You Make Me Smile

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Erin's POV;

I woke up and instantly smiled. After knowing the boy for a whole two days I couldn't be more excited to go out with him. As soon as he kissed me yesterday I knew I had an interest in him.

Mum didn't come back last night but she text asking if everything was okay. So it's just me and Ash.

"Morning Ash" I said as I jumped off the last step.

"You're a bit hyper, Luke is it?"

"Maybe." I smirked.

I'm so happy and I cannot hide my smile. I don't understand but somehow Luke just makes me feel, like everything is normal. And after everything with my parents, school and this depressions thing he's making me happy.

Ashton's POV;

Erin is very happy this morning, and it's rather strange. Obviously it has something to do with Luke.

"I'm making you breakfast" she giggled.

"You don't have to Erin"

"Why wouldn't I make the bestest brother his favourite thing? That wouldn't make sense"

A huge smile grew across my face, I'm so glad to see her happy finally. After everything she's been through.

"Thank you sis"

We sat and ate our breakfasts. I lounged around with Erin all day and it felt like we were little kids again. This is what I missed. Sibling time. The past year I've been so caught up on your and I just left her here to suffer in silence. I listened to her laugh as I told her my stupid jokes. This was the first time I saw my baby sister really laugh again.

"I'm so proud of you Erin" I mumbled.

"Why?" she asked continuing to smile.

"Because you're really enjoying yourself and looking on the bright side."

"It's because of Luke" she replied. I'm pleased he makes her happy.

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