Meeting the vampire

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Oh my god! I live next to a vampire! How many people are going to end up dead? Am I going to end up dead? Will my mom end up dead? Will it try to eat my dog? ... All of these thoughts were in my head as I raced home.

Right when I got home I saw a girl that was my age(14) outside her house that was right next to mine. I knew this girl from shcool her name was Taylor lynch. She was a popular girl that was nice to everyone. She was tan and had dark brown hair and was in amazing shape.

She saw my facial expression and came over to me and asked what was wrong. I seriously must have looked like I have seen a ghost. I didn't know what to say to her so I told her I just found out my grandfather had just passed away, and that wasn't entirely a lie. He just passed away 2 weeks ago. She said she was sorry for my loss and if I needed any thing I can talk to her. I told her thanks and I started to walk away until she shouted " wait !" . She grabbed my shoulder so hard it left a bruise. I flintched and she apologized. Taylor said" im just about to go swiming in my back yard if you want to come with you can. I thought it would help you get your mind off of your grandpa." I called my mom and asked her if I could go swimming with our neighbor Taylor. After mom asking me about ten million questions about if any boys were there and if her parents were home she finally said yes. Of course Taylor's mom was home inside working. There were no boys there either so my mom decide I could go.

I went inside my house changed into my swimming suit and went outside were Taylor was waiting for me already in her swimming suit. We went to her backyard and swam for about two hours until, me being the clumsy person I am falls and scraps my knee. Taylor started to help me up but let go of my hand and covered her nose. " Whats wrong? " I asked her. She then opened her mouth alittle bit and I saw her fangs come out. She covered her mouth back up and ran inside her house.

Still laying in her backyard with wide eyes I got up and started at my house but was stopped by a blur that pushed me over. Taylor got on top of me and pinned me to the ground with her vampire strength and said " please just give me a moment to explain everything I promise I wont hurt you." Taylor seemed like a nice girl but if she was the vampire who killed those people im toast , I thought to myself. Then again if she wanted to kill me she has had her chance and surely would have done so by now. I decided to stay and let her explain herself to me. " Fine . Ill stay but first get off of me". I told her.

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