Chapter 5.

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Okay this is chapter five, if you haven't noticed.. so yeah enjoy.

Baily POV

Delilah pointed a shaky finger at Liam, "Y-y-you're Liam Payne." She stuttered. Adriana stood there frozen in place while Sam and Christina looked amused.

"Yeahh... Sooo Baily, introduce me to your friends." Liam said smiling.

Adriana turned her head at me, "FRIENDS?! You guys have met before? Holy crap, I must be dreaming. Someone slap my face."

Sam smiled evily and walked over and slapped Adriana's face. "OW. What the hell Sam?!" Adriana yelled.

Sam shrugged, "Oi, you asked for it." Adriana muttured a few colorful words under her breath and rubbed her cheek. 

I laughed at my friends and pointed them each in turn, "This, is Adriana." Adriana waved shyly and looked down. She has long dark brown hair that falls in beach waves down to the middle of her back and bright blue eyes and a smile that never leaves her face. She has a petite figure that every girl is jealous of AND she's just down right gorgeous.

Liam smiled her way and gave her a friendly hug. Thankfully she didn't faint because she looked like she was about to hyperventalate.

I continued one, "That's Delilah and Christina." Delilah simply stood there still gaping at him and Christina grinned. Delilah has dirty blonde hair that stops below her shoulders and sparkling mint green eyes. She has all the right curves and is so sweet to everyone. Christina has platinum blonde/white hair that falls in beautiful curly ringlets and stops in the middle of her back, she has light turqouise eyes, an amazing swimmers body, and a cheeky smile that comes in handy.

Liam made his way over and gave them friendly hugs also. When he hugged Delilah she squeaked and whispered, 

"I'm hugging Liam Payne. Liam Payne is hugging me. Holy mother of Thor." We all burst out laughing and Delilah blushed looking down.

Finally I pointed to Sam and smiled, "And this is Sam." Sam smiled and waved. She has blonde wavy hair that stops above her waist like mine and at the tips, she has it dip died a bright turqoiuse that lookes amazing on her. She has bright amber eyes that always show happiness and an amazing body guys love.

Liam blushed and gave her a hug that lasted a bit longer than the others. Way to make it obvious Liam.

Sam blushed also and looked at me, "So, why do you have us here?" I grinned cheekily at them,

"Well, as you see I am here with Liam Payne and the rest of the lads an-"

Adriana spoke up, "WAIT. THE OTHERS ARE HERE?!" I nodded like it was an obvious thing.

"Anyways, the boys have a red carpet thing tomorrow and need some partners with them. Soo, what do you guys say?" I questioned.

All of them nodded except Christina. I raised a questioning eyebrow and pulled her aside.

"Hey, what's up? You aren't usually like this.." I questioned. She shuffled her feet and took a deep breath,

"Well, ermm.... Oh God I don't know how to say this..." Christina stuttered. 

"Spit it out Chris!" I yelled getting impatient. 

"My parents just told me that we're moving and we leave TOMORROW!" She exclaimed. I stood there unable to speak and just stared at her. I was losing my bestfriend i've known since High School.

Christina looked at me with tears forming in her eyes, "Look i'm sorry, they just told me this today and I was going to tell you all tonight but I guess not..."  Her voice broke at the end. I walked over to her and pulled her in a hug.

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