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8:09 am

The waiting room was empty when Toni arrived at the dentist's office. The serpent had expected that much, especially not this early on a Saturday. Way too early to be awake on a weekend. Sighing, Toni checked in at the front desk and threw herself into the nearest chair. As she turned to check out what kinds of magazines were on the table, she saw a flash of red out of the corner of her eye.

There, wearing a red sweatshirt and black shorts, was the one and only Cheryl Blossom. At the redhead's side was Josie McCoy, who was trying, and failing, to keep Cheryl upright. Toni knew who Cheryl was, how could she not?but she didn't think the other girl had the slightest clue what her name even was. To Riverdale's HBIC, Toni probably only existed as another dirty serpent and nothing more. Still, Toni jumped to her feet to help Josie practically carry Cheryl to her car. Josie shot Toni a tight smile as she allowed the serpent to take hold of one of Cheryl's arms. Josie and Toni aren't exactly close but since Sweet Pea started pursuing the other girl, Toni had seen a lot more of her.

Cheryl looked at Toni out of the corner of her eye before a dopey grin spread across her face. The redhead turned to Josie and smiled even wider, starting to speak in a raspy voice that told Toni that Cheryl probably thought she was whispering, "Jo! She's the really pretty snake."

Toni nearly dropped Cheryl as she processed what the cheerleader had just said. Cheryl Blossom knew who she was? Not only that, but she thought she was pretty too? Toni shot a panicked look at Josie, but the brown haired girl just nodded along with Cheryl, "I know Cher. C'mon, we have to take you home."

Once Toni and Josie finally got the redhead into Josie's car, Toni spoke up, "I'm guessing she just got her wisdom teeth out?"

"Yeah," Josie sighed, "And as the designated best friend I'm the one who has to watch her. She can't be alone for a couple hours."

Toni's next words spilled out of her mouth before she could process what she was saying, "I could watch her, if you want?"

"Thank you, Toni," Josie smiled as she climbed into the driver's seat, "But, she can be a bit of a handful. Besides, don't you have your own appointment?"

Toni relented, telling Josie not to hesitate to call her if she needed anything. Josie agreed, slapping Cheryl's hands away from the steering wheel as she pulled out of the parking lot.

9:34 am

"Pea! Why the fuck are there chips all over the floor? And for god's sake, learn to put your socks in the damn laundry!" Toni yelled.

"Nah Tiny. You live in my trailer, so my rules. If I wanna make a mess, I make a mess." Sweet Pea leaned against the doorframe to his bedroom, tossing the bag of chips he'd been eating onto the kitchen table. The force of the bag hitting the wood caused chips to fly, most of them landing in Toni's hair.

"Damn it, Sweet Pea. You're lucky I love you, you know that?" Toni sighed.

Across the trailer, Fangs voice called out, "Toni! Your phone is ringing!"

"Yeah thanks, Fangs, don't bring it to me or anything." Toni mumbled under her breath, stomping toward her bedroom. The serpent didn't read the caller ID before she snapped at the person on the other line, "What do you want?"

"Toni? It's Josie." The voice on the other line said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Toni apologized, her tone much calmer now, "I was just fighting with the guys, what's up?"

"Is this a bad time?" Josie questioned softly.

"Not at all, what's wrong? Do you need something?" Toni paced back and forth trying to keep her cool as she could hear Sweet Pea and Fangs argued over video game characters again.

"Yeah, it's Cheryl," Josie sighed defeatedly, "She keeps asking for you, and she's refusing to go to sleep. I'm so sorry, Toni. I know you guys don't really know each other and I have no idea what her fascination with you is, I just-"

"It's fine, Jos," Toni interrupted. "I need to get out of here anyway. Are you at your place?"

"Yes. Are you sure you want to come ove-" Josie asked before her question was interrupted "Cher no! Get off the counter!"

"I'm on my way." Toni hurried out of the room and grabbed her helmet without saying goodbye to the guys.

"Hey! Where the hell are you going in such a hurry?" Sweet pea questioned before Toni was out the door.

"To your girlfriends house." Toni teased. Payback for leaving her hair smelling like artificial potatoes.

"Wait? Wh-" Sweet Pea's confusion caused Fangs to burst out laughing as Toni sped off.

10:13 am

When Toni arrived at the McCoys', a very frazzled Josie greeted her, "Hey, Toni. Thank god."

"Happy to help... why are you looking at me like that?" Toni furrowed her eyebrows.

"Looking at..." Josie shook her head, "You have chips? In your hair?"

"Oh my god. I totally forgot. Blame your boyfriend for that, he threw chips at me," Toni explained, ruffling her hair to shake them out.

"Toni?! How many times have I told you? we're just.. talking," Josie replied, helping Toni rid her hair of potato chips. "Yeah mhm talking.. if whatever you guys were doing in MY bed is talking then.." Toni's eyebrows shoot up. "ANYWAYS! Would you believe that's not the weirdest thing I've seen today?" Josie diverted the subject.

Toni raised an eyebrow at Josie as a voice called out, "Jo! There are sheep in my mouth!"

Josie rolled her eyes, "Cheryl Blossom, for the fifth time, those are cotton balls! And don't touch them!"

The brown haired girl showed the serpent into her home, shooting her a look that said, do you see what I've been dealing with? As the duo entered the living room.

Cheryl was curled up on the couch, cocooned in blankets, squeezing her face between her hands.

"Cher," Josie said, softer than before, "Someone is here to see you."

Cheryl looked up, her cheeks still squished between her palms.

"Hi, Cheryl," Toni cooed, stepping closer to the redhead. "Josie said you wanted to see me?"

Cheryl studied the pink-haired girl in front of her with a very serious expression before asking, "Can your snakes get the sheep out of my mouth?"

Behind Toni, Josie huffed. "That's it. I'm sorry Toni, but she's all yours now. I'll be in my room."

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