Hang In There (Part 2 of 2)

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Bruce was reluctant to leave Tim alone, but he decided Tim need to be surrounded by friends. He let Tim go to Mount Justice and hangout with the others.

They are having a bonding time. With Tim calming down enough to eat a few cookies from Alfred, the only meal that he had for the past few days. They are watching Disney movies and sometimes Tim commenting on a few scene with, "Dick likes that baby elephant when Tantor asked his mom about the water and bacteria" when they watched Tarzan.

The peace didn't last long. The cave's light blickering before an alarm is setting off for a few seconds before it's clear again. Intruders! Someone is trying to get in to the cave.

The team were in a defense position, now in the mission room. Connor get in front of Tim to protect the young man from anything. Tim barely have enough energy to fight.


The zeta tube light's blind the zeta entrance for a bit before a smoke bombs are released around the room. They trying to make an escape from it, but the room's entrances has been locked from the other rooms. Someone hacked the Mount Justice.

"Prepare your weapon! Keep aware of your surrounding!" Aqualad give his orders even though he can't barely see anything. He could hear a grunt from his back, Superboy is down. He could guess that the smoke bomb has been altered with kryptonite and other substances. He heard a few fights has been started.

"Team, report your position!" A series of ooh, grunts, and moaning with pain could be heard around Aqualad.

The smoke fades away. He could see that only him and Artemis are standing. Artemis looks confused, her hands are keeping the bow and the arrow tight, preparing to launch it.

The members of the team are laying on the floor. None of them die. They are still conscious but each of them has been shot by special darts. They can't move their limbs.

In front of them, one of their member laying down with a black figure on it. The smoke fades completely and they could see a young boy, younger than Tim is sitting on Tim's stomach. The boy was holding a katana that he place it on Tim's neck. The boy is wearing a black ninja outfit, his eyes are green and his short spiky black hair perfectly placed on his head. He looks mad.

Behind the young boy, another two figures appeared from the smoke. A bulky man with a brown leather jackets and a red helmet placed to cover his head. His two hands are holding guns that he place on top of Batgirl's head and the other one was raised towards Kaldur.

Another figure is someone they familiar with. The red lad with a bow, Roy. He was aiming his arrow towards Artemis. His face are red and he looks extremely angry.

"Roy!" Aqualad scream for Roy.

"Put your weapons down, hotshot. I'm not in the mood for games" Roy still staring at Artemis. Artemis put her bow down and nod to Kaldur. Kaldur take his waterbearer away.

As soon as they take it down. A cries from the young boy echoes the room.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN GRAYSON NEEDS YOU?!" Tim's gulp. His tears is spilling again.

"Damian...I.. I'm sorry.." Tim choked to talk about it. The guilty comes back, in double.

The boy Damian lead his katana closer to Tim's neck. His green eyes are watering, "I don't need your apologize, Drake! Grayson has been suffering for years and all you've done were adding a salt into his wounds! I won't forgive you!"

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