Chapter 4.

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The penthouse view was surely a sight to see. From way up there you could see every rooftop building. Every cloud in the sky, every bird the fell by. It was very beautiful. It's a shame the person who lived here never cared enough to stop and look out.

She took foots steps coming toward her and sighed. This was the chance to get the interview she needed. Out of the corner of her eye she the smug looking billionaire walking toward her with a smirk plastered on his face the moment he walked into the room.

"You must be my mystery date." He smiled walked toward her without caution. "What's your name dear?" He asked.

"I think you should keep my name out of your mouth until you can handle the taste." She said eyeing him down like she had seen many females do to anyone they found remotely attractive. Maria would say an example would be the way she looks at Steve Rogers.

"I can't seem to think you have a little attitude. I got to say it adds to your beauty." He smiled and patted the couch next to him offering her a drink.

"It's elven in the morning." She reminded.

"never too early for a drink doll." He said. She took the shot glass from him. Within an hour of listening to the billionaire talk about many women, he has picked up with his charm Natasha noticed how drunk he seemed to be. "What do you say we take this somewhere private?" He asked moving his hand up her thigh. Natasha placed her hand on his and whispered in his ears ignoring his statement.

"You have a really big company. Too bad you're gonna lose it." She said, but her voice was so seductive Tony didn't think much of the question focusing on her voice.

"No, I'm investing in making a suit. It will help people everywhere. That's why I gave up bombs. This is much better. Better means more money. Money means more style. And more of you." He said caressing her leg. Natasha smiled and then kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." She said and then stood from her seat.

"What? But we haven't even been to the room yet." Tony complained his drunkenness leaving his body rather quickly.  Natasha picked up her purse and headed for the elevator.

"Never planned on going in there Mr.Stark, " she replied with a devious grin.

"Not even for a quick minute?" He asked as his assistant Pepper walked up behind him.

"You have a meeting Mr. Stark the console is waiting for you." She said and Tony sighed and then rubbed his face. He sent a glare at Natasha and walked away. Pepper laughed silently at her bosses actions before moving towards Natasha.
"Get what you needed?" She asked.

"Always do. Thanks a lot, Pep. and remember to be careful with him." She said sternly.

"Will do." The two friends bid goodbye and on her way out she thought she would stop by the library to finish her article and then thanks Steve for passing on her number.

Meanwhile, Steve was at the library think about the party for his best friend and sister this weekend. How was he suppose to go when his sister, best friend, mother, father, and everyone else in his family was expecting his to bring a date. His original idea was to disappear for a day, but even if he was kidnapped he would never hear the end of it. He knew his sister would go on and on about how he had to get kidnapped on that day. And then he would most likely get hit on the side of the head. Several times. Repeatedly.

His second option was asking Sharon out. Sharon Carter was the young lady around his age, who seemed to always be in the library. She would always say it's because she is taking classes online to finish college, but this one she let it slip how at her graduation she got to take a trip to Europe. Steve never called her out on it because he was being polite but he always found it kinda strange.

In fact, almost everything about Sharon was strange. Just the way she walked and looked at Steve made him feel uncomfortable. She stared at him as if he was some kinda of pray. Not to mention his family wasn't to found of the lady. Wanda especially.

She almost killed Wanda, not knowing who she was just because she was having a conversation with Steve. Sharon was crazy. But luckily for him, last time they spoke she said her mother was making her move back to California so she could care for her aunt. But Steve didn't pry. Nor did he really care.

The library doors opened and that mysterious red head walked into the library with a very satisfied look plastered to her face. Steve almost smiled but then he remembered where she was. Looks like she had a very eventful morning.

"Goodmorning Rogers!" She said smiling at him and settling her stuff down on a nearby table before walking over and sitting on his desk counter.

"you seem to very happy." He said flatly. Natasha noticed he was in a sour mood this morning. "were you with Stark?"

"I was with Stark. He is very annoying and very egotistical. I think we spent an hour talking about his hair." She replied rolling his eyes. "Never want to do that again. No offense I know he is your friend."

"No, your description is pretty much the truth. Tony is very egotistical. But the whole world knows that. How was your date?" He asked sourly.

"Date? I think you are mistaken. I didn't go on a date, Rogers." She said and now Steve wore a shocked confused look.

"What? I thought that was what you were there for."  Steve asked but Natasha shook her head.

"No, I believe not. I went there to get information for my job." She said. Steve couldn't deny that he felt a sense of relief when he heard her say that it was only for work. The only problem was he didn't know why he felt that way.

"Job huh? Are you finally gonna tell me what it is exactly you do?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Or you name perhaps or am I just gonna have to keep calling you the mysterious redhead woman?" He asked.

"Mysterious? I like that. " Was the only response she gave him. "What are you doing?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Work. Nothing too special."

"really because you seem to just be standing her staring at the wall." She said. Steve laughed before rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, actually I am thinking of ways to get out of a party I have to attend this weekend." She said.

"A party? Is it Tony's party?" She asked and Steve laughed.

"Luckily no. But I do have a feeling he may be planning one soon. This party is for my best friend and sister. They are getting their vows renewed." He said.

"Best friend and sister? Must have been weird."

"Yeah it was but they love each other so I am okay with it," Steve said. "The only problem is that my entire family is expecting me to show up with a date. I am having no luck." He said. Natasha pondered on the eye before her eyes lit up.

"Why do they think you have a date?" She asked him.

"Well a month ago I went out with a girl and said I would take her. Now that it didn't work out I need to find a me date." He sighed in frustration.

"Well, why don't I go with you?" She suggested and Steve looked up rather shocked by the redhead's offer.

"What really?" He asked. "You wouldn't mind doing that for me?" He smiled.

"No of course not. it's the least I can do for since you helped me this week. So what do you say, Rogers?" She asked. Steve thought about it for a moment before nodding his head.

"Great. I will pick you up at five on Sunday?" He asked and Natasha nodded her head.

"I will text you my address. Now if you will excuse me I have work to do." She said and headed to sit where all her stuff was by a group of computers. Steve smiled to himself. That solved that problem. Before he could go back to work the lady said something to him.

"What?" He asked looking up at her.

"My Name. Natasha Romanoff." She said and Steve smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you, Natasha."

"You too Rogers."

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