54 (salt warning)

44 3 2

Ok so here's some stuff about the game. *PERPARE FOR EXTRA S A L T*

Surprisingly, it didn't rain. Thank goodness. Because walking around in those hecking jazz shoes is like walking in wet socks. We marched over to the other school like champions. We crossed the street like champions, moving pom poms to the drum cadences. So we get there and we're all hyped, since this is a big rivalry game, and sweaty because it was hot. So by halftime they're beating us 14-7. The announcer... oh boy don't get me started. This is when it was beginning to bother me. So basically since he was so obviously biased towards the other school he announces their things with extra emphasis. "AND ON THE TACKLE NUMBER FORTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..." or "AND THAT'S ANOTHER EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAGLES FIIIIIIIIRST DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"
You see what I mean? And at halftime when he's announcing the score, "xyz school 7, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGYYY WATERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR FOURTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!" He mumbled for us and screamed for them. The announcer did this for the rest of the game. Stretching out his words and each time he did it I would scream at him to shut up. Then there was third quarter... oh gosh... *head shake* well it lasted for so long because of how many times they had to stop the clock for injuries and stuff. I wasn't really watching since it was third quarter break but at one point the refs made a call so bad that the *Catholic school* fans started booing. Our fans' and the band's morale started dropping. Everyone was getting tired. But at fourth quarter, some people tried to get the crowd's energy up. Like we started a wave in the stands, we started cheering with the cheerleaders. I don't know if it got to the crowd, but it got to us. We felt super energized even if the game was RIGGED against us... but anyway I was super salty because of the FUDGING announcer, the score, and the band...? Usually we don't hate bands, but they were rude. You know how everyone takes a knee when someone's injured on the field? They continued to play their music. And it was one of our players! AND the announcer starts to advertise some dumb sponsor! In the end we lost 24-20. Oh well, if you had fun, YOU WON! (That was one of our chants last year.) Marching back to school wasn't fun. The way we went over there was probably closed so we had to walk through a neighborhood. My feet were killing me. My stomach really hurt because that happens at like every away game for some reason. I was tired. Our coach told us that the show looked super clean. (Yay)

So I was extremely salty at the game but my dawg (the queen of salt) was probably ready to rip off that announcer's head. I guess marching back made me calm down a little.

But seriously that was the worst football game I've ever been to. Someone's mom is writing a letter to the principal of the other school saying how disrespectful they were. (JUSTICE!)

But like they said,
If you had fun...

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