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He objected to it, but he was outnumbered on the subject. The sixteen year old rinsed and washed off any blood escaping his brother's body. All of the cuts were covered by bandages. Knowing the hospital staff and being taught on how to apply the proper care for moments like these came in handy. Once the two were finished, they exited the restroom. The pilot was on their heels, but stopped when he reached the mirrior.
Staring back at himself, he took a gander at his wrapped arm and legs. Accepting wasn't the same as accepting. Reason being is that he was aware of what he was and that he is in fact a non-human. The only thing was having to be used to this adjustment and how he has to actually deal with it. Sounds odd, but life throws curveballs that either make sense or ends up being crazy. It's facts. Peeking his head in, the daredevil himself checked on his best friend.

"Yo." Spyder said.

Ryan turned his head and looked at him. The jokester leaned against the wall.

"Look um," Spyder started, "I know it's weird. I mean I never thought mutants could be real. But uh, would it make you feel better if I said I think it's really cool?"

The male technopath silently chuckled a little.

"Yes, mainly because if it didn't come from you, I'd be surprised." Ryan replied.

Spyder nodded.

"Fair point," he agreed. His best friend walked out of the bathroom and closed the door, "least you're not sick anymore."

Ryan raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"I mean, you're not puking anymore and I'm pretty sure you're not tired." Spyder noted.

"I am a little," Ry corrected him a bit, "but yeah I guess it's not that bad."

The two began to head back downstairs. They saw the sixteen year old putting his jacket back on. He turned back at the sound of footsteps.

"Let's head to Mech X4," Ryan said, "I wanna talk to Leo anyway."

Mark gave him an unsure look.

"I feel better Mark," the pilot quickly reassure him before he spoke, "might as well take advantage of it."

Sighing, the jock allowed him to go. The three of them headed out the door and into the car. Sitting in the front seat, the adopted child buckled up. After they were all ready to leave, Mark started up his car and drove off.


"Dad I'm back!" Kenzie yelled once she and her friend walked through the front door.

The two headed for the kitchen. Taking a glimpse at the place, it was beautiful yet simple. The floors were wooden while the light tan walls complimented them nicely. The black haired boy noticed the backyard, which was big and had a patio for picnic tables. It was a cozy house overall.

"Ya want anything?" Kenzie questioned as she was opening the fridge.

Harris looked over at her and shook his head.

"No I'm good," he replied. He sat down in one of the chairs, "nice place. Would it be wrong if I said I'm that your dad being a doctor means you should have a bigger house?"

"Funny, my dad gets told that a lot," Mack answered as she pulled out a plum and closed the fridge, "yeah we have good money, but we like more classic things rather than big, fancy buildings. That's what Hollywood is for."

Versus Mutations Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now