'Run Away?'

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Swan House - Late Afternoon

"Let's have a talk, Isabella." Bella looks to him with annoyance, she crosses her arms and picks at her nails.

"What's there to talk about?" Charlie rolls his eyes, fed up with her behaviour.

"What's there to talk about? Well how about the fact that your behaviour for one thing and you slapping Athena across the face!" Bella scoffs.

"Like I told Jacob, It was a 'light' slap." Charlie shakes his head at this.

"The fact that you slapped her doesn't mean anything to you?! What did she ever do to you that warranted to be hated on and slapped by her mother of all people." Something in Bella snaps.

"What did she do to me! I'll tell you what she did, she took all the attention, she was an attention seeking brat that's what!"

"That doesn't give you the excuse to hurt her in any shape or form!" Charlie yells back, Bella shuts up, looking to him with wide eyes. He breathes heavily. "I believe something needs to be done about this behaviour of yours, I'm sending you to Jacksonville to be with your mother." She stomps her foot.

"I'm not going, I'm staying here!"

"You don't get a choice!" Bella's breaths come out harsh. "You will go and hopefully she can fix this, I am taking custody of Athena from you, and giving it to Sam and Emily." Bella screeches at this.

"You can't do this! I can do whatever I want to her and I am not giving the brat away to the mutts!" Jacobs growl surrounds the room, Charlie looks to him in shock at this but shakes it off, wanting to deal with Bella first.

"I have been lenient with you but I think I was way too lenient than I should have been, she isn't your child anymore and they are more suited for looking after her than you have been." Bella glares before it turns into a smug look.

"Well to bad they won't be able to look after her now." Jacob stands quickly and stomps towards her, making her back into the wall. Charlie quickly rushes forward and grabs his arm but pulls back at the heat.

"Jake, calm down." He ignores the chief, giving Bella a death glare.

"What did you do to her!" Bella shakes in fear but tries to hide it behind smugness.

"I didn't do anything, she ran away like the little brat she is." Charlie looks to her in shock.

"What!" Jacob's shaking increases.

"She wouldn't do that and she would have been with you all day so how could she?"

Bella scoffs, trying to push him away but can't. "I was at School when she disappeared, I turned away for a second then she was gone, not my fault she can't take a beating." Charlie's eyes go hard at this.

"You know..." Bella looks to him with doe eyes, hoping he would fall for her lie. "...I would have believed you if the school didn't call to ask where you were." Bella's eyes turned wided.

"How!" Charlie chuckles sarcastically.

"I asked them to call me whenever you weren't in school." She gulps, knowing she was now busted. "Especially with this behaviour lately, I'm glad I did." Charlie glares into her eyes. "Now, where is she." Bella doesn't talk, head bowed before they hear her start to chuckle before full blown laughter escapes her. They look to her wide eyed.

"You'll never find her, I made sure of it." They see that her eyes carry a crazed look in them. "She'll die before you can even find the brat." Jacob growls before hitting her head against the wall, knocking her out. Charlie looks to him in shock at what he did but Jacob shrugs, his shaking not disappearing.

"She's unstable." Charlie sighs tiredly before looking to Jacob with determined eyes.

"I going to find Athena, before it's to late." Jacob leans Bella against the wall before putting a hand onto Charlie's shoulder for comfort.

"Let me and the guys help, I believe she took Athena into the woods." Charlie looks to him in doubt. "The guys and I know these woods like the back of our hands, you get an ambulance here and we'll try to find her as soon as we can."

"You better get her back here alive Jacob." Jacob nods before running out of the house into the woods, Charlie grabs the phone and calls the hospital. He jumps a little when he hears a loud howl.


Woods - Night

It's been hours since Bella left Athena in the woods, hours since she tried to follow her use to be mother. The tears that once fell from her cheeks were now gone and shivers took their place. She wanted to go home and out of the cold, it was dark and scary for her. Athena wondered around woods, hoping to find a way out or find someone to take her home. She wanted her jakey to cuddle her and say that everything was okay but he wasn't there to do so, she was alone in the middle of the woods, in the dark with dangerous animals that could be anywhere.

It was hard for her to see in the dark, she kept tripping over things that she saw to late, blood stuck the her small knees and hands. A snap echoes through the night, her head snaps towards the sound, her tiny heart racing in fear for what's out there, footsteps are heard a second later. Thinking it's someone that could help her, she goes to call out but stops when red eyes stare back at her. Her breath comes out quicker, she stumbles backwards as the eyes move towards her, her foot gets caught onto a stick and trips to the ground. Letting out a whimper, she stares fearfully when a hungry growl comes from the red eyed monster.

She tries to crawl back, but her back hits a tree, stopping her movements and trapping her. She pulls her knees to her chest, the creatures mouth opens to show her it dangerous pearly whites. It moves closer, intentionally making it steps loud before speed towards her.



Disclaimer - I do not own Twilight but I do own Athena Swan so no Stealing or copying please

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