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Cheryl and Toni were sitting in their booth at Pop's for what had to be their hundredth milkshake when it happened.

It had become commonplace, over the last couple of months, to spot the pair out together, whether they were tucked in a booth at Pop's, on the shore of Sweetwater River, at the Wyrm, or enjoying a ride through town on Toni's motorcycle. While it was obvious to everyone around them that they were very much in love, neither of them had said those three little words.

Today, Cheryl was sitting in a booth in the back of Pop's across from her girlfriend, yes, her girlfriend, sharing a strawberry milkshake. Toni was laughing and gesturing wildly as she told Cheryl about a stupid bet Sweet Pea had made with Jughead. Cheryl was leaning into her palm with a lovesick smile on her face, staring at her girlfriend's lips as they moved. As Toni finished her story, Cheryl laughed along with her, her heart warming at the pure joy she heard in the other girl's voice.

Cheryl Blossom had finally made it. She'd met a beautiful girl, who her cared about her, who helped her to open up, who talked to her instead of yelling at her, who was patient, and kind, and so full of love. Had she screwed up along the way? Absolutely. Did her old defense mechanisms still make an appearance? Yes, more than she would like. Yet, despite those things, her and Toni had talked through it all. They'd had their fights, of course, but they always seemed to come out stronger afterwards. Maybe it was cliché, but it didn't matter. Cheryl had found real love.

Toni Topaz had done it. She'd met someone she could actually picture a future with. She'd met a beautiful girl, who challenged her, who kept her on her toes, who knew how to make her laugh. She'd won the lottery. Did she still get defensive? Yes. Did she still run into things head first without thinking? Of course she did. However, these things were a part of her, and although her girlfriend sometimes got frustrated with her, they managed to pull through even the roughest of times. Toni had found it. She'd found peace and happiness in a life where she was destined to never get those things. She had the guys, who were her family, who stuck by her no matter how stupid of a decision she made, and she had an amazing girlfriend, who worried about her, but supported her nonetheless.

So when Cheryl spoke those three little words in a booth in the back of Pop's, Toni said them right back.

I love you, they said, and it was just the beginning.

All because of a couple of teeth.

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