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A/N I know most wont read this but im still a shabby writer so hey i gotta do this, anyways its in a process dont  judge if any thing you see to be copied from other books and i will see what i can do to change it
Aphrodite(one year ago)
I can't believe they just did that, did they? I don't know. My thoughts are all scrambled as my feet are eagerly hitting the floor as they run farther and farther away from that god awful place that I had just escaped.

Looking back only caused me pain as I see the lifeless body of my best friend laying on the floor covered in his and their blood. His last words still echoing in my head 'run aph! Don't stop even for me, I mean it just keep going until you're safe'. If only i had listened to him sooner maybe they would've stopped at him to chase me.But no as Isaiah fought them they both ended up losing but he lost so much blood there was no recovering.

So here I am running from my home, my best friend, and those out there to catch me.

Wilder(one year ago)

"What do you mean you're gonna stop paying the damn bill. We cant just give up now!" I scream in frustration at the one person I want to see least

"Don't you see Wilder its just not possible to keep doing this she's not waking up anytime soon and were going into debt" she talks back to me. I cant even look at her in the eyes right now. The woman who was supposed to protect us the one who promised to defend us. Now instead of my loving mother from two years back all I see is a deadbeat druggie

"The only reason we're in debt is because of your fucking drugs. Do you hear me it isn't the damn hospital bill its you". Done with this conversation i get up and march towards the door

"Wilder you don't know what I've been thr-"she tries but one last look before leaving I say

"Don't know what you've been through? we've been going through it together but you're to fucking selfish to notice" with that I slam the door and go to the one place that has always welcomed me. The underground.

Published aug 26 2018

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