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*Albert's POV*
I woke up with a headache feeling like I just wanted to lay in bed all day and do nothing. My mom soon came in with a couple of suitcases and said
"Get packing, your flight is in 5 hours."
I panicked because I didn't know what I was going to do once I landed in Ohio. Maybe I could give Jake Paul a visit? I chuckled to myself at my inside joke. Wait..speaking of Jake..I could ask Jake if I could stay with him until I found somewhere to stay! Yeah! I'll ask him now.
A: Hey Jake..I need to ask a HUGE favour of you..
J: Sure what is it Al?
A: Uh..my mom eh..you see she..she kicked me out the house and without telling me she booked me a plane to Ohio and she said she never wants to see me again so I was wondering if..
J: ...if?
A: I could stay with you until I find a place to live...
J: Albert I..
A: It's ok if I can't I understand..
J: No Albert I WANT you to stay with me!
A: really? Omg tysm Jake you really are a best friend 😅😁
J: np :) how long you planning to stay for?
A: well until I have somewhere to live..how long would you like me to stay?
J: Forever
*Alberto went offline*
I said my goodbyes and even to my mom, she said,
"Remember Albert, I don't want you keeping in touch with me or your father EVER..ok? You are grown up now"
"Mom I'm 17 smh..."
"It doesn't matter get out"
I slapped her round the face then threw myself into my dad's arms and started crying. He said to me,
"Albert, you can contact me anytime you want, you know I'm not like her, please text me when you are: on the plane, off the plane, and in Ohio and tell me EXACTLY what your first plan is ok? I love you albert."
I sniffled.
"I love you too dad"
"love you mom"
"Whatever love you too..NOW GET OUT"
I slammed the door so hard my hand hurt. This is it.
Ohio get ready..Flamingo is coming.

So close to 400 :/

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