- feud -

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Jimin's POV 

"Hyung you can't be serious" you yell, your head resting in your hands as you sit at the table along with the other boys. 

After Y/N had ran to your room, you had all decided to go to sleep, however you had agreed amongst one another to get up early in the morning to discuss the obvious elephant in the room. 

What to do with Y/N 

Now you were currently in a heated argument with the rest of the group, as you all fought over the difficult situation. On one hand, everyone wanted to keep her safe, and make sure that she was okay, especially you, but on the other hand, none of you were very well-off in terms of money or living, and the reward on Y/N's head would definitely be helpful.

"We can't just keep her here Jimin!" Tae yells back, "She's a key piece to a 6 year investigation that blew up nation wide! There's even a book on the entire case!" You scoff at his remarks as he leans over the table towards you in anger. "How do you think that is gonna make us look if we are found keeping her here? We could be arrested for fucks sake" He rubs his face as he shifts, irritated in his chair. 

Taehyung had always been strong in his beliefs, it was something you had always admired, but the recent living situations and money income for the month had been particularly harsh, and eventually it had taken a toll on the boy. But it wasn't just him, every man who sat around the table was thinking the same thing. 

The news reporter last night had mentioned a large amount of money for any information concerning your welfare. So much so that even half of the offer could keep you and the boys going for at least a couple months. 

You know that he is just looking out for you guys, and trying to keep your sometimes dysfunctional family from becoming bankrupt all-together.  

You look to Jin and Namjoon for support, finding them sat at the head of the dining room table together and calmly watching over the heated argument like a mother and father would over their children squabbling. On either side of them sit Hobi and Yoongi, like the two older brothers that are sick of hearing the noise and look completely unimpressed with the useless fighting. At the end of the table sit the maknae line, who are by far the most vocal in the fight so far. 

"Hyung, how can you just let him say that? She's a person just like us, not just some goldmine waiting to be dug up!" The tone of your voice is higher than usually as you become more protective. 

"Jimin-ah..." Jin mumbles softly, "I know you are coming from a good place, but can we really afford another person to stay with us right now?"

"Hyung she has no where else to go, and you saw her, she is terrified of everyone and everything" You speak quieter now, almost remorsefully. 

"She's also worth a fuck ton" Yoongi blurts out nonchalantly, earning him a hard hit over the head from Jin whose facial expressions now mimic a disappointed, angry father.

"Yah! Min Yoongi you asshole, think don't speak" the eldest man scolds harshly, to which Yoongi simply scoffs, shooting you a look. 

"... I think we should keep her" Jungkook chirps quietly at the end of the table, nervous to share his opinion with the rest of the group. Everyone simply turns their heads to the young boy, causing him to shrink down into himself from the sudden attention.

"Shh Kook-ah, let the adults do the talking" Hoseok rebuts, swiping the hair out of his face, stressed. With that everyone at the table continues on with their previous task, leaving the raven-haired boy completely deflated of courage. 

"There's not a lot we can do" Hoseok speaks calmly, "You guys saw how skinny and sick she looked, not to mention the wounds and bruises all over her..." Everyone nods in agreement.

"She even had brandings on her" Jungkook adds, "One on her wrist and one on her chest. And she is obviously very mentally vulnerable, she kept looking at the clock for some reason."

"Guys, I dont want to over-exaggerate, but I cant have been the only one that saw she was covered in blood when we met her two nights ago, right?" Yoongi questions, bringing the memory back to everyone else's minds as well. 

"Now that you mention it, I still have her shirt" you say, quickly jumping up and retrieving the blood covered clothes from the laundry room after Y/N had changed out of them and changed into your loose fitting clothing. You lay them out on the table for everyone to examine, a mixture of shock, disgust and profound curiosity on everyone's faces as they see the deep crimson stains on the white shirt.

"D-do you think its hers?" Jungkook stutters, Hoseok lifting his hands over the table to cover Jungkook's eyes. "You dont think she did that to someone else do you? Like, to escape?" 

"No" you mutter back, not lifting your eyes from the soaked shirt, "She couldn't have... surely" 

"All the more reason to give her into the police!" Tae yells at you now, "We're probably housing a murderer!" You scoff at his ideology, sick of fighting with them all so early in the morning.

Suddenly you see something small move in your peripheral vision, almost completely unnoticeable, but it catches your eye. There, just silently watching and listening, leaning against the wall, is Y/N. 

"It wasn't my fault" the small, faint voice somehow breaks the senseless fighting, causing all of the boys to look up in shock at the feminine voice that just appeared.

You can see the pain she is experiencing as her eyes drift down and find themselves on the white and red stained shirt.

"It wasn't my fault..." she repeats again, a slight glisten in her eyes as she continues to glare at the item of clothing on display. 

You watch as she takes a large breath in, visibly summoning the courage to walk over to the table. Quickly and swiftly, she snatches the shirt off of the table, anxiously holding it close to her chest as she looks around at the now silent table of men. 

You can feel your heart drop as her eyes once again meet yours. 

She looks terrified, like a deer in front of head lights. 

"I know what I'm worth" she stutters, her eyes submissively making their way to Taehyung at the end of the table. "Especially to you all... But please, don't give me to those people" 

With that, she creeps back from the table, turning as fast as she can to exit the room. When the door swings shut, everyone is left with their mouths open. 

Slowly, everyone turns their heads to Jin, who is wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead from pure stress. Everyone's faces convey the same look of Well what do we do?

"Stop staring at me you lot!" He suddenly yells at the table, "I don't know what to do so stop staring at me! Namjoon and I need time to think" 

You simply sit, your heart still heavy as the memory of her pained expression runs through your head. 

"Table dismissed" Namjoon bluntly announces, simply waving his hands to signal he wants the rest of you gone. With that, you and the rest of the boys get up from the table, Yoongi and Taehyung mumbling under their breath as they walk away, leaving Jin and Namjoon to talk about the topic further. 

You're too young to let the world break you

- 김태형 -

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