- Chapter 26 -

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Cheryls Pov

After we went upstairs and into her room, we made out for like 10 minutes, but the whole time the only person that was on my mind was Toni, no matter how much I tried to push her out of my mind, she just wouldnt go away. It got to the point where Heather wanted to take it even further, but I had never done... that before, and there was no way I wanted to do it with her. She started to run her hands at the bottom of my shirt and I kept trying to push them away, but she couldn't resist, so I ended up having to swat her hands away from me.

"What the hell Cher.." She moved backwards on the bed, shocked at my actions.

"I'm sorry...its just-." I started just to be interrupted.

"You've never done that before..." I looked at her uneasily, but she started to crawl back over towards me, causing me to lean back. "Don't worry, I'll go easy.." She slowly pushed me back over, causing me to lay on the bed as she straddled my waist, and started to kiss my neck. "I Love you Cheryl, you know that." She started to kiss my lips again, trying to let her tongue in my mouth as she played with my belt. I didnt want to be here, but there was no escaping. So instead i shoved her onto the floor.

"STOP!" I sat up straight as she pushed herself off of the floor looking at me confused.

"Fine.. I get it, you want to wait.." I stood up on the other side of the bed, grabbing my jacket.

"No.." She started at me and crossed her arms, looking madder than ever before.

"Im sorry..what?" I shifted uncomfortably in my spot, rubbing my arm.

"I dont want to do it with you..ever." She slowly started walking up to me, her arms crossed the whole time.

"You literally came to my house, upset, led me on then said you didnt want to be with me. What the hell is wrong with you, I thought you loved me.." She stood inches away from my face, as I slowly started to quiver in fear.

"I did...." She chuckled and then sat down on the bed, obviously upset.

"When I came to your house, after what happened, I thought we really rekindled what we had. You could have just told me you weren't interested instead of breaking my heart..." I stared at the floor, I couldnt bare to look her in the eyes, not after what I just did.

"Im..sorry." She stood back up in anger as I slowly moved closer and closer towards the wall, backing up the whole way there.

"I dont want to hear it Cheryl!" She stormed right up to my face and pushed me into the wall, instantly backing up after she realised what she just did. "Who is it..."

"What?" I rubbed my shoulder, in pain from what she did.

"Theres obviously someone else, otherwise you would be all over me right now." I didnt feel comfortable saying it was Toni after what she did.

"That doesnt matter-."

"Who is it Cheryl!" She threw a glass at the wall next to me, causing me to fall to the floor in fear.


"Just say it for gods sake!" She picked up another glass and threatened to throw it, causing me to say her name out of pure panic.

"Toni Topaz!" She put the glass down and just stared at me. "I was at the hospital with her, because she got stabbed, she lost her memory and freaked out at me and kicked me out...so I came here...." Heather walked over to the door and opened it.

"Get...out.." I look at her confused.

"Wait Heather... let me explain.."

"Get out before I make you!" I put on my jacket and slowly started to make my way through the door. "Nevermind... I think Im going to go speak to her myself, give her a piece of my mind." She stormed down the stairs, stomping her feet the whole way as I ran after her.

"Heather.. dont!" I walked over to her and grabbed her arm, causing her to turn and look at me, then snatch it away.

"You don't have an opinion anymore Cheryl." She went outside and got in her car and drove away, causing me to shrivel up in sadness on her doorstep. I didnt know what to do, so I texted the one person I knew who cared about her.

Cheryl: Get to the Hospital now! My ex is going there and I think she wants to like kill Toni.

While I waited for a reply, I looked at the text notification I got from Fangs a few minutes earlier.

Fangs: Its all fixed, she knows everything. She really is sorry, she just wants to apologise now.

I slammed my phone on the floor and started to cry, I fucked everything up, Toni really was sorry for what she did, I dont even know why I got so mad. She had obviously lost her memory, and I just needed to remind her of myself. But I did the stupid thing and got compulsive and went running to my ex, which was stupid of me.

My phone buzzed, which meant a reply from Sweetpea.

Sweetpea: Shit, I'm on my way.

Cheryl: Thank you.

Sweetpea: Are you coming?

Cheryl: I think I'll pass.

I slowly walked over to my car and just cried and cried and didnt stop.


A/N: Ok wtaf you guys are going crazy Im now on 4.1k reads and literally last chapter I was on 3.5k, I cant thank you enough. Plus, please go read my new story that I'm making, I enjoyed writing the first chapter woosh.

You guys are the best, tysm!

E x

E x

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