Chapter 3

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                We arrived back to my house, and we were practically jumping out of our skin with excitement. It was 10:00am now, so we had about 11 hours until the party started. We decided that we should start decorating around 2:00pm, so we would still have time left over to eat dinner and get ready for my party.

                “Hey, do you want some pancakes? I’ll make you a special breakfast just for your birthday” Kendall said as she quickly ran in to the kitchen. She didn’t even give me time to answer her.

                “Sure” I mumbled, more to myself than her, because I knew she couldn’t hear me. She was already in the kitchen by the time the words left my mouth.

                I collapsed onto the couch. I decided I was going to take a short nap while Kendall made my pancakes. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, but I was soon interrupted by a loud noise coming from the kitchen, followed by a jumble of swears. I figured Kendall had just dropped something, but I wanted to check on her just in case.

                I walked into the kitchen, only to find that my suspicions had been confirmed. Kendall was sitting on the tiled floor, surrounded by a bunch of pots and pans. She wasn’t a particularly careful person; she often tripped over her own feet and flat surfaces. This didn’t surprise me, so I just laughed at her. Normally she would come after me and playfully attack me when I laughed at her, but all she did was shoot me a glare.

                “I’m letting you off today because it’s your birthday. But don’t get used to it” she said while struggling to stand up. I helped her put everything back where it belongs and she resumed making the pancakes while I just sat at the table and waited. She refused to let me help and I had nothing better to do besides sit there and watch her.

                Once she finished cooking, Kendall placed both of our plates stacked with pancakes on the table. We ate in silence, savoring every bite we took. The pancakes were absolutely delicious… we couldn’t get enough of them.

                “Wow Kendall. These are amazing. Have you ever thought about becoming a professional chef? I think you’d be great at it” I said to her as I looked up from my plate.

                “No, I haven’t, but thank you. Maybe I’ll look into it.”

                We soon finished eating and cleaned up after ourselves. Kendall and I watched about 4 hours of TV before starting to set up for my party.

                I plugged my iPod into the dock so we could listen to music while setting up. I chose to play the Up All Night album. I had it set on shuffle so the first song that blasted through the speakers was Tell Me A Lie. This was one of my favorite songs by them.

                Kendall retrieved the bags of decorations from the basement and we walked outside to my backyard, where the party was going to be held. We started to intertwine the pink, white, and black streamers that we going to drape from tree to tree, all around the perimeter of the yard.

                The streamers were hung and next we placed the table covers over all of the table tops. The color scheme of my party was pink, white, and black, so everything that we bought was those colors.

                After about 3 hours, we had finally finished decorating. I traipsed back up to my deck and took in my surroundings. The tables were covered with pink, white and black covers, while the chairs had white covers draped over them, tied with a giant pink ribbon. Eloquent bouquets of pink and white flowers sat in tall black vases at the center of each table. Similarly colored streamers hung in between the trees and around the tent in which the DJ and stage was set up. There was a large stage and a reasonably sized wooden dance floor a few feet back from it.

                The tent also had plain Christmas lights surrounding it (A/N: not the colored ones, just the white/yellow-ish ones). There were pink lanterns hanging from every visible tree branch. All of the balloons we had picked up earlier were tied around the legs of the entertainment tent, the back of my overly-sized chair, or around the stage. It looked absolutely beautiful.

                Kendall soon interrupted my thoughts. “Jess! It’s already 6 o’clock! We need to eat dinner and get ready!” she grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me back in to my house. I made macaroni and cheese, and as soon as were done eating, we raced up the stairs and into my bedroom. Grabbing our outfits, we rushed off to different bathrooms to shower and get dressed.

                I was worn out and sweaty from all the work we did today, so I had to take another shower. This would be my second one today, but its not like I cared. I just wanted to smell nice for tonight, is that such a crime?

                While I washed my hair and body, I got more nervous by the minute. There was no reason to be nervous but I just was. I didn’t know who was performing, and I didn’t know what Kendall got me for a present. I was anxious and just wanted to get the party started. It was going to be so fun!

                I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. I put on my dress and blow dried my hair before curling it and twisting some of it up on top of my head. I applied some makeup, and walked out of the bathroom, anxiously awaiting the party. Tonight was going to be epic.


Hey guys! VERRRRY short chapter, but the next one is the WHOLE party so it should be pretty long, about 3 or 4 pages. Sorry for the late update… I blame Twitter. Hope you like it; don’t forget to comment, vote and fan! I need feed back!

-Jess x

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