to you. " I had a feeling when you showed up at my doorstep. Ye look just like you did as a wee babe. The same sparkle in yer eyes. Ye also look like I did at yer age and a wee bit like yer father. When yer mother said that you were adopted and that you were born in Scotland, I knew it was you." she said with eyes full of regret. A tear fell down her cheek as she told you why she had to give you up. It hurt you to see her like this. You decided to give her a hug. It always cheered you up when you were sad, maybe it will do the same for her. "It's okay. I understand. I do not hate anyone nor am I mad. Do I wish you would have told me earlier? Of course I do but your not any less of a mother to me mom. You raised me. I will always love you. And I am happy that I have found my birth mother.". Your mom started to smile. She seemed relieved that you didn't hate her. " Ruth, I do have one question." you said. "What is it?" she said in response. "If you had kept me, what would you have named me?". This was something you had wondered since you found out you were adopted, so for about fifteen minutes. " Sorcha or Serenity. I wanted to keep you but as soon as I realized that I couldn't provide for you, I decided to do what was best for you.".After a few more minutes spent talking about being adopted, you decided that it would be best to spend some time working on the script. Ruth read her lines while you read yours. If there was a scene she wasn't in but you were then she would read another characters lines. Every time you said a spell, you did it like Rowena would. "My, my, ye really are the perfect fit for this role. I am impressed." she said to you. "Thank you. That really means a lot to me." It took about an hour to completely run through the script but it seemed like it was only five minutes. You glanced down at your watch to check the time. It is 3:00, the normal time your school gets out. "Ruth, do you think it would be possible to facetime Seraphina and Blair, They have no clue where I am and they are huge fans." you explained. She looked at you with a smile on her face. "Of course dear. I actually was wondering when you would ask." Ruth said. You grabbed your phone from your pocket and dialed Seraphina's number. Ruth walked closer to you as the phone rang. Once Seraphina picked up she said "Hey Harmony, you weren't in school today, are you feeling alright?" In the background you could hear Blaire asking who it was and her sister giving her an answer. "Yes I am perfectly fine. Tomorrow I am leaving for the Supernatural set." You explained to the twins. The redhead joined in the shot of the camera making herself visable to the girls on the phone. "Wait, you are with Ruth Connell?" Seraphina yelled with excitment. "Ruth Connell it with her?" Blaire asked before running to the phone to see for herself. "Aye, that would be correct." she answered the girls. "That is amazing when did you meet up with her we need details." Blair insisted. "Well mom drove me here this morning without telling me where we were going. She actually made it sound like we were going to the mall but she needed me to drop a package off at the house. When Ruth answered the door she was dressed as she was in season eleven episode three The Bad Seed with the wig and the sunglasses. She said her famous line from the comic con panels. After that I sort of passed out." You explained to the twins as you recalled the series of events that took place this morning. "Did you really?" One of the twins asked in disbelief. "Aye the lass was out like a lightbulb." the redhead said with a chuckle. " Ruth do you think I could tell them?" You asked. "Of course if that's what you wish. Would you like to stay here or talk to them in private?". you thought about the options but you decided to talk to them in private. "I think I will go to the room." you said before heading towards your room. "What do you want to tell us? Is everything okay?" Blaire asked very worried. "Well yes but I found out that I was adopted today." "Omg really?" Seraphina asked "Aye but that isn't even the weird part. My birth mother is Ruth."

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