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Alone at the house, the sleeping male technopath was resting on the couch. Well, he wasn't actually asleep. He had woken up about three minutes ago. Right now he was just laying there. His throat wasn't in pain anymore either. That vision is what was bugging him. He knew the basics. People were causing trouble and Mech X4 had to stop it. But, how come there was another robot? Why was there a girl running to hide? Who caused the fight in the first place? If he knew, that would make things a lot easier.
  As his mind crammed thought after thought in curiosity of what led up to that battle in his vision, two people walked through the front door. The taller one hung up his jacket while his shorter companion went deeper into the house. He ended up in the kitchen, which was right by the living room. Looking to his right, he saw that somebody was on the couch. And since he knew Ms. Walker had to work today, he had a pretty good guess as to who it was.
  The varsity captain caught up with the jokester. Botb of them gave each other a glance before walking over to the couch. The adopted child was covered from head to toe by a single blanket. He wasn't as drained compared to earlier, but didn't have a full tank of energy ready to boost him up for the rest of the day. The fifteen year old saw one of his best friends and older brother approach him. He slowly smiled a little.

"Hey," Mark greeted, "what's up?"

"You feeling any better buddy?" Spyder asked.

The pilot nodded a bit.

"Yeah I guess. I didn't puke in last hour so that's good," he replied. The looks on their faces had him puzzled and worried, "is everything ok? What's going on?"

Spyder chilled on the couch while Mark stayed standing.

"There's something we have to tell you." He said.

"Okay...?" Ryan responded in confusion.

Mark tapped his foot in anticipation.

"Well," he spoke, "get on with it Spyder."

The detention record holder's mouth dropped as he sprung up from the couch. He walked over to the jock.

"I thought we were going to the robot for this. And why do I gotta tell him?" Spyder whispered.

"It's better if we do it here. And I didn't say I was doing it," Mark refused, "I already did this before."

"You're his brother." Spyder retaliated.

"You're his best friend." Mark shot back.

"You're older." Spyder retorted.

"You're...shorter." Mark attempted at a comeback.

"You're taller." Spyder riposted.

"You're the crazy one. Drop the crazy bomb!" Mark argued.

"You're the legendary MARK WALKER, what? Are you too chicken to tell him?" Spyder challenged.

"You know I can hear you right?" Ryan inquired, "you guys are terrible at whispering."

Both boys looked back at the young man before equally sighing.

"Fine," Mark reluctantly geared up for this. He took his turn at sitting down on the couch while Spyder remained standing. Ryan sat up, "your powers did something to you."

The younger Walker brother raised an eyebrow.

"Did what?" Ry quizzed.

"Well," Mark began to explain, "it...kind of, changed you. You're not how you were before. It's like uh, X-Men."

"Yeah X-Men," Spyder tried to help, "like Wolverine and how the experiments made him have those metal claws come from his hands and-"

"I know about that," Ryan was aware of, "guys, don't skirt around this. What's up?"

Versus Mutations Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now