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You sit in your new favourite position, legs curled up to your chest, at the end of the impossibly long dining table. You don't even dare to move your eyes from the mahogany wood as you swallow down the porridge that they had made for you for breakfast.

The awkward silence, only accompanied by the occasional clank of spoons on bowls and ticking of the old clock, create an incredibly tense environment. You are trying your best to move as little as possible, after all your years in that place you had adopted a prey like approach to situations. If you play dead, the predators wont chase.

In this case, the 7 boys staring at you from the other side of the table were the predators. In your eyes, they were all as unpredictable and unsafe as the next. You were just waiting for one of them to make a dangerous move.

Your not safe here. You should run now. Don't make the same mistake you did last time.

"So..." Namjoon is the first to break the silence, "Do we get the pleasure of knowing your name?" The boys all look up from their meals expectantly, causing an uncomfortable squeal to arise from your throat.

"uh...Y/N" you mumble under your breath.

"What?" Jin joins the conversation.

"I-its Y/N" you state louder this time, quickly glancing around at the boys for their reaction.

"Well, nice to meet you Y/N" Hoseok beams from across the room. "How old are you?"

"I'm 19" you become a little more confident in your words. "I lived in Busan, but now I guess I am here in Seoul..." You can't help but let tones of sadness shine through your sentence. It was true, you and your family had lived in Busan, but when you were kidnapped you had been taken here to Seoul and although the men who had taken you had never specified that this was where you were, you had over-heard multiple times through their arguments and drawn your own conclusions.

"I'm from Busan too!" Jimin's silky voice breaks your thoughts. You turn to him, surprised, to which her gives you a questionable smile. "it must be destiny that we met" His words ring through your ears painfully.

"Anyways, we were going to go out today Y/N" Namjoon returns, "Did you want to come with us?" You look at him confused, anxiety starting to return as you think about being out in public, especially with the wounds and bruises that practically covered your body.

Seeing your internal conflict, Yoongi pipes up. "Whatever is eating you right now, stop. Your safe with us okay?" Although his demeanour is uninterested in the conversation, you can feel he is being caring and trying to help you and you simply nod to him gratefully.

"If you want we can get Ice-cream when we are done?" Jimin chirps, trying to bribe you into coming.

Your eyes instantly widen at the mention of the cold treat, your entire body alert to the temptation. It's not just you that wants the treat, you notice Jungkook and Taehyung, who had been sitting silently next to each other and taking in the conversation, are now sitting up straighter than ever, eyes glued on their older brother.

"Really Hyung? Can we really?" Jungkook practically drools.

"Yeah Kookie-ah" Jimin laughs sweetly.

"Only if you finish your breakfast first" Jin sternly adds and you chuckle when you see Tae and Jungkook's emotions turn from excitement to pure disgust as they desperately attempt to finish the porridge sat in front of them.

"Okay, I'll come" you say quietly, cringing internally as soon as the words leave your mouth. This is gonna be a bad decision.

All of the boy's heads turn to you surprised, their spoons stop clunking as you scan their faces until finally your eyes land on Jimin, who is staring at you with an intense smile.

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