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"You did?!" Layla asked.

"Where is it?" Aimen questioned.

Brendon quickly walked towards Aimen, grabbed her hand and ran through the exhibits of the museum. Aimen felt a little puzzled and she was not okay with Brendon grabbing her hand.

"What are you doing?!" Aimen asked.

"We have to get out of here," Brendon said firmly.

"But what about the key?" Layla asked.

"Don't worry, I got it," Brendon replied.

"Where is it?" Aimen asked.

Brendon stopped for a moment and he turned around. He looked into Aimen's eyes and he gave her the honest look. Aimen recognized that look to be the look that her father gave her when he was going to tell her bad news. Aimen felt a little sick just thinking about it.

"Aimen, you are the devil's key," Brendon said.

"What?" Aimen asked with confusion.

"Once when I gave you the key, you and the key were fused together,"

"So you're saying that I have the Devil living inside me?!"

"I am not sure, but you are what the Devil wants, and we have to get out of here right now,"

Now Aimen did feel really sick. It was all creepy and scaring to the poor girl. Just the thought of the Devil himself living inside of her, possibly possessing her, scared her. That was one thing that she didn't want. Out of all of the crazy things that had happened to her, being fused with the devil's key was the craziest.

"Is there a way to separate her and the key?" Layla asked.

Layla was just as worried as Aimen was. She didn't expect her friend to be possessed by the Devil and that was a request that she didn't even plan on making.

"I am not sure," Brendon replied, "But we have to get out of here."

Brendon, Aimen, and Layla ran and ran through the other exhibits and to the Golden Portal Room. Once when they went there, Aimen couldn't help but collapse. Her heart was aching and so were her wrists. The girl looked on her wrists, and she noticed blood red, demonic markings on her wrists. Aimen looked at them with fright and she couldn't help but groan at the agony in her veins.

"Aimen!" Brendon yelled, "Come on, we have to go."

Brendon and Layla helped Aimen up and they went through the door that lead to Aimen's house. Aimen was in her bedroom, on the ground, screaming at the pain in her arms. The pain was really bad and Aimen couldn't breathe.

"Aimen, stay with me," Brendon said.

"Stay strong, Child," Layla soothed.

"I have a key inside me," Aimen breathed out of fear. "I have a key inside me. I have the Devil inside me. I am scared, guys. What do I do?"

Brendon looked at the markings on Aimen's arms. Brendon was as scared as Aimen was. He has no idea what to do, and it's all his fault. He didn't have any idea that the devil's key would be able to possess anyone. It didn't possess him when he held it....what was going on? However, there was one option that Brendon didn't want to take, seeing Ryan again. All Brendon could think of was "It was him! He did it! He summoned the Devil within Aimen!"

He had to confront Ryan and ask him of what was going on.

"Stay right here," Brendon ordered, "Layla, take care of her."

"What about you?" Layla asked.

"Got to see someone,"

Brendon pulled out a glitter ball and he threw it on the ground. The glitter teleported Brendon back to the museum. All the man could do was run and rush to see Ryan. He didn't know how much time there'll be until the Devil returns. He had no idea. But he didn't care. Separating Aimen from the key was the only thing that mattered to him.

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