Part 4

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to be JackieStorms.

Jack's POV~

I leaned against the wall,I was at Mark's house out of breathe and my back was bleeding AND I left my clothes at the edge of the woods. I shifted back to human and bandaged myself up before I sat on my bed thinking "should I get changed and say I ran away but they took my clothes? Should I shift and tell them the truth? Or should I shift and pretend I followed them here and they'll think I'm a wild wolf?" I thought out loud. I decided to get changed and go with the first option,I got away but they wouldn't let go of my clothes so I slipped out of them and ran. I sat on Mark's couch,I would ring him and explain my lie but I left my phone in my pocket. Stupid wolves,the bright side was they weren't werewolves so I didn't kill any other packs,lucky me! The back door opened and in came a crying Felix who had my shirt in his arms while Mark had my hoodie,both were crying into it while Bob had my jeans and boxers,he put them in the wash before he pried the hoodie and t-shit away and he washed them to. Felix sat on my left and Mark on my right "oh hey Jack" Felix sniffed "hey Jack" Mark sobbed and Wade started to jump from foot to foot "brown hair! I knew something was different! Hey Jack I like your hair" I giggled and Bob walked in "Jack's gone what are you-Jack?" Bob made his way over and hugged me and everyone gasped in realisation and I was bundled with hugs. "Your alive! How?" Felix asked "the wolves wouldn't let go of my clothes so I had to strip and run while they attacked my clothes thinking I was there" I smiled "we thought you were dead!" Mark yelled "I thought I was too" I admitted. "Well screw camping lets watch a film" Wade laughed. We sat down and watched a film until night came and we all hit they hay but as it turned 12:00am I jumped out my window stripped and shifted.

Mark's POV~

I shook Felix awake "what?" He asked in a groggy voice "Jack is missing AND I want to avenge Jack from the wolves" I smirked. "Why he's not dead" "he could be out there dying right now AND he had to run to my house naked I would want to kill whoever did that to me" Felix yawned and got up "fine let me get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs." I nodded and went into my room I grabbed my dads shotgun and sniper and ammo "Felix catch" I sang as I walked downstairs to see Felix dressed and ready to go. He caught the shotgun "you were serious?" "Yep and Jack is MISSING he could be hurt dumass" I snapped. Felix went wide eyed "then we haven't we left yet lets go!" We ran out the house towards the woods were the wolves that attacked us were seen last.

Jack's POV~

I chased a rabbit through the woods until I heard a stick snap and a gun click,I stopped dead and a bullet was shot. It missed me by a mile but I pretended it hit me and I fell to the floor whimpering "thats one" I heard a familar voice. "Aren't we gonna bring it home or anything?" "What? No we're here to avenge and find Jack not ye the wolves bodies as a prize" I sighed in relief and when the footsteps were far away I got up. I was then tackled by a wolf and I scratched it's face while it kept snapping at my face trying to bit me. I used my hind legs to kick it off and when it was down I bit into its neck snapping it in one swift motion,I felt bad but these wolves should stop attacking me I've done nothing wrong.

Felix's POV~

After Mark shot the wolf we walked to the cliff where Wade and Bob almost fell off. We ran over when we heard growling and Mark starting shooting blindly as did I and three wolves ran at us "we've been attacked enough where's Jck!" I yelled as I shot one wolf in the chest. The other wolf launched at Mark before Mark had time to reload and I rushed to grab his wrist before he fell down the cliff. I heard snarling and growling and I turned to see a limping wolf fighting the two wolves that were attacking us,it fell over on its side and whimpered. The two other wolves howled in victory before they made their way over to me and Mark,Mark wouldn't let go of his gun,I closed my eyes preparing to die and I was pushed off the cliff so I was hanging onto a branch "I'm getting serious until dawn vibes!" I yelled in panic as the wolves raised their paws to attack but instead the flew off the cliff with a pained howl on their way down. I looked up to see the wolf that was fighting them earlier and the wolf pulled us us,he put his teeth on my shirt collar and pulled me up before he limped away as fast as he could. "Mark i don't think Jack's here" I said as I caught my breathe "yeah me niether"

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