Story planning

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Ima make a story...I know the main idea but I don't know what should happen in between the beginning and end besides the climax...HALP

Soo in the story Carmel and her friends, pocket and anu, are living as normal as a life as two monsters and a corrupter Hunter could. In this dimension monsters and humans live in...Kinda peace.the monsters normally are judged by humans mostly due to there past forms. When the monsters left behind there more monstrous past the corrupters came into existence. These creatures can possess a monster or half monster and turn them into how they would look like as a past form, the forms can be altered by the corrupted appearance.

 Anu is a hunter that hunts down and kills the corrupted monsters and corrupters, she chose this path when a corrupted monster crashed there car and killed her sister, as well as scarring her face. She wears goggles that let her see hidden corrupters or monsters being corrupted.

Carmel is a chimera of a bat, goat, and scorpion that represents me! She lived a good life with her cat monster ada (her mom is a transgender same as mine) and her goat monster father. She has a large imagination and playfull personality. She has some anxiety and fidgets alot by twisted her hair or chewing on the inside of her cheek. Shes kinda sensitive but only her words can herself hurt the most.

Pocket is Carmels childhood friend. Hes a saber cat with the ability to teleport, he sometimes swears but Carmel didn't mind, her Ada swore. Pockets species used to be known for there ability to teleport through time and space to get to alternet dimensions. Sadly pocket didn't have that ability. Hes a playfull ,fluffy ,serious yet funny person.

Last we have tyler, he's a naga. His mom was a snake monster and dad was human. They where in a group that worshipped the corrupters, Tyler didn't want to join there group and willing corrupted, knowing what happened to many others. He had a girlfriend named rasha, she was a neko. Once rasha got out of college she would become roommates with tyler and live happy, sadly this didn't happen as Tyler got corrupted by his mom's little group...yep Tyler's mom was the leader of there little group.

In all tyler ends up nearly dieing from anu but his corrupted left before he died and he was brought to Carmels place by Carmel and pocket. Hes survived and never forgot rasha...Or anu. He kinda fears anu.

Sorry for long thing Y^Y

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