Part 7

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Spike asked Oracle for another little favour " Could you give this kind of soul to Angel he deserves happiness." Buffy said "That's sweet of you. I think he's got a huge crush on Cordy so Oracle could you please do that for us?" The Oracles replied, "Alright. We know exactly the time to do it." Buffy nodded and headed out. It was so sunny outside. Spike was freaking out and kept saying "Why am not on fire?" Once he came to a realisation he looked at Buffy she was not on fire also and not freaking out. He calmed down. Buffy said "These rings are the Gem of Amara." Spike hugged Buffy happily. Buffy was surprised by the unexpected kiss that he gave her. They went to Buffy house. Once inside Dawn greeted them. Giles was shocked "Spike why you are not on fire?" Spike explained that he received the Gem of Amara from Buffy.
"So that's why I can go outside now."
Giles was not happy one bit about this news. Buffy said "He's got a soul now. He won't be able to do any damage, plus its better this way than him having that useless chip." Giles asked, "What's the difference between Spikes and Angel's souls?"
"Quite a bit. Spike doesn't turn evil, he gets happy even if he sees that burger on the table because he knows he can eat it now." Spike went over and tasted the burger and enjoyed
every piece of it. Everyone in the room besides from Buffy was surprised. Buffy added "I'm going to bed now. I'll tell you all the rest tomorrow." Giles worriedly replied "Tell me if you have another nightmare like that you had last night, ok?" Buffy said "Thanks for worrying. I don't think I will any longer."
So Spike went back to his home to sleep. Buffy slept throughout the following day. When she finally got up, she had breakfast and then went to the magic shop to train with Giles. Whilst she was training with Giles, he noticed she wasn't as strong as normal. He asked
"Buffy you feeling okay? You don't have even half your normal strength."
Buffy look at him strangely and said "Don't worry Giles I will be back to normal soon. I just need one more day of rest and I'll be back to normal."
Giles said "If you are sure, then you can go home and have tea. Make sure you don't exceed your training."
Giles phone went off suddenly. He answered and talked on the phone. Buffy noticed the emergence of his worried face. "What's wrong Giles?" She asked. He said, "There's a demon picking off potential slayers and they are all coming to Sunnydale. We are going to upgrade your house and make it into a mansion so everyone can fit in." Buffy thought it was a great idea.

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