Chapter Four

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"Lance!" Mrs. McClain shouted, watching her son pack up his things, "Can we please talk about this?"

"No, Mama," he shouted back, shoving some money into his bag, "I'm going to see the witch and you can't stop me!"

"Why would you go see the witch, just to see you're made up merman boyfriend, tonto?" his older sister, Veronica, asked, sitting on the kitchen counter.

It had been a week since the incident with Keith, and Lance had not stopped talking about him. He would go into in-depth detail about his eyes and what he sounded like, always making a dreamy face and letting his oatmeal fall off of his spoon. His family had actually thought it was cute, until Lance began to describe his tail.

"Because, la queja,"Lance snapped back, "He's not made up and I want to see him again," He was having enough of his family talking like Keith wasn't real. He does one stupid thing, and now they all pay attention to him, then they start mocking him when he starts talking about someone he likes.

"Even if he is real, why are you going to see the bruja?" Veronica snapped back, fear at the woman in her eyes.

Truth be told, Lance had been trying other ways to get to Keith, but they hadn't been working. He went down to the beach everyday to try and see him, but he never showed, like he didn't even want to see Lance anymore. Lance even tried swimming out to sea to find him, but he couldn't and had to be pulled out by his ears by his mom.

"Because he won't come and see me, so I have to see him," he whispered, zipping up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

"But the witch?" Veronica repeated, getting more and more anxious every time the witch was mentioned.

"Yes, I'll need some sort of magic to get out to sea," Lance mumbled, heading towards the door. He had a goal, and nothing would keep him from it.

"Just, please be safe, mijo," his mom said, grabbing his arm and giving him a long hug. Lance wrapped his own arms around her neck and buried his face into the top of her head.

After a minute, he let go and walked out, not even sparing the rest of his family a glance. He didn't want to see the looks on their faces and decide to stay back. Truth be told, he was scared to see the witch, Haggar.

She had come to town a few years earlier, seeming to come in out of nowhere one night. Quickly, she got a reputation as the local witch, when she was caught brewing potions in her hut. Anyone who made a deal with her would disappear, but a select few would emerge safe, whatever they wanted in their grasp. If anyone was going to help Lance, it was her.

The walk to her hut was a long one, but one that Lance made without a second thought. All he had to do was follow the cliff line for a few miles and he would be there, but it was still a long way. He had left his house at ten in the morning, but he finally got to the small, creepy hut at noon.

It was small, barely large enough to fit a small bedroom in, but had so many things in the yard. Dark green vines swirled around the dark oak walls of the hut, making it look tattooed. Bright purple flowers bloomed around the perimeter of the yard, making a large circle around the whole place. The faint smell of rubber and leather came from the inside, black smoke curling out of the chimney.

Lance quickly knocked on the purple door, anxiety eating at his insides. "Hello, is anyone there?" he asked, stepping back from the door.

After a moment, a gravelly voice spoke from the other side. "What is it you desire, young one?" it asked, sending shivers down Lance's spine.

Lance swallowed the lump of anxiety in his throat and answered. "I wish to once again see the face of the merman who saved me,"

Immediately, the door swung open and Lance got an eyeful of the witch, Haggar. White hair and a purple hood obscured her face, but the bottom was pale, pale enough to nearly look purple. Red markings came down her chin in points, like bloody tears. The hood she wore extended to a plain, purple robe that went down to the floor, covering most of her up. This was the one person Lance had hoped he would never see.

"Come in, child," she said, her voice more airy and hollow than before, "If you wish to see him,"

Lance stepped into the hut and was amazed at the sheer size of the inside. It definitely looked a lot larger on the inside than it had on the outside. Shelves that were filled with all sorts of things, from potion bottles to books, lined the walls, in a disorderly fashion. A cauldron sat in the middle of the room, thick, black smoke rising from the bubbling liquid inside. There was no bed, nor was there a place to rest at all, making Lance wonder if this woman ever slept.

"Dear, you said you wanted to see a merman that saved your life," the witch said, reaching up to grab a book from one of the shelves, "You wish to find him?"

"Yes," Lance said, urgency in his voice, "I want to see him and thank him for what he had done and maybe, I don't know..." He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck and looking to the floor. He didn't want to admit that he had fallen in love with someone he had only talked to once.

"You wish to court him?" the witch said, a small smirk on her lips, "I can do this for you,"

At that, Lance's head snapped up, his eyes wide. "You can!?" he exclaimed, excitement taking over his whole body.

"Of course," Haggar said, looking at Lance with a hunger, "but nothing comes for free," She thought back to all the times she had gone down to the sea and heard this young man singing. He also talked so much, filling the ears of anyone nearby. A nasty idea spread through her head and she smiled evilly, turning to her cauldron.

"What do you want?" Lance asked quickly walking over to her, "Name it and I'll pay it,"

Haggar smiled even wider at that, making sure to keep it hidden beneath her hood. "I'll need your voice to make sure the spell works properly,"

Lance didn't even think twice. "Okay, how do we get it out?" The very thought of being able to see Keith again made his heart flutter and his mind cloud beyond all rational thought.

Haggar turned towards him and raised her hand. A lump formed in Lance's throat and he tried to swallow it, but it just came up, like a ball in his mouth. He opened it and spit it out, seeing a floating orb right in front of him. It was wispy and colored a lovely shade of light blue, small songs in Spanish coming from it.

He opened his mouth to remark how pretty it was, but nothing came out. He frowned, but kept watching as Haggar put it into a bag and began to chant.

"Caelum spirituum, turn puero isto in mari usque ad aequare unus de creatura diligit!" she yelled, summoning a ball of purple light that hit Lance square in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

When the spots cleared from his vision, he realized that it was a whole lot sharper and that everything was so clear. Looking down, he saw a lovely tail, the scales blue and sleek, with accents and gill flaps splayed out all over it. Looking up towards the polished side of the cauldron, he saw that his hair had turned white and light blue markings were on his cheeks, just like Keith's had been.

He silently cheered, happiness and excitement coursing through his veins. He was so happy, he almost missed Haggar's warning.

"You have until the end of the week to get him to kiss you, and you will be with him forever and your voice will return," she said, a wicked grin across her face, "If not, you will be my silent servant for the rest of your days,"



tonto: idiot/stupid

la queja: bitch

bruja: witch

mijo: son

Hope y'all enjoyed!

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