I lean towards the trash can looking in disgust at the blood and vomit that escaped my mouth. I fight the urge to vomit but I fail to have the chunky green fluid escape from my mouth pouring into the trash can. When I'm done I start to feel a burning in my stomach, chest, and throat. I cough up bloody vomit as I cry from the excruciating pain from my body. As I cough up the bloody vomit I walk to my bathroom covering my mouth to reduce the blood and vomit getting on my floor. I walk to my bathroom grabbing the cup beside the sink pouring water into it. I drink it hoping that it'll reduce the amount of blood and vomit but it failed to have me spit out the bloody green water into the sink watching it go down the drain. I cry as I crouch down on the cold floor curling up into a ball falling asleep
Horrorjust lots of descriptive gore idk it calms me down when stressed out