Why is Jack lying?

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Mari's P.O.V

I couldn't believe it Jack lied to me. I ran off the bus to see Ashley and she looked kind of terrified as I ran towards her because I wasn't slowing down. "Mari are you alright? Did something happen?" She was looking even more scared as she dropped her bags. "Jack has been lying to me for weeks." The words hurt to say but I know the truth hurts. Ashley looked concerned "What was he lying about?" I looked away and looked back at her and said "He lied about picking up a friend to take to school." Most people would think that I'm over reacting but Jack has never lied to me before and I loved him and he said that he loved me so how could he just lie to me so easily for weeks? I don't understand. "Wait Jack lied to you? You guys have been dating for over a year and you guys were so cute and used to be so close how can he just lie to you so easily? Wait was there another chick in the car because if there was I'm gonna beat the-" "Ashley wait!" She was rolling up her sleeves and she was walking towards the door and stopped once I told her "He was alone." She turned around and just by looking at her face you could tell she was confused as much as I was. "I don't understand why he would go alone when he said he was going with a friend? Wait maybe his friend just walked out of the car as you looked." I slowly started to say "I saw his pull into the parking lot and into his parking spot and he was clearly alone." Right as the last word left my mouth the bell rang so Ashley and I picked up our bags and walked to English class. At lunch instead of going to Tumblr first I went to Jack's Instagram to see if he posted any pictures of him with anyone else but he hasn't posted anything since last May. Then I checked his twitter and he only retweets things so that didn't help then apparently the people at my table noticed that I was a little sad and confused and frustrated. "Mari are you okay?" A girl with a pink tee with some text about something on it asked. Wow I didn't know that they knew my name. "Um yeah everything's fine I just, it's nothing." And then I went back to tumblr and then all looked at each other and carried on with their conversations. After school I went to Ashley's house with her and I drew on her white board until Pretty Little Lairs came on so we both sat down to watch that and ate popcorn for dinner. Once that was over with and I went home I then went on a walk which I normally only do when it's nice out but I decided to enjoy the freshly fallen snow. I started playing Alaska by Sky Sailing in my earbuds and listening to that song while looking at the beautiful white snow that was sparkling in the moonlight made the moment seem like I wasn't in reality anymore but I was in a fantasy. As I was stuck in my fantasy some guy was running and pushed me to the side I'm not sure why but I landed on my right side in the grass and when I rolled onto my back and looked at the stars I was back in my fantasy and Love by Uppermost started to play. It's a beautiful song it's my favorite Uppermost song. Uppermost songs are instrumental so when the song moves you then you know that it wasn't the words but the actual music that moved you. I started to think about what the future for me might be like and how no matter what I did or where I was that I would have a great life. Heck even if I lived out of a soggy cardboard box under a highway I'd still be a happy little optimist thinking about another world that is far greater than reality. I was quickly dragged back into reality when A Love Like War by All Time Low started to play. I slowly got up and shook snow out of my sleeves and checked the time it was 9:12 but I didn't care. I went home and went to my binder which has a BUNCH of linked paper with words on them and I wrote down my thoughts and everything that happened to me. I do this so when I'm older I can show my kids and grandkids what I did on what day during what year, how I lived, how I felt, how I thought and for myself to look back on my life and to remember all the small things that make me happy. Nobody else knows about my binder and hopefully nobody will find out anytime soon. When your alive nobody cares about what you do or how you feel or what you think when your alive but when you die that's all anyone cares about. So when I'm around 80 maybe when I die my family will find the binder. I've been thinking about my fantasy and my binder that I forgot about Jack. I wonder what Jack thinks about when he's alone and daydreaming.

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