Part 2

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Pic of Aphrodite Up Above~any suggestions for Wilder or other characters to come along in the story
Published sept 4 2018

Pulling into town I look around the area to see children playing at a nearby park while their parents talk among each other. Seeing this made me wonder if I would be like these children if my childhood were normal.

Scratching that though I look further down the road to see a Realestate agency. Parking my bike I go into the cozy little building to be greeted by a receptionist, She is a woman probably in her mid-late thirties. She's rapidly typing away on her computer when I interrupt her with a breif "Ahem"

"Oh! Sorry dear I did not see you there, Do you have an appointment with someone." She says

"Umm, no I do not have an appointment I was wondering if an agent here was available to talk about houses for sale in this town." I reply awkwardly looking around the building, The room I'm in is not that big to my left theres a couple of chairs and a small table holding a bunch of magazines available for anyone to read while waiting and behind the receptionists desk in the centre of the room there are two doors probably leading to offices of the agents.

"Oh right let me see, I have Mr.Loader Available in 5 minutes if you do not mind waiting. May I ask where your parents are, you do not look old enough to afford a home on your own."

"No you may not ask" I snapped at her tired of these useless questions she keeps asking.

"Ok, Just take a seat in the chairs there and Mr.Loader will come see you in once he is available."

taking a seat in one of these uncomfortable ass chairs I lean back and put my earbuds in listening to High Hopes by panic! at the disco looking back into my thoughts I think maybe this town might hold something special enough for me to stay. Nah.

Looking out the window next to the doors that I came through I see a group of boys outside across the street with what looks to be switch blades while surrounding one boy who was on his own. things like this are not abnormal to me so I dismiss this.

One thing stood out is how the boy in the middle of the group seemed to have more authority over the others as he sort of leaned against the streetlight pole watching the others torturing the lone one on the ground.

My thoughts are interrupted by a middle aged man who appeared in the door way. He has grey hairs blended in with his black ones, wearing circle glasses you would think this guy is auditioning to be an older version of Harry Potter in a sequel about his son.

"Hello, you must be the young lady Gretchen told me about. She mentioned you were young with no parents but you seem to still be a teenager. so tell me how I may be of assistance to you ms.?"

"Farman, Aphrodite Farman is my name and I am looking for a home to purchase or rent"

"Right well Aphrodite follow me to my office and we will see what I can do for ya."

Turning on his heel he heads towards the doors he came through I stand up following him with one last glance to the scene across the street to see the boy in the middle staring straight back at me and damn was it one good thing to see.

Going down the hallway I see that there are other doors leading to rooms occupied by other agents and their own clients until we reach a door that is 3 from the end.

When first entering the room you see a two comfy chairs infront of a L-shaped desk with a computer monitor in the corner and a round wheel chair behind it. As I took a seat in one of the comfy chairs Mr.Loader took a seat behind the desk pulling up something on his computer.

"So ms.Farman what is your preference, would you like to buy a home or rent one."

"Would it be possible to do a rent by-monthly?"

"Well lets see what is your price range and how many bedrooms?"

"I would like only one bedroom and a price range of 1000-1500 per month plus the cost of utilities"

"Ok this is very limited but there is one house on the farther side of the town, its fully furnished but has been empty for years, Despite this the area of town I don't think a girl on her own like you would prefer to be in. If you would like to see more suitable places you may want to expand your price range"

"How much is this place?"

"1200 per month but mi-"

"I'll take it" I say not letting him get the time or room to make any exceptions.

"Ok, Just sign here and do you have the upfront 1200 for this month?" He asks while I sign my name at the bottom of the monthly rent contract. I dig into my backpack and pull out an envelope with 1500 dollars in it. Taking out three hundred I hand the envelope to this man.

"Where can I get the keys and where is the location of this house?"

"Here I have them since the owner is my client and the house you are looking for is 562 pivot lane"  Grabbing the keys and thanking the agent I head back to my bike seeing that any evidence of the situation earlier had been washed away. Thinking back to the group of boys I shake my head and go towards my next destination. The high school.


Upon arriving at the high school I see students still leaving as hours had just finished when I notice the group of boys from earlier. Getting a better look at them they all were quite attractive. Each wearing their own customization of a leather jacket they stood in a circle chatting to each other and a couple of girls who some of the guys had their arms around. Leaning against the wall was the same dude from earlier.

He once again stood out from the crowd, From here I could see he had dark brownish hair and a nice tan, under his leather jacket he was wearing a grey hoodie and dark blue jeans. Once again he was staring at me.

Feeling like I was in a trance I didn't notice that all the other students had left the parking lot and his friends were too staring at me. Snapping out of it I walk past them and enter the building.

In the lobby there is a map of the school, I take note of where the main office and head my way there.

In the office theres a man behind the desk. "Hello, My name is Aphrodite Farman I called a couple of hours ago about enrolling here."

"Ah yes Ms.Farman The principal Mrs.Jenkins is waiting on you. Please head into the first door on your left." Thanking him and heading through his directions I Knock on the door.

"Come in." I enter

"Ah yes ms.Farman I assume."

"Yup that's me"

"Alright well lets get to your introduction"

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