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Normal POV
News reports were everywhere because of Vlad's 'disappearance'

"Police are still trying to find where our beloved mayor Vlad Masters could have disappeared of to? Evidence shows that he was last in his study at his mansion. For those who has any more information please contact the authorities right now."

"Mr. Masters is still missing and we are starting to believe he is dead. So far no body was found and no more trace or whereabouts about Mr. Masters location."

Maddie turned off the news. She knew what happened. She saw what happened to him. She saw how her son was fighting a deranged Fruitloop. The body was in the Ghost Zone according to her memory. One of Danny's 'helpers' did come out one time but unnoticeable.

He came out to hide Vlad's body. He hid Vlad's body in the woods where he had that encounter with the GIW and Mystery Inc. Some hikers or tourists will find him and Danny will be long gone by then.

Maddie hadn't been working that much lately. Jack now had a job as a plumber and electrician. They didn't want to work that much on ghost or anything related to that topic. Jack still brings in enough money to survive on. Sometimes Maddie would be a substitute at Casper High or would work at the Nasty Burger for extra cash.

A few days later she and Jack was watching the news and the topic was once again about Vlad, but on a different note. Lance Thunder was now on the screen unsure what to say.

"Citizens of Amity Park, it turns out that, there was a body found in the woods by some hikers. The body is identified as Vlad Masters." Lance finally said."Wait, his body was in the Ghost Zone. How did it get here?" Maddie asked."I don't know, maybe one of the ghosts planted it there." Jack said. They weren't even going to get mad about it."Well, looks like a new mayor will be elected now." Maddie said.

"Jack, I'm going to do it...for Danny and Jazz." Maddie said."What? They aren't even here. How will they know?" Jack asked."I don't know. I just want to do something." Maddie said as she went to the kitchen and started to cook their dinner for the night.

Danny's POV
I now knew what Clockwork meant. Learn from the past to avoid the unstoppable. Apparently I was on my way to become Dan. Well, it was stopped in time. I meditate more now if I get angry or annoyed.

Danielle was now 14 years old now...I juat wishes hee birthday ended on a better note."Dani, where were you?" Sam asked."I was just flying around to clear my mind." She said."What's wrong, sweetie?" I asked.

"Just how tragic my birthday was." She said."I'm sorry, that it happened the way it did, but I promise next year will be better." I said pulling her close to me for a hug."I guess so." She said."Hey, I tell you what. How about you go spend the weekend with grandma?" Sam asked."You really think that will help?" Dani asked.

"Well, if it helps you getting your mind off of things, then go for it." Tucker said."Okay, I'll go." Dani said with her mood a little bit lifted up.

I arranged for her to go to Pandora and she was happy to spend time with Dani. I flew us both there."Dad, will we ever go back to earth?" Dani asked and I stopped."I'm not sure. Everything and and everyone is just a painful reminder." I said.

"I wonder what's it like there." She said."Me too, but hey we have everything we need right here. Come on. Grandma is waiting for us." I said and we continued to fly on to Pandora's Keep.

We finally arrived and I knocked on the door."Hello, my little ones!!" Pandora said as she hugged both of us."Hey, Mitêra." I said."Hey, grandma." Dani said."Come on. I baked us all some fresh ecto-cookies." Pandora said and we entered.

After awhile it was time for me to leave."Alright, Dani. I'll see you in two days." I said as I gave her a kiss on the head."See ya later, dad." She said and I smiled as I took off. They went inside Pandora's temple and I flew to Sam who was waiting for me in bed. I decided to sleep in my boxers since I was too tired to care about pajamas.

"Hey, Danny. How's Pandora?" Sam asked as I climbed in."Great, she made delicious ecto-cookies." I said."Did you bring me one?" She asked."Yes." I said as I pulled out the small box that held the cookie. She took it and ate it."Mmmm, delicious." She said.

For a moment we stared into each other's eyes. Slowly we got closer to each other's lips and soon we kissed. Sam pushed me down into the mattress and she was on top of me. She took of her pajama shirt and her warm hands touched my cold chest. We continued to kiss.

I broke away and started to munch her on her neck in her her sweet spot, making her moan."Stop...teasing." She said and then I went to her mouth and continued to kiss her full of passion.

Next morning
I woke up with Sam in my arms. I smiled down at her sleeping form. I looked at the time and saw it was 08:27."Hey." I turned my attention to Sam to see she was awake."Hey, did you sleep well?" I asked."I sure did." Sam said as she snuggled herself deeper into me.

"I'm glad we have each other. My world wouldn't be spinning if I didn't have you four." I said."Don't say that. You are strong, Danny." Sam said as she kissed me on the cheek."Because you give me my strength." I said as I hugged her close to my body."I love you Danny." Sam said.

"I love you too Sammy."

"Come on. We must get ready." Sam said and we both got out of bed. I made the bed with my telekinesis and we quickly got dressed.

Book5 PDS: Danny Phantom:The Mystery of Amity Park Danny PhantomXScooby-Doo Where stories live. Discover now