i never knew why liked him part 3

11 2 27

at shool there was this girl namd jasmin and she was all like hey keish whats up then she twirled her hair and tryed to kiss him. i came up and slepped her and was like hey jasmin back of and she smoched kaish and i got super mad. jasmin laghed and sed ya know i am a black belt in karatee and she got into her fighting posishun and called me ovr. 

i saed well i no 1 direcchun and she was like woah man and she fell down in shok. yeah that right thoght and i startd to jump her. keish pulld me back and sed she is not wrth it and then pulld me in 2 kiss mee. i got med and shovd him away. NO KEISH YOU DONT DERSERVE ME AND THEN I PAWNCHED HIM IN THE GUTT AND HURrid away cryng.

i was so meeen to keish but he wood come crawling back soon... soon i wod rool tha world anjd be the bestest of the, al and kill thousands but firts i had to pass life classes. keish came and said hi why did you not inviyyte m,e 2 play tag with you later on and i said sorry i thought you need d tiome to cool down and he sad no i still love you am sorry dfof rkissung jasmin and then he kissed me!!!!!11~!!!

OMG THIS CHAPY WAS SOOPER LONG I HOPE YOU ALL LIKED IT ALSO LIKE AND FAVORITE AND FOLLOW ME THANKS I WILL GIVE YOU A SHOUTOUT OMG SOO GOOD OMG I AM SO PROUD OF ME!!1!!!!1!!!!! so thans 4 readin and be sure to leave a comment omg thx peopel u ar all the bestsest

broght 2 u by mlghwnt

i never knew why liked himWhere stories live. Discover now