'A 'Light' Slap to the Cheek'

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Swan House
Bella's Room -Night

Athena had woken from her sleep when she heard her mother return home that morning from trip to see Grandma, she got out of her toddler bed quickly and ran as fast as her little legs could go, hoping that this trip helped Bella return to Being the mother that she use to be before coming to Forks. But when she got down down their hug her tightly around her waist, she was pushed away with a scowl, Athena quickly backs away with a scared look and a quiver in her lips, holding back a sob. She turns around to see Edward at the door, having watch the scene with a confused look. She slowly walks over and holds her arms up, hoping that he doesn't hate her like her mother does, seeing this, Edward picks her up.

Edward had no clue why Bella acted that way to her daughter. He knew Bella was different when he and his family returned, acting more clingier than usual and trying to demand to be turned as soon as possible but when he saw her talking with her mother with this smug look and now with Athena. He knew right then and there that he needed to speak with her, needing to find out why she was acting the way she is. His head quickly snapped towards Athena, thinking he saw something about Bella saying something about her in Athena's mind but quickly dismissed it, not wanting to believe that Bella would be cruel to anyone.

It was night now, Edward having left a few hours ago on Charlie not so subtle insistence. Athena was in her room, sitting on her floor with her toys forgotten, her face was scrunched up in concentration. She wanted to know why her mother was mean to her but didn't want to get yelled at again, she ponders this for a moment before her face sets into a determine one. She pushes herself up from the floor and stomps her little legs to her mother's room, determined to get some answers even if her guts say not to.

She stops before her door, peeking through the crack of the door to see her mother passing across the room, mumbling about something or other. Letting out a nervous breath, she pushes open the door slowly and walks in quietly, not wanting to alert her mother yet. Athena watches her for a moment before calling out.

"Momma?" Bella doesn't hear her, to busy caught up in her thoughts, Athena calls out again louder. "Momma!" Bella pulls to a stop before slowly turning towards her, a glare set on her face that makes Athena flinch back.

"What do you want." Athena gulps, her nervous feeling in her gut coming out full force.

'Why you hate me." She mumbles, getting scareder every second.

"Speak up brat!" She jumps before putting on her meanest glare, which just looks adorable on her tiny scrunched up face.

"Why you hate me." Bella scoffs, arms crossed over her underweight body.

"You took him away from me." Athena looks to her, confused. "You took my Jake! He was suppose to be mine but then he turned into a wolf and all his attention is put onto you!" She stomps closer to Athena, her finger pointing at her face. Athena looks to her wide eye. "And not just him, everyone prefers you. MY Friends from school, MY Wolves and even MY Vampires like you way more than they do me!" Athena goes to step back, fear descending onto her face but Bella grabs ahold of her arm in a tight grip, that will probably leave a bruise. A whimper escape her lips.

"I'm sorry." Bella scoffs, shaking her.

"A sorry doesn't make them like me even more than you!" Athena, realising how unstable her mother is goes to call out to Charlie, who was down in the living room watching TV.

"PA-" A slap echos around the room, a stinging sensation on her cheek cuts her off. Tears leak from her eyes, hurting her sore red cheek. She looks to her mother with pain filled eyes, Bella goes to raise her hand to give her another slap when they hear a shocked gasp. They both look to Bella's window to see Jacob staring at them, his eyes going from anger to Bella and worry to Athena when he sees a red handprint on her cheek. Bella quickly let's go and looks to Jacob with doe like eyes, trying to appear to look innocent in all this.

"Jacob, it's not what it looks like." He starts to shake, fighting very hard with his wolf to not loss control with Athena in the room. Athen quickly runs over to him, he lifts her up and holds her close, his anger filled eyes never leaving Bella's.

"Not what it looks like. NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Bella looks to him in shock and fear, now realising how much she screwed up, not that she regretted it though. But she didn't want Charlie to come up and see what was all the noise is about so she tries to calm him down.

"Look Jake, I didn't mean to hit her but I need you to calm down so Charlie doesn't come up and ask why you are here." He still continues to shake angrily but keeps his mouth shut, Bella sees this and continues to talk. "Why don't you explain why you are here after I take Athena to bed."

Athena shakes her head quickly, tears turning to quiet sobs. Jacob pulls her closer when Bella holds her arms out to him. "I don't think so, she stays with me and you can explain why you hit Athena."

Bella drops her doe eye look, which did not suit her, and gives him a glare instead. "It's none of your fucking business with what I do with my daughter, now, why are you here?"

He smiles at her sarcastically. "I came over to see how Athena was doing, imagine my surprise when I notice she was in your room and I see your hand raised, an angry look on your face with Athena crying her little eyes out with a red handprint on her cheeks."

Bella shrugs. "I gave her a light slap on the cheek, no big deal." Jacobs shake becomes even strong, the wolf threatening to come out but with Athena in his arms, he doesn't phase.

"A light slap! A light slap doesn't leave a handprint and you never slap a child in the face!" Bella rolls her eyes before she looks to him with a suggestive look, she walks up to him and places a hand on his arm. Athena looks to her in fear when she got closer and tries to move away.

"Why don't I put her to bed and maybe..." Bella bits her bottom lip. "...we can have some fun on my bed?" Jacob shrugs her hand off with a disgusted look.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, is Edward not enough for you!" Bella huffs.

"Come on! It's not like he will know." She forgets about Edwards mind reading ability, wanting Jacobs attention her, believing if she gave him an opening then he would forget about Athena.

"You fucking disgust me, you aren't the Bella that I knew. Your someone completely different." He backs away to the Window, Athena help tightly in his arms. "I'm going and i'm taking her with me, tomorrow after school i'm gonna tell Charlie what happened. I'll drop her off in the morning."

Bella stomps her foot. "You can't tell him! Besides..." A smug look settles onto her face. "...He'll believe me over you."

His legs hang out the window, he faces into the woods. "I think with how your acting lately, he'll believe me." He jumps out and runs into the woods, Bella watches with a glare, anger written all over her face.

"This is all your fault Athena, With the wolves hating me and now Edward getting suspicious. I'm going to make sure you pay for this!"


Hey guys, sorry for the wait. I was originally going to post this on Sunday but decided you guys waited long enough. Tell me what you think about this chapter and please press the like button or comment, Thanks

Disclaimer - I do not own Twilight but I do own Athena Swan so no Stealing or copying please

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