
The smoke flowed through his lungs, the ash stayed and made it's home. Yoongi leaned against the silver painted brick wall of his high-school, not caring that he could be caught smoking on school grounds at any time.

His breath was like fire compared to the cold air, the pink tinted smoke circling with the wind. Yoongi sighed after taking another blow, some music playing soothingly through his earphones. His eyes were closed, the world not a concern to him in that moment.

Suddenly, weight overtook him as he felt a familiar boy jump into his arms, almost sending the both of them to the ground. Yoongi groaned at his boyfriend with a huff, his pack of pink cigarettes now sitting in a puddle. "Damnit, Jimin." The mint haired boy pouted.

The younger blonde simply giggled, popping up onto his toes to gently peck Yoongi's cheek. "Sorry, baby! I just got so excited to see you.." He trailed off, fluttering his long eyelashes as he hugged onto the male.

"That was my last pack, you owe me." He sighed, snaking an arm around Jimin's slender waist.

Jimin agreed with a cheerful grin, but complained about the colored cigarette addiction the whole while as they made their daily walk home to Jimin's cozy cottage up the hill.

Yoongi basically lived at Jimin's, returning home only at night to sleep, sometimes not even for that. The two had been friends since daycare and began dating shortly into their second year of middle school.

Old habits die hard, they were addicted to each other's everything. Petty fights were not strangers, but they always ended up in the other's arms at some point.

Jimin unlocked the front door, the two boys stepping in to see Jimin's loving mothers, Nadine and Hanui. "Hey, love." they greeted simultaneously, immediately calling a jinx.

Yoongi just observed as the happy family settled around the kitchen. He's always been a bit standoffish when it came to being around overly cheery people, he never could understand how Jimin and himself were compatible.

They weren't.

Hours passed, the boys now laying together in bed. Yoongi in just a pair of grey sweatpants, Jimin in the elders beige sweater and his own cotton boxers. They were holding onto each other tightly, Jimin's face buried in the crook of his boyfriend's neck. "I love you, Yoongi." he whispered.

"I love you too, Jimin." he whispered in return, gently kissing the boy's head.

Simplicity is what they loved the most, scared of anything more.


But is this love?

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But is this love?


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