Wolfing Out

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La Push
Clearing in the forest

Bella parks. Climbs out of her truck with Athena, clutching onto her small arm. She lets out a quiet whimper. Bella hears a rustle amid the trees. Spooked, she freezes, making Athena stop. Jacob emerges from the trees. A moment as their eyes meet before he looks to Athena with a smile. Then Sam Uley, Paul, Embry and Jared step into the clearing, as well, half-clothed, movements almost synchronized. Their expressions simultaneously alter into fury when they see Bella. Paul spins on Jacob.

"What the hell have you done?!"

Jacob looks back at Bella in shock. "I didn't tell her. I never even mentioned anything related to this."

"She's here, isn't she?" Paul argues back.

"Jakey!" Athena calls out, a smile spreading across her face.

Jake squats, holding his arms out. "Short Stack!" Athena goes to walk towards him but is pulled back sharply by Bella's hold on her arm, an angry expression on her face.

"Momma.." Jake's eyes start to harden at the sound of her voice, the other boys start to glare. Bella seeing this, quickly puts on an innocent face and let's go. Athena quickly runs across the clearing into Jacobs arms, which immediately wrap around her and lift her from the ground.

Sam watches them for a moment with a small smile before putting on a blank face and turning to Bella. "Bella, there's nothing to see here. You should go home. Jacob will bring Athena back later."

Wanting answers, she stays. "Not until I know what you did to Jacob."

Paul starts advancing on Bella. "What we did?!" Jacob pulls Athena closer before sighing and handing her over to Jared, who happily accepts, before standing in front of Bella for protection. Bella lets out a small smug smile before letting it disappear.

Sam moves in. "Paul, calm down..."

Jacob quickly comes up with an excuse to let Bella know so he can keep seeing Athena. "Sam, she knows things about the bloodsuckers. She's been on the inside. She can help --" Paul cuts him off.

"Like a leech lover's gonna help us."

Jacob groans and talks sharply. "We need Information!"

Embry starts getting fed up with this. "Get a grip, guys--"

Bella glares with hate towards Paul and marches over, once close, she slaps him across the face. At this, Paul starts to shake badly. Bella seeing this, starts to slowly walk backwards.

Sam talks to him in a commanding tone. "Paul, back off."

Athena starts to whimper more at this so Jared Back away with her, holding her tightly, Jacob starts shaking with anger at hearing Athena's whimper.

Sam turns to Jacob, still having Paul in his view. "Jacob." Paul starts growling loudly with Jacob in tow.

"Too late." Jared calls out, turning Athena's head away.

"Bella, get back!" Paul falls forward but halfway to the ground there's a loud ripping noise and Paul explodes in silver-gray fur, becoming a massive wolf crouched and ready to spring! Bella, horrified, grabs Jacob's arm, pulling him, not noticing him getting more angrier at this.

"Run, Jacob!" He yanks away from her, runs directly at the Paul-wolf.

"Jake, no! Stop!"

Jacob dives headfirst into the air - with another sharp tearing sound, shreds of cloth blast into the air, fur bursts from Jacob's skin - he lands on the ground a gigantic russet-brown wolf, charging the Paul-wolf. Bella reels as the two wolves crash into each other, snarling and ramming one another. The sound isdeafening. Their teeth flash at each other's throats. Bella stumbles backward as the fight carries the two wolves beyond the clearing and into the woods. Sam starts after them, kicking off his shoes.

"Take Bella and Athena to Emily's place." Sam disappears leaving an eerie quiet. A long silence...

"Guess the wolf's out of the bag." Embry jokes. Bella looks stunned. A voice is heard next after Embry.


Jared starts walking away to Bella's truck. "Don't worry, he'll be back."


Sorry for it being a short chapter but I fought it was a good way to end this one so I did, hope you enjoy this, if so please a like or comment.

Disclaimer - I do not own Twilight but I do own Athena Swan so no Stealing or copying please

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