Chapter 14.

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Natasha and Steve were hand and hand walking down the street. They didn't even feel the least bit awkward as they walked. It all just felt right and natural. So Hand and hand they walked not caring about the world around them.

Steve had no idea were Natasha was taking him but he didn't care. He enjoyed being here with her. She dragged him along the light lit street, where people were going home from pointless dates, or were already drunk and stumbling along the side of the road trying to find their cars.

Natasha had a smile on her face and she didn't know why. She knew she just wanted to take him to get his mind off the horrible date. So in order to do that she was going to take him to pier C. In the say, it was a very casual laid back placed. Not quite the place to go to get your mind off of a bad date. But in the evening when the sun goes down and the lights turn on it was pretty much a vision of heaven.

She decided that it would look so amazing that he would love it so much. So she rushed him along so she could take him over.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Steve asked smiling at the redhead. She turned her head to look at him and smiled.

"Because this is a going to be amazing. And I have never actually taken anyone here before." She said excitedly. To say he was honored would be an understatement. He was beyond happy. He was glad she felt comfortable enough to take him somewhere special to her.

"Well, it must be a special place to you," Steve said. They were now close enough to see the pier in the distance. She got silent for a second causing Steve to look at her concerned. She didn't look back at him but looked up at the sky.

They arrived at the pier and she led him over to a bench under a nice tree overlooking the water. The sound of the water gently hitting the pier was calming along with moonlight shining perfectly on the water.

"When I was younger." Natasha started to say looking at the water. Steve turned his attention to her and watched her. "I would come here. To get away from the orphanage I lived out. I came here because it was so hard over there. So I came here and I watched the water. It was very calming. You know when you have spent your whole entire day listening to others bring you down coming out here was like my safety blanket. You probably think that it is lame." Natasha said nervously pushing her hair behind her ear.

Steve looked at her deeply. How could she think that he thinks it's lame? She was perfect in his mind. So very perfect.
"I don't think it's lame Natasha." He spoke softly.

"You don't?" She asked raising an eyebrow at him. He nodded his head and looked into her eyes. Natasha stared at his pretty calming blue eyes. His eyes seemed to bring her more peace than the water. After a while, she looked away and back at the water.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She asked. Steve looked back at the water, a little disappointed that she had looked away from him.

"It has a calming effect. I have never felt like this." He admitted watching the water slowly move from the wind.'

"Really? I thought the library did that for you. You know that's like your safe place." She said as Steve let out a soft chuckle.

"Well my library is so calming but it isn't the same." He said looking down. Natasha looked at him confused. "You know it's the twenty-first century right?" Natasha nodded her head staring at the blonde. "Before the kids had their phones they would come here. I would see them come in with their parents. Teenagers came with their parents!"

"I get what you mean," Natasha said.

"And now it's like every kid can use their phone. In ten years I bet that you will see that kids won't be outside at all. They will do school from their phones, they will shut down the library and I will be out of a job." Steve sighed. "But I guess that's just how we are going." he sighed.

"Can I ask you a question, Steve?" Natasha asked turning away from him so they were both looking at the water.

"Sure," Steve said with a smile.

"Why is the library so important to you?" She asked.

Steve was silent. He was trying to think of a way to get his answer out. He knew why he loves it so much but he just didn't know how to say it.
"Well, when I was little I never had many friends beside Bucky. But Bucky had sports teams and dates. So I found myself alone most of the time. I don't know I guess I just started reading. And I came to the library I guess that it just brought me so much happiness. You know? I know it's lame." He repeated her own line. Natasha chuckled.

"Oh, I love it, Steve." She smirked. Steve turned to look at her. "You aren't like anyone that I have ever met Steve."

"Is that good or bad?" He asked nervously. She put her head on his shoulder and smiled.

"Oh, it's good. Very good." She answered him. Steve was stiff feeling her head on his shoulders but eventually, he started to get used to it. He placed his head gently on top of hers and they both smiled.

Steve enjoyed this. He really did. He wanted to stay like this forever because it was easy and she was happy. Which made him very happy. Steve was now looking at her hands as if debating whether or not to grab it. Even with all of his doubt, he decided to go for it.

He reached his hand out for her hand and when he touched her hand she didn't pull away. She allowed him to wrap his fingers around hers. Her hand was so soft and smooth. He wanted this. He wanted her.

"Natasha?" Steve said quietly.

"Yeah?" She answered sleepily.

"Do you wanna join me on a date?" He asked hope filled his voice. Natasha was silent for a second. Steve started to worry that she was thinking of a way to say no. But the sound of her voice brought him to joy.

"I would love to go out with you Steve." She answered. Steve smiled very brightly. She was very tired and Steve sensed that. He offered to take her home however Natasha shook her head no. She didn't want him to leave. At least not yet.
"Don't you dare leave me." She whispered. Steve smiled as she nuzzled closer to him enjoying his warmth.

"I wouldn't dream on it." He answered. And so they sat there sitting in each others arms listening to the water. All though their evenings started off bad neither of them could have asked for a better way to end the night.

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