Chapter 1.

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HI, HELLO, HOLA, HALLO, BONJOUR, DIA DUIT, PRIVET. Mkayy google translate is starting to get all crazy on me...... ANYWAYS wuzzz up, welcome to CHAPTER ONE *says in Niall annoucers voice* i hope you guys enjoy it ;) OHHHH and please help me find a character for Baily (the main character OBVIOUSLY) anyways, ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

Baily POV

I left the beach and walked home avoiding stray beer bottles, shells, glass, and all that crap. Oh how rude of me, i'll introduce myself. My name is Baily, yes i have a last name but i don't normally use it since it's my father's and he was killed a year ago and it's a pretty sore subject for me. I have light brown chocolate hair that goes down in waves at the end and i dip died it so it has pink and blue (pic on the side, it's pretty badass) that stops about half a foot above my waste, i'm 18 years old, i like to sing and dance, I have grey/brown eyes a -weird color combination of you ask me but I love it since it's so different- i'm talkitive and crazy person once you get to know me, I have an older brother who is currently in college, I have the 4 best friends I could ever ask for, my mum's a sweetheart, my dad's gone, and I am currently on a life line. Yes a life line, but i'll talk about that later. Anyways back to the subject.

I arrived home and walked in to the smell of freshly baked pastries. My stomach quickly grumbled signaling that i haven't eaten all day. I walked to the kitchen and found my mum sitting down drinking coffee while reading the paper. She looked up and smile at me, 

"Hey sweeheart, were you at the beach again?" she asked.

I grabbed a pastry from the counter and nodded, "Yeah, I needed to clear my mind with everything going on." 

She furrowed her eyebrows, a flash of concern across her face "Are you feeling any better? I have some pain killers if you need some? Or is-"

"Mum i'm fine, I just really need a break. I mean I just got the news from the doctor that he could fix it but i'm still thinking about it. It's a pretty big option for me.." I interupted her. This was the thing about my mum, she was always very sweet, kind and gentle and always looking out for me. Thats why i really love her, but somethimes i just need my space.

She nodded closing the paper, "Oh right, well what DO you think about it? It can cure you big time and then you won't have to worry anymore. I know it's a big operation, but when you think about it, it would really help and you can go back to dancing which i know you love." she repiled.

"Yeah I know, I mean I would love to go back to dancing but i'm a bit scared because he said that if I lose too much blood during the procedure, there is a possibilty that I could go into rest and not wake up for a while." I said.

"Honey, remember he only said it's a slight chance that it'll happen. In fact he said it rarely ever happens, only one in one tenth. But he's done this like what? Hundreds of times everyday and he says none of the pacients have a problem. They're only tired and bed ridden for about a month then you're as good as new!" she responded with a comforting voice. 

"Mhmm, I know but like I said, i'm scared. It's a pretty huge deal." I acknowledged.

She pondered the thought for a moment and looked at me with her warm brown eyes, "Alright then, just think about it and tell me when you're ready. I'll be here for you no matter what, you know that."

I nodded and smiled at her gratitude. Again also the many things i love about her, she never fails to bring a smile upon my face. "Thanks mum. I'm gonna go upstairs and sleep, i'm knackered from today." I yawned. She nodded and looked at them time. 

"Oh good idea, I think i'll go to sleep to. It's already a quarter pass 11, and we're meeting the Tomlinsons tomorrow for dinner!" She exclaimed.

"The Tomlinsons? I haven't seen them in ages! Why are we going over?" I inquired. Suddenly a look of realization struck her face.

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