Chapter 1

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Clarke's POV

"Octavia!? Have you seen my blue dress?" Tonight is club night, a little rule my best friend and roommate, Octavia Blake, insisted we have to make sure we have fun at least once a week.

She peeks into my room, her green eyes scanning, attempting to target the garment. "I'll look in my closet, I took it last weekend when I was looking for something to wear on my date."

Octavia's dating life has always been great, ever since high school really. Octavia either always had a very caring, gentle guy, or multiple lining up to date her. As for me, my dating life has been pretty dry, maybe a few dates here and there but nothing I'd ever entertain myself with.

"I found it!" She throws it at me. "Now hurry up, Bellamy and Raven are expecting us there any minute."

Normally it's me rushing her, not the other way around. Kind of makes me wonder what could be going on that they want us there exactly at nine.

I put the light blue dress on. It has a round neckline, stops at my mid-thigh and clings to every curve on my body. I check my hair and makeup in the mirror before giving myself a mental thumbs up and meeting Octavia at the door.

She's dressed in a sparkly black, open back, strappy club dress that stops right below her butt. I already know Bellamy is going to be all over her when he sees that, and I'm sure she knows that too, and wore it just to spite her older brother.

"Ready to go?" She flashes a wide smile my direction and I slightly nod. I don't want to disappoint Octavia, but I hate club night.

We take an Uber to the club that both Bellamy and Raven work at. Bellamy as a bartender, and Raven as a DJ. With a silent sigh we pass the bouncers, Octavia proudly hands over her ID. She just turned twenty-one a few months ago and gets so happy when she gets carded because she gets to show off that she's of legal age.

We saunter through the crowd of sweaty people towards the bar, where Raven and Bellamy, much to my surprise, are waiting expectantly for us. I try to ignore Bellamy's lingering stare on my body, you think I would be used to it at this point considering he started doing that when I turned sixteen, and had that 'awkward change' girls get.

Raven gets up from her stool to hug Octavia and I, and then steps back to look at me. She looks around to the others, nods her head.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARKE!" They all yell, well, Bellamy kind of mumbled, but it was still something.

How could I have forgotten my own birthday? I'm not one of those people that's against birthdays, I've just never really celebrated mine, so for my friends to do this, it means a lot.

I just laugh and hug Raven and Octavia again, and smile at Bellamy, letting him know I appreciate his effort. He examines me up and down before grinning, not smiling, but grinning, back at me. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks as I quickly turn away.

Bellamy Blake is a player, always has been. His dark brown curls, chocolate eyes, and deep toned skin attracts EVERY girl, well except Raven and I.

"Clarke, come on!" I feel a tug on both of my arms as Octavia pleads for me to go on the dance floor with me.

"Not so fast, O." For a second I think he's going to scold her for her choice in attire. "Not until the birthday girl gets her birthday shot," he shoots a look at me. "What're having, prin-cess?" He drags it out and raises his eyebrow at me. Princess. Another habit he developed in high school.

I've never been keen to the whole drinking thing, either. I'm so focused on college that none of this entertains me. But the second I sit down in front of Bellamy, he's already thrown a shot glass down, and is pouring a bottle into it.

"Double shot of Crown," he smirks. "Whiskey."

"You trying to get her drunk, Blake?" His bartending partner and best friend, John Murphy, teases with an approving smile.

Bellamy just glares at him, aggravated by something I can't exactly tell. Then he looks back at me, and the shot he placed in front of me. "A little Crown for the princess. Are you gonna take it or what, Clarke, let loose..." Everything he says becomes inaudible after that, as I see my ex-girlfriend, Lexa, dancing with her new girlfriend out on the dance floor. Something about seeing her stung my heart. She was the only relationship I had that ever got pretty serious, and not to say I still love her or anything, but seeing her here, made me realize I do miss her.

I hastily pick up the shot and down it without a second thought. "Keep them coming," I yell to Bellamy. He grins deviously, not noticing what had sent me off.

I take two or three more shot before heading on to the dance floor with Octavia and Raven. Octavia is dancing with some guy I've never seen before so Raven and I dance together until the song ends. We head back to the bar to get some more drinks and dance the rest of the night away.

Bellamy's POV

By the end of the night, the girls are completely wasted, even Clarke, the supposed responsible one.

"Murphy, can you cover my ass for an hour? I ask motioning to the girls.

"Say no more," he slightly shakes his head and chuckles.

Raven seems to be the least drunk of the three so she walks herself to my car, on the other hand, Octavia and Clarke are gone. I throw them both over my shoulder and they protest but also giggle. Now I know what you're probably thinking, but it's the most effective way to get them both out. I gently set them both in the back seat, buckling them up. Raven's practically passed out in the passenger seat already.

I drop Raven off first, I make sure she gets inside and has everything she could possible need, including a bottle of aspirin for when she wakes up.

I slide back into my car, where O is sleeping soundly, and Clarke on the other hand, seems kind of dead. She avoids my eyes when I look at her.

"What's wrong?" She murmurs something that I can't quite hear.

I get out, and move her to the passenger seat, hoping she just might talk to me.

"Now what is it, Princess?" My eyes scan hers, but we just sit silently. With a sigh I put my car back in gear and pull off.

"Lexa.." I barely hear the name escape her lips, but that's all she needed to say. Everyone that knows, and I mean knows, Clarke, knows that Lexa meant the world to her, so when she left, you can only imagine how Clarke felt.

We finally arrive at their apartment building, and I carry the sleeping Octavia up, Clarke insists on walking. I push their door open, and get Octavia to bed, leaving water and aspirin for her as well. Now, what to do with Clarke. She's sitting on the floor with her back against the front door.

I sigh, walking towards her, "C'mon, let's get you to bed." She gingerly stands up and follows me. I've done this a thousand times for Octavia, but never for Clarke. She's already taken her shoes off, so that's a start. I manage to get her dress off, forcing myself to focus on other things in her bedroom.

Fuck I silently curse to myself. I have no idea where her shirts are and I don't want to rummage through her stuff. I pull my shirt off and slowly put it over her, covering what was her bare body, before undoing her covers and helping her lay down. I set aspirin and water on her night stand as well, and turn to walk out.

I feel a tug on my finger, and turn around to see Clarke looking helplessly at me. Fuck, I hate seeing this side of her. I've known Clarke for a long ass time, and not once have I ever thought of Clarke being the kind of girl that needed someone. Her voice sounded so frail when she asked me to stay. I slowly nod at her, before getting into the other side of the bed. She scoots over and snuggles up next me. Almost like an instant reaction my arm goes around her, protecting her from any harm that may come in her sleep.

Just here to show my love of modern Bellarke fics 🤧 My name is Hailey, I've been watching The 100 since the first season was put on Netflix. Let me know what you think and if I should continue this story
I'm rarely active but you can follow my instagram @blakesearth

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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