- Chapter 5 -

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Cheryls Pov

As soon as my last class ended I ran back to my car and drove home as fast as I could, I was texting Toni during the day but she stopped messaging completely, at not a single point did she reply to my message. Part of me thought that she figured out who I was, but I eventually settled that she must have had it take off her... I hope.. Once I walked through the front door I was faced with the wrath that is...my mother.

"Cheryl, how was school dearest." Whenever she acted innocent I knew something was up.
"Fine thanks mumsi, learning is as enjoyable as ever." Her face turned from sweet to angry in a matter of seconds.
"Then why the hell have I had complaints from your teachers saying you were sat on your phone all lesson, and ontop of that, bullying your peers. This is not that type of child I raised you to be." Penelope spat at me, when she said peers I automaticllay knew she was reffering to Toni.
"So when you say Peers, you mean Southside Sluts, please, why would those thugs care what I say to them. Also the phone... I was texting cousin betty about geometry homework." She seemed to loosen up at the mention of southside serpents. My mother couldn't stand them, she never has, not even when she was my age.
"Ah, I understand, Serpents deserve the hate they get, sorry for bothering you dearest. Also, feel free to keep tormenting them, Im sure it wont hurt."

I quickly scuttled up the stairs into my room, what mother didn't understand is that it did hurt me, a lot. I couldn't bare to see Toni or any of the Serpents hurt. I always put up an act, it's how I keep my social status. But i have always felt that serpents get misstreated and that they are just like us. So every time I shout at them or insult them, it slightly breaks me even more.

I collapsed on my bed, full of dread for the next day at school, when my notification went off on my phone, and my spirit lifted. I quickly unlocked my phone to see it was from Toni.

T: Sorry I couldn't reply, got my phone taken off me during first period oops.

Thank the lord, that was the best outcome from this situation. I replied almost instantaniously.

C: It's Ok, sorry if it was my fault. Anyways, how was school?

T: As terrible as always, I hate some of those bitches. Especially Cheryl, you know that Bitch that has no manners at all, she came over to me and started to make fun of me. I tried to keep a brave face but I was dying on the inside.

My heart...shattered. I didn't realise what me saying could do to a person. That text alone made me realise that I couldn't tell Toni who I was for a while, until she gained my trust. I had been a bitch to her over the past fee years, and I was only just realising what I did. No wonder she hated my guts.

C: I know, what a bitch. She's been awful to all of the serpents over the past years. I feel your pain. Even though Im not on the southside she can be a right pain in the ass.

T: It's annoying because she's pretty fit though, but all the people who look good are horrid to me.

Wait... did she just call me fit. Damn this girl can't make up her mind and either can I. Oh well, I'll take the compliment.

C: Hey, she would be lucky to get with someone as good looking as you.

T: I always forget that you know what I look like.

C: and you don't even know my name... how mysterious...

T: It's even weirder to think that I trust you so much and we understand each other so well and I dont have two clues about who you are.

C: Well now you do:
1. I own a car, license and all.
2. Im a part of the Vixens

T: Wow they are NOT useful. Most of the school owns a car and like every girl on the northsides in the vixens.

C: Thats the whole point :)

T: Hmm, maybe I will join the Vixens.

C: ahaha

T: What...?

C: Funny joke.

T: I'm not kidding...

C: Wait seriously?

T: Well yeh, I guess it could be a chance to try help guess who you are.

C: You do realise that Cheryl runs the Vixens... and theres not a single southsider on the team.

T: Might as well try, tryouts are tommorow...

C: I guess I will see you there.

T: and I wont see you.

C: haha, nice joke, I get it.

T: I'm hilarious, you love it really.

C: I'd say more...like it.

T: Well thats better than I thought it would be

C: Shut up.

T: You know what, your not that bad, I'm really enjoying texting you, I guess it gives me a reason to wake up in the morning.

C: Awe cute, but the reason you wake up is school. :)

T: Way to be smooth with that compliment.

C: Your welcome.

T: I've gotta go now, Serpent buisness, I'll text you later?

C: Sure. Besides, I'm going out with my friends. Byeeeeeeeeee.

T: Ttyl.

And with that last text I went off the text app and checked the time.


How the hell did it get that late, I was already running late to meet Betty and Veronica at Pops and it takes me about 30 minutes to get ready.

God I'm a mess.

It started with a text - {Choni}Where stories live. Discover now