Part 10

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When Spike heard he turned to at Buffy. "Hey Buffy. Could I please talk to you outside?" Buffy nodded and went with him when they were outside he asked "Buffy is that why you became vampire? So you do have enough strength now?" Buffy replied, "I was just thinking that just now." Her comment made Spike blush "Whoops that would be Sires connection kicking in. How your thirst for blood?" Buffy said "Not good. I smell Kennedy the minute she walks into the door. We could go to the butchers and get more blood." So Spike replied "Okay!
Let's make sure Giles knows that we are going vampire hunting." Buffy told Giles, and he allowed it. So they rushed into the butchers and bought some blood. Afterwards, they went back to Spike's place and drank together. Spike asked "How's your strength now?" Buffy asked "Are you going to need two tables?" Spike looked at her questionably, "No I don't use them much." So Buffy walked up to the table and used her full force. The table crumbled into 5 different pieces. Spike was so shocked he fell of his seat. He said, "Oh bloody hell that's amazing Buffy! Let's go hunting because that just turn me on so much I am ready for a fight!"
So they decided to fight. The normal vampires went back to Spike's place to have a chat until morning. During the night Buffy had another nightmare. She was dreaming of the very first slayer to exist. She was a little girl with no family. She came across some Monks who told her "Train with us. We can make you more powerful than you can ever imagine." The girl agreed. She had a lot of power. She fought many demons. One time she fought a demon with fangs. The monks told the girl about a certain demon who was a vampire. They told her that the demons were always searching for new power so that they will get stronger. The more she defeated, the stronger the next opponent became. Until the point she encountered a demon that was too strong. Unfortunately she was defeated due to her immense strength. It was then Buffy woke up with a shock.
To her surprise, Spike was in front of her, staring "You alright pet?" He said with a concerned look on his face. She nodded in response. "I need to ask Giles what happened to the first slayer and if anyone ever found her body?" So she went off home and Giles opened the door. "Hey Buffy did you patrol with Spike?" She agreed "I had a nightmare about the first slayer, what ever happened to her?" Giles said "No one knows she just vanished. The monks tried to find her but they couldn't find her body." Buffy was puzzled by this statement "I am going out again tonight." Night time came shortly after. She was patroling as usual before the fight. Spike joined her in the battle. She spotted a strong looking vampire. Buffy shouted "Oh my god that's the strong vampires! Let's get out of here!" They both ran back to her house. Giles looked at the both of them asking them "What's wrong?" Spike explained that they found one of the strong vampires. He was quite surprised and with no hesitation, he went out with them and called Kennedy and some of the potentials to follow them. Buffy showed them where the vampire was. Spike read her mind got a stake handy. Buffy replied "Hey guys and girls! How do you want me to do it?" Giles shouted "Are you crazy?" Spike shouted "With the stake between your fingers, I dare you." Buffy looked at Giles and the Potentials. The slayer then said "Kennedy, with your powers you can't do this yet, but I will show you all how a professional does these kind of battles," Giles responded. "I know these vampires are super strong. Their origins go way back to when the first slayer was born and they make Angelus look like a kitty cat." Buffy chuckled, "Okay I will give them one punch. If that doesn't work, everyone run back to the house!" and she gave the strong vampire and super big punch with her stake. The vampire turned into dust. Everyone cheered and Kennedy said "Well done Buffy proved your watchers point" and Buffy laughed "Oops! I'm a little bit stronger that I thought I was what do you think Giles?"
Giles was so close to fainting. Flabbergasted, he repeated the word "How?" as Angel appeared out of no where.

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