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"... I'm not supposed to exist in anyway." Dan said making Danny stepped forward. The two of them stared at each other but Dan broke the eye contact when he looked away looking at the floor.

Dan still looked pretty much the same as he did. Flaming hair but short, red eyes but didn't glow with a murderous intend and his body was a little bit more muscular than Danny's body but he was still smaller. Dan even had his old suit when he was fourteen.

Danny's parents stared at the suit. It was the suit Danny first wore when he started out as a ghost hunter. Dan grabbed his hair and yanked onto it."We're not going to kill you, Dan. I told you. I won't kill."

"Do you think Batman and Danny will get along?" Fred asked."I don't know...both of them are pretty much the same in some aspects." Velma said. Danny sat down in front of Dan. Dan looked up at Danny.

"I'm telling you. Just kill me or lock me up." Dan kept on."Why do you keep telling me that?" Danny asked."Just a precaution." Dan mumbled."I don't know if I should be allowed to roam freely if I have the possibility to kill someone or hurt them." Dan said.

"Then make the choice to change or stay the same." Danny said."People don't change, Danny." Dan hissed."You changed." Danny retorted back."That's different." Dan said."Oh? How?" Danny said.

"You can't blame Vlad for this one." Danny then said."And you can't blame yourself either. Circumstances changed you. Now I'm changing the circumstances for you. How are you going to react?" Danny asked. Clockwork's eyes widen. Danny sounded much more wiser than he does.

"I deserve to die or get punished for all the blood on my hands." Dan then said."You mean the none existent blood? I know it doesn't change the fact that you did kill but you are the only one left of your timeline. This is your second chance. I think that's why you are still here. Everyone got a second chance that day when we met. Everyone except you."

Dan looked at Danny again. He was speechless."And the Observants?" Dan asked."Screw them. I'm the King." Danny said."Wise words." Clockwork said. Danny chuckled."I know it won't be easy, but we'll help you and guide you." Danny said.

Dan looked at what used to be his family at some point. They stood there dumbfounded at Danny's words."Danny... you're so wise...man." Shaggy said.

Dan then looked at Clockwork."Clockwork, explain a few things." Dan said. Everyone looked at Dan."When Vlad, took me you and those eyeballs were arguing about me once again and they kept referring to other versions of all us. There's more universes where we exist but in different times and circumstances."

"Yes, there is other versions of everyone. In some you could be dead or extremely powerful. Like this one." Clockwork said and showed a version of Danny that looked much like he is now, except the tips of his hair is fire, one eye is red with a scar over it and he had a totally different suit.

"What about him?" Sam asked."This one is born as a Greek demigod. This image you see now is him but as a god." Danny and Dan's eyes widen."A what and what?" Dan asked."There's countless more versions. This is just one of course." Clockwork said.

Everyone was quiet. Velma was shell shocked."Daniel, there's universes where Dan changed for the better. It's not impossible." Clockwork said. Dan looked at his chained limbs.

"I'll give it a try."

Dan still looked hesitant. Clockwork waved his arm and the chains disappeared. Dan didn't move though. He stayed in the position he was in."So about the bigger elephant in the room..." Tucker said.

"Which is?" Jazz asked."You can't keep Vlad in that thermos forever. You're gonna have to put him in a different one or in cell or something." Tucker said. Danny frowned looking at the thermos on his arm.

Book5 PDS: Danny Phantom:The Mystery of Amity Park Danny PhantomXScooby-Doo Where stories live. Discover now