- dinner -

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"Hey Jimin-ah? Y/N?" A distant call breaks both of you out of your silent pondering, "Dinners ready" You lift your head from your hands, sniffing the air to find the delightful smell of noodles, meat and vegetables floating around the room. You watch as Jimin's eyes light up, obviously he is more than excited to eat. 

You slowly jump up from your position in the corner of the room, waiting cautiously for Jimin to move first so that you can walk behind him to be safe. Moving quietly down the hall, you sniffle a little, your nose still runny and eyes still a little swollen from crying earlier on. This earns a reassuring look from Jimin, who turns his head to the sound you make and smiles warmly at you. 

By the time you get to the table, everyone is already seated, an awkward  silence arising as the two of you enter silently, causing the members to glance up at you from their meals. In front of them, lies an entire table full of food. Jin had obviously cooked up a storm for all of the boys, using the little amount of food he had to offer in the small apartment they all shared. 

You and Jimin shuffle to sit down next to each other at the table, as you move swiftly, you accidentally lock eyes with Taehyung who happens to be seated opposite you from the table. You look away quickly and immediately serve yourself a plate of food, scoffing it down as you feel the tension rise.

The boys are busy talking away as you eat your food defensively, slightly jumping anytime someone reached for the salt, or another helping of vegetables. Even though you are grateful to have the food, you cant help but become a little suspicious at the extravagant meal set out before you. 

These boys weren't at all well off, so why were they preparing so much food for you? Was this your famous last meal before the police arrived and shipped you off to the interrogation room forever?

"Enjoying the meal Y/N?" Jin cooes, his mouth full of food as he sits at the head of the table. 

"Ah, Y-yes. Its amazing, thank you so much" you respond quietly, head low. You still aren't comfortable talking with the boys after last night, when they all but chased you down the hallway after finding out your identity. 

"We are sorry about what happened yesterday" Namjoon begins in a soft tone, "We didn't mean to scare you or cause any more harm to the situation then is already present" You nod along to his words, still refusing to look up from your plate as he talks. 

"U-um its okay" you stutter, you can feel your hands shaking again from the mention of your situation, "I should have told you all earlier and I'm sorry" 

"Please don't apologise" Hoseok says. "It's not your fault"

"Yeah, you should just be thankful we all listened to Jimin when he practically begged us to go back and talk to you..." Yoongi mumbles through a mouthful of food. You look over to Jimin beside you, who is now completely flustered, his cheeks stained a peachy red as he attempts to laugh off his hyung's comment. 

You smile a little as you see his reaction. You were grateful for his actions, you couldnt have imagined if you would have even survived the night out there alone, freezing and covered in blood. Who knows what would have happened. 

"So tell us more about you Y/N" Tae's voice causes you to nearly choke on your food, causing you to turn and stare at the silver haired boy sitting directly in front of you in shock. "What's your story?" 

The rest of the boys are also turned to meet Tae's gaze, obviously not impressed by his straight forward question, especially knowing who you are and where you came from. 

"I don't think that's necessary, right Tae?" Jin speaks sternly to the younger boy, his eyes moving to you as he speaks and then back to Tae. 

"n-no, its okay" you fidget with your fingers, anxiety rising up from within you. Everyone turns to you in shock, even Tae is surprised by your response, "I guess I should tell you a little about myself..." 

You shift uncomfortably in your place, feeling every man at the table now lean forward with curiosity. You werent going to tell them much, just enough to satisfy their want to know. You flash Jimin a glance of fear from the corner of your eye, catching his worried and supportive look from beside you. 

You take a deep breath and continue, "I grew up with my mum, dad and sister. We were one of the wealthiest families in Busan, and I, um, I loved my life" You look around the table before continuing, "I came home to find my family, the walls of my family home stained with their blood, and them, lying there... I couldn't have ever imagined that I would find them like that but." you play relentlessly with the food on your plate to distract yourself from the devestating and painful memories flashing through your head. 

Move on. Don't think about it. 

You nod in agreement with your thoughts and move on, tears forming in your eyes as you picture your lifeless family in front of you. 

"I uh, I was taken, I don't know why but I was. And I always thought that maybe I would be saved, but no one ever came, so I stayed there with the people who murdered my family for 6 years, until I got free." 

A tear slips from your eyes as you lock eyes with Taehyung from across the table, a shameful and deep stare that tells him the exact pain you are feeling by sharing these things. 

"Everyday I woke up thinking I wouldn't live to fall asleep again. The torture was endless and extensive. I was nothing but a toy to them, and I don't think they ever thought I was anything more than a spoilt brat that deserved to be punished for being born into the situation I was born into." You look down at the branding on your wrist, your fingers running over it as you remember the night they had given it to you.

You take a deep breath as you try to calm yourself down, you are visibly shaking now, and each boy can see it. 

"It broke me to be there and to know that my family was gone." you mumble under your breath, "It broke me and I never understood why they didn't just kill me then and there." 

You clear your throat and return to hanging your head low, averting your eyes from every guy in the room as you finish speaking. It is clear that no one knows what to do or say in the situation, the room so silent that the only thing audible is now the clock hanging on the wall. 

"It's okay Y/N" you lift your head to hear a quiet but clear Tae speak, "You're with us now, we can help you" 

The rest of the boys solemnly nod along with his words, and you give your warmest smile to the boy. You had gotten off to a rocky start, but you were grateful for his kind words. He doesn't seem too bad after all. 

"Yah, would you look at that,  its almost 9 o'clock"

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