Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


“Bye! Thanks for coming!” I waved goodbye to the last person to leave my party and lay next to Kendall on the grass near the gate. Tonight was definitely the best night of my life… I got to hang out with all of my friends from school, and we all had a great time. One Direction performed which made everything better.

“So, Jess, you never got to open the gift I got you. Here,” she said, handing me a pink envelope. I sat up and she did too.

I looked at the envelope question what could be inside. Some money? A coupon for free gas, maybe? I have no clue. Kendall said it would be something great, and she was almost always right. Except for one time that I’d rather not remember. That night was the most horrifying night of my life.

“Go on, open it!” She nudged my shoulder and I obeyed. I slipped my finger under the flap [A/N: Just call it a flap… I hope you know what I’m talking about] and flipped it open.

I pulled out a card with cute little white flowers on it. In addition to the many flowers, there were hearts and smiley faces everywhere. It looked like a birthday card for a 5 year-old, but I knew Kendall only bought it as a joke.

I nervously opened the up the card, anxious to see what was inside. Out fell 2 little pieces of paper that looked like concert tickets. I glanced at Kendall before reaching for the paper rectangles and reading them.

As I read the tickets I could feel Kendall’s stare on the side of my head. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I jumped up and nearly started crying out of pure happiness.

“Kendall! I can’t believe you bought me One Direction concert tickets! You are the best person in the world!” I practically yelled in her face as I hugged her tightly.

“They aren’t just ANY One Direction tickets…” Kendall said, trying to get me to look at the tickets again but not wanting to be so obvious. I looked down at the tickets in my hand and reread what I had just read not even a minute before.

“Wait!” She yelled, startling me and causing me to snap my head up.

“What?” I quizzed.

“Read it out loud”

“Ok then…” I didn’t know why she wanted me to read it out loud because she already knew what was on the tickets. I wasn’t about to question her because I was way too tempted to find out what more could be on the ticket.

“Come on, hurry!” She said. Apparently 2 seconds was too long for her to wait.

I skimmed over the ticket, just reading the important details out loud. “One Direction concert… Section 1… Row 1… oh my god. WE ARE SITTING IN THE FRONT ROW?! OH MY GOD KENDALL!”

She laughed at me and I heard other muffled laughter in the background, but I just brushed it off. It was probably the DJ, who was still here for some reason, laughing at my reaction to the tickets. The tickets I’ve been wanting since the Up All Night Tour was announced. I pondered what it would be like to sit in the front row, but soon cut my thoughts short when the realization hit me. If we were in the front row that meant…

“KENDALL! YOU GOT THE ULTIMATE VIP PACKAGE! YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU RIGHT NOW!” I screeched and began balling my eyes out. I was finally releasing the excitement that built up all night from meeting the boys earlier and again in a few minutes, and going to their concert while sitting in the front row.

I heard the laughter again as it was a bit louder this time. I whipped my body around to see Niall, Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis all walking out of the tall bush behind me. I stopped breathing then and there. This is so embarrassing, I thought to myself as I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to block out the howls of the people around me.

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