9 - Ike

467 19 16

     That was weird. Not necessarily in a bad way, just weird. I watch him walk off completely normally, as if he didn't just try and keep me from leaving without an explanation.

     For the rest of the day, I can barely think of anything else. Why did he do that? What were his intentions? Is he a mannequin? God, I have so many questions.


     When I get home, Kyle's lying on the couch, holding his phone above his face as he texts someone. I consider--just for a second--standing here for a little while to see if he'll drop it onto himself. "Hey, Kyle?"


     "What does it mean if someone grabs your arm, and tells you not to move, doesn't say anything, but then lets go of you and walks off after a couple seconds?"

     Based on his expression alone, I think Kyle is going to pretend like he didn't hear a word I said. He does that a lot- mostly only when I ask questions like these ones. But then he actually says something.

     "To me, it either sounds like someone really wants to hurt you in some way, or they really like you to the same degree. Maybe both," He said, only briefly taking his eyes away from his phone to answer. I mean, I don't blame him. I would rather talk to my cool high school friends than my little brother who never gives context. "Why?"

     "No reason, just curious," I tell him, making my way up to my room.

     I hear him mutter something under his breath as I go up the stairs, but I can't even make out an outline of what he said.

     My room looks about the same as it did before I left. I think there's a few differences, but, they seem like the type of things only Firkle would notice. He notices a lot of things. I'm pretty sure that's why he was so focused on the gap between his notebook and his pencil at lunch.

     Maybe he has OCD. I lay down on my bed, and just think. I like to find time to do nothing but think.

     I think about the end of lunch.

     His hand was small. Small and frail, matching the rest of his body. I probably shouldn't say that, that sort of makes me sound gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, but, I'm not. Or maybe I am. I've never really thought about it.

     Am I allowed to not know? I'm pretty sure you're just supposed to have everything figured out. Or maybe you're just supposed to make other people think that you have everything figured out. I heard Kyle say one of the two when I was in the third grade, but I can't remember which.

     Does he even know?

     He probably doesn't.


473 words.

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