Yours Truly, Gilbert Blythe.

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Part one

Y/N sat at her desk, running her fingertips through her hair as she stared at the blank sheet of paper

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Y/N sat at her desk, running her fingertips through her hair as she stared at the blank sheet of paper. The white crisp paper almost seemed intimidating as she tried to find her train of thought. She groaned in frustration and pushed herself out of her chair.

Y/N walked over to her bedroom window, looking out at the snow-covered ground. The snow seemed as if it was almost a welcoming sign of comfort, but was really cold and uninviting. She brought her hand up against the frost covered glass. The ice crystals soon melting away as the warmth of her hand wiped them away.

She looked around her room for an idea as to where to start.
Y/N's eyes danced over her walls and floors until they landed on a dried sunflower she had kept. Her boots clicked across the floor as she made her way to the flower.

This flower was of very special meaning to Y/N. The once bright yellow petals were now faded away to a pastel of the same color, the stem dried and shriveled as the leaves barely clung on. A sad smile spread it's way across her face as she held the stem gently, afraid the petals might come off of the delicate flower.

Y/N shook her head and smiled, before gently setting the flower onto her dresser. She simply stared at it a moment longer before turning around and making her way back to her desk. She smoothed out the back of her dress as she sat down in the chair. She ran her hand through her hair and sighed a deep breath before grabbing her ink and pen. She set the tip of the pen over the paper. Just barely hovering over as she decided to really go through with this or not. Nevertheless, Y/N stared writing on the paper.

January 27th, 1896.

Dear Gilbert,

I would like to start out this letter by saying I am sorry for the things I had said to you before you left. I realized that so many things could happen to our relationship while you are out at sea. I did not want you and I being in a relationship, to hold you back from all the things you still have yet to experience.

I know what you're probably thinking Gil, "but Y/N I want to experience the world with you". I personally do not want to hold you back from all of the adventures you might encounter. Gilbert I still love you and I hope that when or if you ever come back home we will still be good friends.

I will never forget you, Gilbert Blythe. From the day you showed up at my doorstep on that foggy morning with a bouquet of wildflowers, or to the day you showed up in the same fashion, to say goodbye.

In all honesty, you belong in a boat out at sea. I like to think of you smiling as you smell the salty waters of the ocean. Enjoying the different cultures you come in to contact with at all of your ports of call. I want you to sail away and kill off the hours and go away to somewhere all bright and new.

I want you to go find a lover. Someone beautiful, and kind. Just like you. Someone that is able to put up with your cuddliness, and makes you smile without even trying. If she is really a keeper, bring her back home to Avonlea with you so I can meet her. Gilbert you deserve the world and now you have it in the palm of your hands. Go explore, you deserve to be free.

With Love, Y/N Y/L/N


a/n: I have been thinking about writing this little mini series for a while and this is loosely based off of the song wildflowers by Tom Petty (I just like the Miley version better)

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