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hi lol

"Babe what's next on the list?," I ask, pushing the shopping cart through the aisles of the grocery store. Shawn, who insisted on tagging along with me, was in charge of the list.

"Uh, cereal," he states while glancing down at the piece of paper in his hands. I nod and walk towards the cereal aisle.

"Y/n can I pick the cereal out this time? No one even likes Frosted Mini Wheats," I hear him whine behind me as I reach for a box.

"I wouldn't be buying them if I didn't like them," I retort, as I turn to face him. He sticks out his bottom lip and crosses his arms.

"Puh-lease?," he says while giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Oh my god. Fine. How can I say no to that face?," I giggle as I move out of the way to let him look at the cereal options.

"You can't say no to this di-," he starts to say before I cut him off.

"Shawn!," I exclaim, slapping his arm.

"Hey, you know it's true," he smirks before turning to face the shelf with the cereal boxes on it. I stand behind him and wait to see what he decides on. He looks at his options before he sees a box of Reese's Puffs.

"Oh my god! I can't believe they have these! These are my favorite!," he says grabbing a box and throwing it in the cart before I even have time to respond.

"Hm," I mumble, "never had 'em."

He gasps and gives me a look like I just insulted his great grandma or something.

"You're telling me that you've never had them before? Like ever?," he clutches his chest.

"Like ever," I reply. As Shawn begins to ramble again about how good Reese's Puffs are, I notice someone standing down the aisle with their phone camera pointing at us, but I didn't think much of it.

"...I used to eat them all the time when I was a kid and I haven't had them in ages! C'mon we gotta get them," he says finally.

I giggle. "Alright, put the puffs in the cart."

Shawn throws them in the cart and we head to the checkout.

Soon after, all the groceries were loaded into the car and Shawn was bringing the shopping cart back to the cart return. I pull out my phone to pass the time until he gets back. I unlock it and click on Twitter. Scrolling through my timeline, I notice a lot of Shawn's fans are talking about some article and how cute it is and Reese's Puffs.

Hm, that's weird.

Curious, I keep scrolling until I stumble across the link to the article everyone was freaking out about. I click on it and am surprised when the headline is:


I laugh at the title itself before continuing to read it. A bunch of fan tweets are included in the article as well so I'm having fun reading all of them. As I'm reading, I hear the door open and Shawn climbs in.

"Babe," I say handing my phone to him while giggling. "Read this."

"What is it?," he asks while taking my phone from me.

"Just read," I manage to choke out before he reads the title out loud.

"Shawn Mendes and girlfriend argue over cereal," he says before looking at me and laughing. "That was literally 20 minutes ago, how'd they find out so fast?"

I shrug until something hits me. "Wait, I remember. There was some girl, she was just standing awkwardly at the end of the aisle with her phone pointed at us. Must've been her I guess."

"And you didn't think she looked out of place?," he asks with a chuckle.

"No cause I was too busy listening to you rant about cereal!," I say smacking his arm.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," he says before starting the car. "Now c'mon, we gotta get home so you can try your first ever bowl of Reese's Puffs!"

"Oh god."

uh i thought this was cute🤪

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