Chapter 43

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I was on my bed on my laptop looking for baby names with Neymar. He was on his laptop looking for ones too.

"Should we do a unisex name?" Neymar asked

"I don't know. Whatever we find and we like it is fine." I said

He just smiled and kept looking for names.

I was writing the ones that I like on a piece of paper and so did he.

I put my laptop and said, "Ready? I got first with one name and then you."

"Yeah" he said putting down his laptop

"Okay I got Nicolau which means victor of the people." I said

"Fidel which means faithful." Neymar said

"Oh Eloy which means to choose." I said

"Manuel which means god is with us." Neymar said

"Do you have any English name or other something else other than Spanish." I asked him

"I knew you were going to ask me that and yes I do." he said

"Okay I got Scott." I said

"Silas." he said

"Beckett." I said

"Elias." He said

"Ashlin was right. This is hard." I said

"Do have anymore names?" He asked

"Just one, Mickael (pronounced mi-ka-el) ." I said 

"Fine then let's choose between those names then. We liked all of them so maybe when can put them together for a first name and then a middle name." Neymar explained

I nodded and wrote every name on a little piece of paper.

"Okay let's get rid of the name that we don't like from these." Neymar said

"I don't like Manuel." I said

"And I don't like Fidel." Neymar said

"Umm I don't like Silas." I said 

"Scott's out." He said throwing the paper away.

"Okay that leaves us with Beckett, Eloy, Nicolau, Mickael and Elias." I said

"Wait I like Eloy or Mickael for a middle name. I haven't heard anyone with that name before." I added taking the papers and held it to my heart

Neymar chuckled and said, "Okay then that leaves us with Beckett, Nicolau, and Elias."

"So it's between Nicolau Eloy, Elias Mickael, and Beckett Eloy." I said

"Let's go downstairs and ask the guys to see what sounds better." Neymar said

"Yeah." I said as he got up and helped me up

We headed downstairs to see some of the guys and girls playing fifa.

"Hey guys we need help." I said sitting down next to Marc.

"With what?" Messi said pausing the game.

"Well we were thinking of baby names for him and we have the middle name but we're stuck in between these three names that we love." I said

"Let's hear them." Ana said

"Okay we got Nicolau Eloy, Elias Mickael and Beckett Eloy." I said

"Ooh they're all beautiful." Melissa said

"I know and we're having trouble." Neymar said

"That's why we want to vote to see which name is better for him." I said getting up and handing a piece of paper to everyone

"Okay so you are each going to write which name you like the best and then put it in the hat. After that we'll count which name has the most votes and that will be the name of our baby." Neymar said handing them pens and pencils

They all wrote the name they liked and put it in the hat. Neymar then grabbed the hat and took out the pieces of paper. We counted them up and got the results. I was on the last paper and there were two names on it.

"Okay who wrote two names on one paper?" I asked

I looked at everyone and saw Ana shrink down in her seat. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry I really like them both can you like have another one and name him that." Ana said

Everyone started laughing at Ana's comment.

"Okay the results are in." Neymar said 

"Okay the name that got the most votes was... drum roll please." I said

Everyone started drumming on their laps.

"Nicolau Eloy." Neymar said

They all cheered.

"It's perfect for him." I said as I kissed Neymar 

Luz's P.O.V.

I was in my house with Joan talking about my cousin.

"Look I have a feeling that this child is yours and not Neymar's" I said

"Why does she think that it's Neymar's?" Joan asked me

I looked into his blue eyes and said, "She wants to ruin her life. She wants to be with Neymar."

"She has like an obsession with him?" Joan said more like a question

"I believe she's crazy. She needs help. I know she's going to do something to jeopardize Neymar and Isabelle's relationship. Now that Isabelle is expecting I know she's going to want to do something to her." I explained to him

"We have to watch out for Isabelle then." Joan said

I looked down at my son and daughter who were only three year old twins. I can't imagine what she would to her own daughter or to Isabelle's child

"Yes and another thing is that we need to get proof that it's your child and not Neymar's so that if she ever tries to tell Isabelle we have proof saying that the baby is yours." I said

"How? When is she due?" Joan asked

"She's due anytime now." I said

"When we find out when, we should do a DNA test behind her back to get the information." Joan said

I nodded and hoped that this girl hasn't went to Neymar yet.


Teen Wolf is on and I'm ready for what's in store!!!!! :)

You all are the best!

Goodnight lovelies <3


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